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Future UI enhancements?


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Way way back at the guild summit, before the new mostly customizable UI came out, and even right up to after it came out, there was a lot of talk about seeing how it worked, and then working to continue to make it better, but other than a few major bugs that have come up, and cool down sweeps customization, which were early on, there hasn't been much improvement, on the player side at least, of the UI or its feature set. Has this been abandoned or are the plans going forward to continue to work with player feedback and improve the UI?


Don't get me wrong, I think the UI is mostly great now, but there are certainly some improvements I'd like to see, such as:


Better Heads-Up customization, including DOT/HOT timers, Debuff/Debuff Type monitoring, and Proc Alerts - This seems to be the UIs functionally weakest point right now, there is no easy way to follow these other than starting at UI frame icons, which makes it harder to follow the action.


Companion UI and Quickbar - You can't customize the order of abilities on the quickbar nor the companion bar, and, at least in my opinion, most of them have two not very useful abilities listed on the bar, personally I'd love to put stances/HK's special attack on that bar. Additionally, the companion bar still tries to slide off screen when you join a group, which is annoying in groups of 3 when you are the one trying to have the companion out, and/or if your UI is setup in a way where it winds up behind other UI elements. This feature should at least have a toggle.


Those are my biggies, I'm sure other players have other things they'd like to have control over, like colors, or maybe just a better GTN interface. Share what you'd like to see improved with the UI, maybe we can get some Dev action and fruition.

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