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New Companion Idea -- Tamed Beasts


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As companions to me are simply pet classes, why not add a literal pet for the next companion.


Perhaps the beast would simply share your level rather than relying on gear, making it a great leveling companion. Obviously it would be incapable of crew skills, but maybe it could increase your stealth detection or provide a visible aggro radius for when you are to close to mobs.


As for gaining affection, I know my dog will eat pretty much anything, so I assume all gifts would be well liked.

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Smugglers already got that... Bowdaar the wookie.

Sith Warrior already got that.... the Talz

Jedi Consular already got that... Quzen the Trandoshan



I was thinking something more along the lines of the giant cats or that 6-legged thing at the end of the Cocoloid Wars.

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But then what happens when I am on fleet with my giant cat, and I run into you with your 6-legged thing, and our pets start fighting and making a ruckus? Actually, that might be fun!




It is a neat idea, although I am not sure if having these sorts of pets really fits into the Star Wars theme. Maybe it does, but I can't think of any examples of 'pets' other than droids in the Star Wars movies/stories. Can you think of any?

Edited by Robinator
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But then what happens when I am on fleet with my giant cat, and I run into you with your 6-legged thing, and our pets start fighting and making a ruckus? Actually, that might be fun!




It is a neat idea, although I am not sure if having these sorts of pets really fits into the Star Wars theme. Maybe it does, but I can't think of any examples of 'pets' other than droids in the Star Wars movies/stories. Can you think of any?


Styrak has a dragon, Hutts have rancors/other beasts, the geonosian beast handlers had an acklay, a reek, and a nexu. Real problem is, these things are all too big to fit in most places. The kind of think you're thinking of is a kath hound, or an akk dog, a manka cat, etc.

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