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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pétition !!!! Saber Throw To LvL 18 Not LVL 36


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To what point and purpose might I ask? Saber throw, while looking incredibly cool, serves little use in actual leveling due to its range restriction, in fact outside of your opener, it serves no purpose in your rotation until you get to the endgame and can pick up the setbonus to remove the 10m restriction on it (lvl55) Your interupt is a far more important ability to get early as is force choke. Saber throw is fine at 36
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And if you tank, Saber Throw is rather useless even on endgame since is too weak threat wise, you can't start a pull with it, and then when you have the boss' crotch in your face, well, doesn't work either because of its range limit :D


But most people go Saber Throw > Force Leap/Charge. So they mostly don't have the restriction. also, does the setbonus work for all juggs or is it Tank only? I cant log into the game to check so, yea.

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But most people go Saber Throw > Force Leap/Charge. So they mostly don't have the restriction. also, does the setbonus work for all juggs or is it Tank only? I cant log into the game to check so, yea.

Not sure what you mean with setbonus working for all jugs. The pve set bonus for tanks do not have modifier for Saber Throw range.


If the dps wait, you can open with Saber Throw, Charge, smash, etc,... but if they don't , you have 2 weak abilites in terms of threat. But (if you are puggin) you're lucky if the dps dont pull ahead, let alone wait 2 globals for you to be in the middle of the mob tanking it.

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I think this is a symptom of the jugg Iand guard) development during it's leveling curve. I remember even during beta people were saying that the jugg/guard had a gap early in its growth...it was a "slow starter". after playing most the other classes I can safely say that....not to mention the dozens of threads I've read about people coming to the jugg class after playing other classes and complaining about the jugg feeling "weak" in early levels.


While most of us jugg lovers have learned to tolerate it, it's not something that we should just accept IMO. this thread is a symptom of that. so question is, how do we juggle the skills to make early leveling smoother?


discussing end game "boss" fighting is largely irrelevant, as this is about getting it earlier in the curve. and I can tell you...at lvl 18 or 20, juggs can use all the extra skills they can get. saber throw would be one more skill thats useable during a low level pull that we don't have right now.


But either way, I think we need to shuffle some skills around. most our really beneficial skills are at higher levels, when they don't have to be:


1) our execution style skill is at lvl 46. assassins get theirs in their 30's, and snipers at 18! this skill is a huge QoL boost for solo play, and a great DPS addition in group play. we dont' get ours until were almost done with the leveling. I didn't realize how nice this was early on until i leveled a sniper


2) one of our primary AoE skills, sweeping slash, is 32. early jugg tanks suffer allot from lack of AoE. this could also be moved up. PT's have 3-4 AoE skills to tank with before their 20's, Assassins are similar to juggs (though their early AoE is better due to lower CD and regular application), but they do get their second big AoE at 26, and a third in the tanking tree.


3) we are one of the few classes with skills that have close range limitations, making them less effective no matter when we get them.


I think the easiest solutions are (not all are needed, these are just brainstorming ideas):


1) move a skill earlier up in the tree. either Sweeping Slash, or Saber throw, or Vicious throw. personally, i prefer vicious throw. huge QoL addition that could be earlier... it's position is irrelevant if they scale damage appropriately.but any of those would work just fine. I really feel like my juggs (have more then one) are missing a skill early on. and at end game we are almost bloated, so moving a few up wouldn't kill us.


2) eliminate the silly close range limitations. on a ranged class I can see the logic...but on a melee class its simply irritating. both leap and throw should be 0 - 30 period. they can change our set bonus (which in current form is too necessary for the class. leap at least would be a little funky at 0 feet, but there isn't any reason why saber throw can't be 0 +.And on a shorter CD. 20s would almost be perfect.

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Everything is in the title :p


No, no, no. JUST NO. I think that saber throw should stay at what level it is. What is it with people wanting everything at the lower levels? If we do that, then we won't have anymore skills to look forward to in our higher levels. How did you think of this idea? :mad:

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How did you think of this idea? :mad:


Now that's a silly question. it's easy to figure out how he thought of this idea. the Jugg has always been a slow growing class. What the means in simple game play is they feel weaker early on due to lack of damage/utility/mobility etc. This is a feeling and has infused the class since beta. and it's pretty obvious when you look at the skill layout why. most our important skills are higher up.


The class is also often tagged as "bloated" in the upper levels...too many skills doing too many things. I personally love the class (3 juggs and a guard myself), but I do (and did) feel the lack at lower levels. there is absolutely no reason why they can't migrate a single skill to the late teens/early twenties to compensate.


When i started my sniper (finally got around to doing one) I was totally shocked that they got their execution skill at lvl 18! and its awesome at that level as well. but we don't get ours until.....46? Many people have said that the sniper/slinger is the most "balanced" spec out there (aside from the too high damage levels at 55), and I can understand why now that I play one. the skill distribution is much better balance then a juggs. were simply top heavy on skills, that's about it.

Edited by Elyx
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