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Living Legends


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The people being mentioned as Living Legends in this thread are the same ones that used to be mentioned before server transfers. Some mentioned are ones that left to a PVP server and made a name for themselves there. I'm not sure you even know what you're talking about.


^ This


Btw, who are you again? I see you posting, yet you haven't posted your actual in game name.


It'd be nice to know if you actually have some bite to back that bark. Probably not, but it'll be nice to find out.

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The good players were badged off the server because everyone was like "waaaa this is a RP server, you PvPers don't belong here WAAAAAA!!!"


And now the scrubs that are still here are like WHOAAA we are legends :rolleyes:


Nope you are still the same scrubs that were getting owned before, as evidenced by the leaderboard...


I don't appreciate people bashing our server, I wanna see you back up your talk with a picture of your rating. If it matters so much.

Edited by Pride_Lion
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I'm not the one claiming legend status :rolleyes:


Now you know what it is like to want...


You do realize that if it weren't for the fact that BG doesn't have a lot of ranked, Pride_Lion would probably still be at the top of the leaderboard for Guardians. As far as legends go I would have to put a vote in for Caveh. He is so great at his class that it is annoying to go against him.

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Right, that's what I thought.


Hide behind your anonymity, whatever you want. I figured you would be too afraid to post your name, considering how you like to make ignorant comments that show your lack of understanding to PvP and this server's PvPers.


Figures the scrubs think these leaderboards are the only indication of skill. Try not to be the very thing you complain about, "nobodies getting egos" like you put it or something.


Go on

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You do realize that if it weren't for the fact that BG doesn't have a lot of ranked, Pride_Lion would probably still be at the top of the leaderboard for Guardians. As far as legends go I would have to put a vote in for Caveh. He is so great at his class that it is annoying to go against him.


I have really only seen him once and I've been here for quite awhile. So I would not say he is a Legend at all. The one time I did see him I think it was myself Urd and the newly name Kaos with none note worthy vs a about 3-4 Infamous and 2-3 Company with 3 healers in total 2 of which were guarded. I think I was top damage dealer for both sides and Caveh's team won the game pretty easily and at the end he mentioned in say "Rookies". The only time I saw him alone I was out of Force due to a rather lengthy fight at west and just slowed him rooted him the entire way to his next location.


I don't see how a pre made 3 healer team makes someone a veteran in fact if he couldn't beat the team we had with the team he had I would seriously think he was a scrub. He should act like he won a regs games before with a pre made and not gloat pugs because that's very rookie of him.

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I'm sorry but I'm going to break down the Leader Boards for you and how little they mean. First off we face our own server and the variety of teams and team make up's is very small where one make up of players could beat those they face without to much trouble.


Second when you queue you queue vs who ever else is in the queue at the time because of lack of variety. So you could easily have 4 friend or guild mates with 4 55 non geared alts queue at the same time you are if they lose no big deal and you would farm them until you stopped gaining anything substantial. Second alt #2's being as they have a 0 rating they can be farmed for a good portion of time and by the time your done farming 2 alts you'd have a very high rating very high win %. It's easy to manipulate I put no stock in the ratings at all until cross server is out period. It's really just for fun and means nothing I hope Bioware does not give out any end of season rewwards or titles becuase no one deserves them until we have battle groups or a merge for cross server of all servers.


Even three server battle groups would be a huge improvement and allow us to face other servers in warzones and ranked. A good start would be 3 west coast servers 3 east coast servers etc. It will make the game fun and a challenge again instead of the same old grind.


The game still has some balance issues and they should be fixed before Arena/ranked is really up for prizes or titles.

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The real reason our server doesn't hit the leaderboards much is we have no real ranked pvp anymore everyone either transferred or levels toons and has fun with friends in regs.


Funny story bout cavy (aka caveh he changed his name to that and his operative to cavy) he paid me 3 million credits to pocket tank for him but on the day I ask to tank for him he says no. Btw it was the day you mentioned with the three operative healers. He didn't want to leave the premade. No disrespect meant to cavy just I find it funny is all. He is still one of the best healers on this server and I am honored to have tanked for him.~Shajeed

Edited by windogie
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Only a Rookie asks tanks to guard them . Asking a tank to guard for money in rgeular warzones is down around bottom feeding scrub who is afraid of his own shadow and shouldn't consider hitting the queue button without someone holding his hand.


My Operative at 53 with no guard is tops heals in just about every game I play because it's an easy class to play when I'm 55 I'll still be top heals with bad gear and I won't have to pay a tank or get 2 other healers to group with me to achieve that. I've never played the class until 3 weeks ago that's how simple it is.

