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2.5 assassin tanks


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Ok got a question here is there a calculation alrdy for the new changes to see what stats we gotta aim for and is it still shield absorb more or do we go for def now?


At this point i cant rly tell were to go with the new things i still gotta get used to it and tonight is the 1st ops run with this ( buff ) i dont rly feel like im buffed so far with the standard fps and dailies etc cause i gotta get used to the fact self heals are gone were it normally creeps up it goes down wich is weird to me cause on certain fight i never dropped below 90% ( solo stuff ) were now you will see it going down and down, i do feel like were less spikey though but i need to see the numbers from parses 1st to be sure there.


What i have read so far its so mixed cause of pve and pvp players ( gave up assassin tank pvp when we got nerfed to the node guards ) was kinda hopeing this would change things but i doubt it .

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Nothing changes as far as defensive stats imho, you still goes Absorb>shield>defense.


For me I have currently something in the regions of 1200 Absorb, 900 Shield and around 400 Def but im not geared up fully yet.

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Nothing changes as far as defensive stats imho, you still goes Absorb>shield>defense.


For me I have currently something in the regions of 1200 Absorb, 900 Shield and around 400 Def but im not geared up fully yet.


Think you might wanna switch some absorb out for defense yo.

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thnx but ye so same numbers.


Run hm ops with it and this is not a buff yes we are less spikey but we need more heals, great i dont know who to thank for this BW or the ppl on the forums who screamed nerf on the pts but thank you for this fcked up buff. i preffer the spike but self heals over this anyday cause im harder to heal now yes it could be that im not fully adepted to this new thing but still as a tank i feel better to be easyer for healers so they have breathing room for other ppl heals

Edited by NrDLeipe
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Here's another assassin tank question.


I've only noticed this post-2.5, but for all I know it existed before the Dark Charge changes; When my assassin tank is affected by the armor buff from a Sorc / Merc healer, I only receive a 4% armor boost.


With Dark Charge active, my character sheet reads 7970 armor.

With Resurgance / Advanced Medical Probe's 10% armor buff, I have 8289 armor.


The game is currently calculating armor rating as:


(Base Armor * Dark Ward) + (Base Armor * 10% Buff) = Total Armor


Shouldn't it be calculated as (Base Armor * Dark Ward) * 10% Buff + (Base Armor * Dark Ward) ?


As a result of the non-interaction between Dark Ward & Resurgence, it is less effective at healing assassin tanks than PT / Jugg tanks, since it provides a lesser relative damage resistance increase.


Does anyone know whether this behaviour is intentional, or should I start writing up a bug report?

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It looks like a bug, or at least an unwanted interaction of the bonuses, to me. Soresu Form and Ion Gas Cylinder both increase armor by 60%, and the 10% buff there would increase that rating to 170% of the base, whereas Combat Technique / Dark Charge would take us from +150% to +160%, taking us to 260% of the base. Since even with the CT/DC boost our Armor Rating will be lower than that of the other 2 tank types, this does definitely short-change us. However, BW may consider this "balanced" since we tend to defend more attacks than the other 2 do.


The "fairer" thing to do would be to change this buff to a flat DR increase of about 1.5% regardless of armor rating.

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After finding some random tanks around the fleet and using the inspect player ability to verify the effects of my heal, I found that both Vanguard & Guardian tanks got a 5.6% armour buff, while non-tank classes get the full 10%.


Apparently there is no interaction between the heal and tank stances, I'll go post a thread in the bug report forums.

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After finding some random tanks around the fleet and using the inspect player ability to verify the effects of my heal, I found that both Vanguard & Guardian tanks got a 5.6% armour buff, while non-tank classes get the full 10%.


Apparently there is no interaction between the heal and tank stances, I'll go post a thread in the bug report forums.


It isn't a bug. This has been around for a long time. The armor buff is additive with stance, and other talented buffs to armor rating. Thus, tanks get the lowest absolute change but the highest in a relative (multiplicative) sense. Classes with no armor buffs see a straight 10% addition, which is a higher absolute value but lower relative.


Short form: not a bug. The fact that shadows get less value from the heal is definitely annoying, and worth considering when min-maxing a group. But this too is not a bug, and has been in game since day one.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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If he has the fortunate redoubt relic, then that actually sounds pretty close.


I do! and that adds another 165 to the defence budget with the 550 relic if you times by 6 then divide by 20 to get an average effect. Am I right?


Personally I dont go in for having a set for each raid, Since shield is pretty much set in stone, the most you can get is 940 unless you took augments but that is not a great idea imho, so it's all down to shield vs absorb and for me i think the roughly 1:3 def/abs ratio at this point not including relics is pretty stable for both altho probably a bit more so for Palace than Fortress given that theres more Force/tech in there

Edited by Botho
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