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Strafe not working at all


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Hello Community,


Starfighter sounded like fun to me so I just bound my keys like that


Stafe Left = A

Stafe Right = D

Strafe Up = W

Strafe Down = S


So, when actually flying my starfighter none of these keys do respond, as if the strafe functionality was not implemented.


Only can steer whit the mouse and rolls left/right with Q and E.


Any solutions?




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Hello Community,


Starfighter sounded like fun to me so I just bound my keys like that


Stafe Left = A

Stafe Right = D

Strafe Up = W

Strafe Down = S


So, when actually flying my starfighter none of these keys do respond, as if the strafe functionality was not implemented.


Only can steer whit the mouse and rolls left/right with Q and E.


Any solutions?





The keybinds are different for GSF. They are mentioned in the tutorial:


W = Accelerate

S = Decelerate

A = Roll left

D = Roll right


Q does nothing. E should target the person in front of you.


You can change these keybinds. It sounds like you changed Q/E to be Roll left and right.


"Strafe" only applies to the ground game / the old space missions.

Edited by Bstr
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no i dont think it works as intended...


i expect my spacecraft to strafe like my char on ground does.

When I press A for a sidestep to the left, my char steps left.


When I press A in space combat, I expect my spacecraft to yaw to the left. Since we are in space where yaw doesnt exist, I expect it to fire some thrusters and actually do a sidestep to the left (the way how strafe works in games normally). But pressing the assigned key, simply does *nothing* at all.


There is no ship movement when pressing the strafe keys. It should move like my char on ground, or should it not?

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You can change these keybinds. It sounds like you changed Q/E to be Roll left and right.


"Strafe" only applies to the ground game / the old space missions.


Yeah I was going to post something sililar, beat me too it. I'd recommend the op reset his starfighter keybind to default and start over.


However I'm fairly certain there are strafe buttons as well, I think they're shift A and D by default. Not sure, just going by memory from last night but I do remember seeing them in the keybind options under the starfighter tab.

Edited by Ridickilis
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"Strafe" only applies to the ground game / the old space missions.


and then why are they located in the newly added GSF key-bindings options panel?


So that means there is no strafe as you know it from FPS games in the starfighter missions?

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i expect my spacecraft to strafe like my char on ground does.


Here's your problem. Spacecraft work in a 3 dimensions, The problem that you are having isn't strafting, its you.


Stafting works. It is very subtle and not apparent when moving, but it is there. Stop your engines, then HOLD DOWN the straft combo. You will see that it does work.

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no i dont think it works as intended...


i expect my spacecraft to strafe like my char on ground does.

When I press A for a sidestep to the left, my char steps left.


When I press A in space combat, I expect my spacecraft to yaw to the left. Since we are in space where yaw doesnt exist, I expect it to fire some thrusters and actually do a sidestep to the left (the way how strafe works in games normally). But pressing the assigned key, simply does *nothing* at all.


There is no ship movement when pressing the strafe keys. It should move like my char on ground, or should it not?


No, it's a space ship.

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Yeah I was going to post something sililar, beat me too it. I'd recommend the op reset his starfighter keybind to default and start over.


However I'm fairly certain there are strafe buttons as well, I think they're shift A and D by default. Not sure, just going by memory from last night but I do remember seeing them in the keybind options under the starfighter tab.


yes, strafing would actually allow to move directly in all directions up/down/left/right - like a real word satellite can do.


I rebound my spacecraft keys to match my keys of my ground char, who strafes on A and D.

Problem still is: ship doesnt react in any form to these strafe buttons, despite the fact i just bound them to do so in the newly added starfighter key bindings menu.

Only controls that work are Q E for roll and the mouse for looking around

Edited by vanarlen
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No, it's a space ship.


Exactly. Space ships can move in any direction. just fire some thrusters on the left/right side and go in the oppsite direction of where u fired the thruster. Set acceleration to 0, fire thruster on the left, ship goes right, in a straight line. basic space physics :p


Edit: Also, this is Star Wars! They wanna tell m they build spaceships that only can go forward????

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You make light Strafing as you travel by steering with the mouse, BUT the most effective way to turn when you want to turn quickly is to Roll and Pitch, for example you want to turn left you roll your left wing down 90deg and Pitch upwards aka fly up.


As long as you dont get bogged down with what is up and what is down, it doesent apply in space your fine.


Also deccelerating helps "S" to make tighter banking turns.

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This is working, it just doesn't feel like it is working. The strafe movement is minimal. try this click the tutorial button, in the tutorial fly your ship next to some asteroids and kill the engines (x key) or just cut speed enough that your barely moving. now use your strafe keys. you should see the ship moving relative to the stuff around you but it moves very slow. So seems to work, just don't know how useful this is in a dogfight. Maybe if you are trying to park in a certain space and snipe.
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