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@Eric Musco: About Cyber_ _ _ _ _


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We all know who he is in solo que ranked by now, I am not going to write his full name or class. We know he leaves ranked warzone arenas on purpose, we know he stays stealthed or afk in a corner on purpose and laughs at his teamates who try to win 3v4 because he is the 4th teamate and always not participating. This player ques non stop only to enjoy watching people lose by handicapping his team on purpose. Matchmaking allows him to remain in que and matches nonstop with any rating group because it doesn't work properly. The question is, why has Bioware not implemented a proper policy to report these kind of players who que just to troll and make their team lose on purpose? This is trolling and griefing and assisting the enemy team. There are no consequences and no repercussions in place for these players and they are going haywire being unchecked. There is no way that a person will get X reports against them for leaving game/afk before their account is looked into. Something needs to be done. Video proof is not necessary, you can just ask general chat on POT5 Imperial side, they all despise this person. Vote to kick does NOT work for these kind of players, they use 1 ability to stay from being kicked, then go hide in a corner or stealth again and do nothing on purpose. Players on the server go as far as even leaving matches now when he is on their team because he is a waste of time by hiding the whole match, all rounds, as well as annoying and causes others to start leaving matches in a chain reaction. Your system is not fully functional in removing the weeds from the grass.


Please take action ASAP to improve your ranked system.


Tl;DR - People are abusing the ranked system and making a mockery out of it by staying in a corner or stealthed and afk on purpose to make certain people lose on purpose, matchmaking isn't working, needs to be a report button for players frequently afking in arenas (X amount of reports pends an investigation which can lead to a temp ban, ect...)

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I support this thread. The unnamed person is notorious for the ridiculous behavior as described, and people on either teams in a solo ranked match sigh with frustration when they see him pop up in the game.


Assume that there has been an abundance of in-game tickets submitted to report his behavior, but he is still here doing the same thing day in day out.

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I actually won a match with him/her/it on my team...


My assassin just finished rehabilitation for his back today.



You also forgot to point out even when he does try, as soon as things look grim, he/she/it will re-enter stealth and hide until sudden death. So, he just ends up wasting the othet team's time as well.


I definetly support this thread as well. No one should have to tolerate this kind of bull ****.

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Bioware response to this will be,


"We need more subs, so therefore a system where a person gets kicked or voted out of playing PVP will end in a cancel of a sub, therefore sorry but we won't implement nothing due to the cash flow we need to maintain cartel and space PVP."


My point?


Nothing you can do about it, its his/her account and since there is no repercussion for quitting losers we never will get the justice this game deserves.


/end thread

Edited by Makavelithug
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He also is the assassin that does 1v4's by abusing phase walk during the acid phase. Never happened to me, but I saw him do it to another team, then happened to someone I know on mumble. I even told him what was going to happen but he couldn't stop it. Edited by Megatfx
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The fact that this guy does this kind of crap nonstop and still gets matched with half decent players is bulletproof that the matchmaking system is crap.


Prolly the guy in charge of matchmaking is the same one that is in charge of concealment operatives.

Edited by Laforet
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Might just be a dumb idea...but if he stays in the match and your able to communicate with the other team. Get him killed off, and maybe, just maybe the other team will play a player short. If you take the "fun" out of his little game he will go away. Like I said...might be dumb...
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Nothing could or should be done about cyber yet because he has actually won 1v3s in the acid. He is not throwing games on purpose even if what he is doing probably won't work. What needs to be fixed is phase walking during acid.

As long as sins can miss a whole wave of acid, what he is doing is viable for a good sin. Not saying I want cyber on my team or even a good sin who wanted to attempt this, but it's also a problem with the game. If they change it where he can't phase walk during acid, and he still pulls this ****, then you could definitely make a more compelling arguement, but even then I know of player who would constantly through games and really there is nothing much you can do about it.

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Nothing could or should be done about cyber yet because he has actually won 1v3s in the acid. He is not throwing games on purpose even if what he is doing probably won't work. What needs to be fixed is phase walking during acid.

As long as sins can miss a whole wave of acid, what he is doing is viable for a good sin. Not saying I want cyber on my team or even a good sin who wanted to attempt this, but it's also a problem with the game. If they change it where he can't phase walk during acid, and he still pulls this ****, then you could definitely make a more compelling arguement, but even then I know of player who would constantly through games and really there is nothing much you can do about it.


In multiple matches he just stays stealth the whole time doing absolutely nothing until acid. That is not helpful at all. He is pretty much playing in spectator mode and making people lose on purpose.

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I played Solo Q for the first time last night.


Dunno how you ****s stand for it. Get a team together and Queue 4's.


I've checked the Solo Q Mumble intermittently over the course of the last week and not a single person besides Alba has been in it.


There's a mumble for solo q?

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Has he ever actually won a match like that? I'm curious.


According to one person in this thread, he has...



Also...I wonder if he was that sin that tried to win via a pull into the acid when it was just him and my jugg left...


Rage won the round.

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Bioware response to this will be,


"We need more subs, so therefore a system where a person gets kicked or voted out of playing PVP will end in a cancel of a sub, therefore sorry but we won't implement nothing due to the cash flow we need to maintain cartel and space PVP."


My point?


Nothing you can do about it, its his/her account and since there is no repercussion for quitting losers we never will get the justice this game deserves.


/end thread


This. Watch out MLG/e-sports, here comes the cutting-edge competitive wave of the future!

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