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Elite Analysis: Stormtroopers


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Well another Analysis thread, this time looking at the Stormtroopers, the most recognizable symbol of the Galactic Empire! This will also be the basis for looking at the specialized Stormtroopers, the elite within the elite. Funny..this also makes the Imperial Guard, the elite within the elite within the elite. Anyway...to begin!



"The clone troopers, now proudly bearing the honorable rank of Imperial stormtroopers, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting our enemies on the front lines. Many have died in their devotion to the Empire. Imperial citizens would do well to remember their example."


―Emperor Palpatine during the Declaration of a New Order




By the end of the Clone Wars, Clone Troopers were turned into Imperial Stormtroopers and without their Jedi Generals they were able to 'cut loose' and brutally enforce the new policies of the Galactic Empire. At first the Stormtrooper corps consisted of majority of clones from the Fett template, however over time they decreased by the time of Battle of Kamino was over, being supplimented by other clone templates.


By the time of the GCW, the clones of the Fett template were reduced to a minority status with other clones and enlisted humans. By 0 BBY roughly 1/3 of the stormtroopers were based on the clone template and for 23 years they suffered very few known large scale defeats up until the Battle of Endor. As the GCW came to a close, the Imperial Remnant continued to use Stormtroopers up until the treaty was signed as they surrendered, thus Stormtroopers were reduced to guard and police upon the worlds that the Imperials still controlled.





"Imperial Stormtroopers are smart; Imperial Officers are stupid."


"Stormtroopers shoot straight and don't care about casulties."- Rebel SpecForce sterotypes


Stormtroopers underwent 2 years of grueling exercises, both physically and mentally that produced elite soldiers.


A squad of Stormtroopers has 4 to 12 men which are then organized into platoons, then into companies and then into battalions which then vary as the battalions turn into legions which are corrsponding with the Imperial Army battlegroups. There is no larger Stormtrooper unit, though some legions may combine forces in a sector or operation.


Stormtroopers are a threat to any military force they engage, they to not shrink in the face of death and have done suicide missions without objection or comment. Although they are known to retreat and rally if taken by surprise.



Legion- 9,813 men: 4 regiments(8,192 troops, 1,620 officers)


Regiment- 2, 453 men: 4 battlions(2, 048 troops and 48 officers)


Company- 153 men: 4 platoons(128 troops and 24 officers)


Platoon- 38 men: 4 squads(32 troops and 4 officers)


Squad- 9 men




All Stormtroopers don on high grade plastoid armor, impervious to most pistols and solid projectile weapons. Although it couldn't protect against cannon fire, it could partialy deflect or despirse energy from low, medium and high energy blaster bolts though the wearer maybe incapacitated and need medical treatment. It also can protect from stun beams and serves as excellent protection from shrapnel and explosions, thereby reducing the usefulness of fragmentation weaponry.


It is nearly impossible to kill a Stormtrooper using a slugthrower unless the bullet is abnormally large and armor peircing or if it hit the body glove or visor. It provided less protection than wartime Phase 1 and 2 armor but provided excellent protection against the elements.


The armor was fitted with air filters full sealed against chemical and biological attack and could even provide protection in the vaccum for a short time. A back mounted tank contained 20 minutes of emergancey oxygen, the body glove also provided limited thermal protection.


The BlasTech E-11 rifle was the standard rifle for Stormtroopers and most commonly used elsewhere in the Imperial military. With the exception of the troops that were assigned the roles that involved heavy or special weapons, the normal carried an E-11.


Some elite Stormtroopers carried the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle, which was more powerful and accurate than the E-11. Additional weapons could include the, the T-21 light repeating blaster, andT-28 repeating sniper rifles.


Stormtroopers also carried a Baradium-core code key thermal detonator attached on the back of their armor. Only the Stormtroopers could utlize them, it included an arming code and the buttons were unlabeled. Each arming code was unique known only to the one who has it.






Being awesome


Stormtroopers fighting




Conclusion: IMHO, Stormtroopers are terribly underated. Of course this is kinda obvious, considering they are the bad guys...but still when they aren't engaging main characters they seem to do well. Let it be note that in ANH, they were ordered to let them go. In ESB they took over Bespin, and ROTJ...well that has been discussed enough with Aurbere...oh and also I have took note, that the Alligence novels and the Empire comic series do show them as they are suppose to be...elite troops. As shown above, I have taken some time to look through some of the comics(via preview) and as you can see above with TK-622, Stormtroopers can be awesome.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Personally I love the Stormtroopers, or more accurately the Sandtroopers, which was my first major action figure with Darth Vader back in the 90s.


I also think they are underrated, and that's why getting to play as them in Battlefront made it the best Star Wars game ever made. Although, I do love the Phase I Clone armor better, mainly because it looks smoother and is symmetrical lol.


One reason why ESB is my favorite OT movie is because it showed how good the troopers really were. Both on Hoth and Bespin. Personally, I liked the Scout Troopers, but the big a** belt made it look weird.

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Personally I love the Stormtroopers, or more accurately the Sandtroopers, which was my first major action figure with Darth Vader back in the 90s.


I also think they are underrated, and that's why getting to play as them in Battlefront made it the best Star Wars game ever made. Although, I do love the Phase I Clone armor better, mainly because it looks smoother and is symmetrical lol.


One reason why ESB is my favorite OT movie is because it showed how good the troopers really were. Both on Hoth and Bespin. Personally, I liked the Scout Troopers, but the big a** belt made it look weird.


They were also good on the Tantive IV too. But yeah...they are underrated to be sure. Still haven't gotten the novel quotes, oh well...


But I have gotten a list of comics that show Stormtroopers as elite, so I may check them out on Darkhorse.

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