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Authenticator when upgrading to ios 7


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I know when ios 7 came out, upgrading borked your authenticator, requiring you to jump through some hurdles (I've read the post). What I'm wondering is if things have changed in the last couple of months, or do I still have to remove it first?
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I know when ios 7 came out, upgrading borked your authenticator, requiring you to jump through some hurdles (I've read the post). What I'm wondering is if things have changed in the last couple of months, or do I still have to remove it first?


I would assume that you should still be safe and remove your authenticator before installing iOS 7.

However SWTOR how has an easy way to remove the authenticator from your account if you can no longer use it, so the "risk" of just going ahead and upgrading and just removing it if needed may not be that bad.

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You'll need to remove it and re-install it as previously mentioned. Even though your phone is one piece of hardware, the differences in the software basically make it a different device as far as the authenticator app is concerned, which is why it doesn't work after a major software update.
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I know when ios 7 came out, upgrading borked your authenticator, requiring you to jump through some hurdles (I've read the post). What I'm wondering is if things have changed in the last couple of months, or do I still have to remove it first?


OS don't broke authenticator - OS upgrade change your device ID - so authenticator not work anymore.

Remove from site, upgrade OS, download again and activate.

No matter is it iOS, Android or Windows 8 (are we have such one for W8?).

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