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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hardmode queue time!


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no your wrong


The healers not pulling

The tank leaps in (or dps jumps shoots ahead) and they blitz the healer befopre healer does a single action


this has been going on for months


And is the reason healers get so upset about bad dps who do not pay attention to whats going on


The healer would have to be performing some kind of action in order to generate the threat needed to make mobs target him/her.


Gaining a new buff generates threat (eg, Shielding someone or refreshing class buffs), and of course healing someone generates threat. The threat generated from gaining a buff is very minute but in situations where the tank has only leaped in and attacked one target or is using an LOS pull. The threat generated from gaining a buff is 100% more than the 0 threat the tank has produced on the mobs the tank has NOT attacked.


In the case of hardmodes, simply using an opener followed by a single aoe attack, tab targeting to any mobs that are still at 100% hp or are targeting someone other than the tank and attacking them with single target abilities will usually prevent healers from exceeding the threat the tank has generated or simply generating threat on mobs the tank has NOT generated threat on.


AoE taunts are great for getting a bad pull back under control but you MUST always attack every mob in the pull after you've aoe tauned the mobs. The AoE taunt will force the mobs to attack you and give you a small lead over every other party member but depending on who the highest on the mob's threat list is. That lead might be very small. Following up an aoe taunt with a series of attacks prevents anyone, like the healer from exceeding the threat you have gained from the aoe taunt.


Assuming a healer does exceed or is simply the only person producing threat on a mob, you can just as easily grab it back with one to two attacks. Depending on how long you've let it beat on the healer. The longer the time, the greater the number of attacks required.


It's also a good idea to remember that people who are at a greater distance from the mob have a higher threat threshold. It's usually best that the ranged stay ranged and guard the highest damage dealing or threat producing dps.Special consideration for Vanguards and Watchmen spec sentinels, one uses a lot of high threat abilities shared with tanks, the other produces healing threat on top of existing melee damage. Both should be attacking from melee range and have a lower threshold for pulling agro.


Otherwise you can just guard the one you see the most when you tab target through the mobs you're tanking.

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