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Right mouse button does not funtion properly


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I press right-mouse, and the ship stops and zooms. I press it again and it zooms back out. It never does anything besides that. It NEVER FIRES. Do understand my point?


I suggest you read Dulfy's guide: http://dulfy.net/2013/11/15/swtor-galactic-starfighter-new-player-guide/


Gunships zoom with their right mouse. Once zoomed in, they use the left mouse to fire the Railgun.

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  • 10 months later...
Right mouse does not fire secondary weapon. It stops my ship and zooms. Pressing it again zooms me back out. Anyone else?


I keep having this problem, my wife says it's ok for a man of my age, I don't agree. Maybe I need pills.




I wish you could aim missiles like this, that way the lockon time would be used in a constructive way, looking at all the nice scenery and not just flying in circles.

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