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Only a Rookie asks tanks to guard them . Asking a tank to guard for money in rgeular warzones is down around bottom feeding scrub who is afraid of his own shadow and shouldn't consider hitting the queue button without someone holding his hand.


My Operative at 53 with no guard is tops heals in just about every game I play because it's an easy class to play when I'm 55 I'll still be top heals with bad gear and I won't have to pay a tank or get 2 other healers to group with me to achieve that. I've never played the class until 3 weeks ago that's how simple it is.


You're like so good can you teach me to play l33t skillz.


everyclass in this game is simple /deskface

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There are okay operatives, there are good operatives, and there are exceptional operatives (most of these have gone to pastures new), try not to confuse them. Just because it is the latest FOTY class doesn't mean all operatives are scrubs, any heal class can put up impressive numbers, I can top the boards on healing as either sorc, operative or merc doesn't mean anything unless you have teamwork and get the win mind you.


Hell I can top the DPS boards, doesn't mean I am a great DPSer just means I know how to play my class compared with the ppl only pulling 200k on a VS or NC.


The principal jobs of each of the classes in PVP IMO are:


Tanks: Guard healers (exceptional tanks know when to Guard switch), taunt most dangerous threat. Bad tanks spam their taunt button or forget to use their interrupt key and stuns.

DPS: Co-ordinate attacks to take down marked targets, these are typically healers or hard-hitting DPS players, interrupt when necessary (know your class and preferably your enemies weaknesses)

Healers: Stay out of LOS (where possible), know how to escape, know when to stop healing a lost cause and switch heals.


I admit to being a keyboard turning, mouse-clicking, scrub and proud to wear the tag...

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There are okay operatives, there are good operatives, and there are exceptional operatives (most of these have gone to pastures new), try not to confuse them. Just because it is the latest FOTY class doesn't mean all operatives are scrubs, any heal class can put up impressive numbers, I can top the boards on healing as either sorc, operative or merc doesn't mean anything unless you have teamwork and get the win mind you.


Hell I can top the DPS boards, doesn't mean I am a great DPSer just means I know how to play my class compared with the ppl only pulling 200k on a VS or NC.


The principal jobs of each of the classes in PVP IMO are:


Tanks: Guard healers (exceptional tanks know when to Guard switch), taunt most dangerous threat. Bad tanks spam their taunt button or forget to use their interrupt key and stuns.

DPS: Co-ordinate attacks to take down marked targets, these are typically healers or hard-hitting DPS players, interrupt when necessary (know your class and preferably your enemies weaknesses)

Healers: Stay out of LOS (where possible), know how to escape, know when to stop healing a lost cause and switch heals.


I admit to being a keyboard turning, mouse-clicking, scrub and proud to wear the tag...


Yeah I'm a scrub as well those cast heals man right when you use your pulse cannon they always do it and it pisses me off mostly cause I don't wanna lose the dps but I have to interrupt the potential 8-10k heal.

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Only a Rookie asks tanks to guard them . Asking a tank to guard for money in rgeular warzones is down around bottom feeding scrub who is afraid of his own shadow and shouldn't consider hitting the queue button without someone holding his hand.


My Operative at 53 with no guard is tops heals in just about every game I play because it's an easy class to play when I'm 55 I'll still be top heals with bad gear and I won't have to pay a tank or get 2 other healers to group with me to achieve that. I've never played the class until 3 weeks ago that's how simple it is.


You can call it needy sure, you can take it however you like. I choose to take it as him helping out a friend who is undergeared and he would like to pvp with anyways. When he gave me the creds I had around 34k health in the next hours after I went up to 39.7k. He really only paid for me to aug myself so I could compete with the other tanks without wanting to quit after a hour or so of being focused by dps for no apparent reason.(srsly since when do people go for the tank first.)

Edited by windogie
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everyclass in this game is simple /deskface


Please re-iterate, because last I checked Sages are the most difficult class to play because if my healing trance gets interrupted I have no heals left to give. Whereas operatives get to spam to full whenever they get attacked.


And whats with people saying sages are easy? I always here this "Heal to Full" "LoL" garbage and its like, it only heals for 10K if it CRITS. Thats only 1/3 of my HP pool in one instant cast.

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Please re-iterate, because last I checked Sages are the most difficult class to play because if my healing trance gets interrupted I have no heals left to give. Whereas operatives get to spam to full whenever they get attacked.


And whats with people saying sages are easy? I always here this "Heal to Full" "LoL" garbage and its like, it only heals for 10K if it CRITS. Thats only 1/3 of my HP pool in one instant cast.


Sage/sorc rotation isn't hard I guess but you have to work so hard to Los and run away it requires better timing than any other class since you can literally go from full health to 0 in 3 hits sometimes. We heal bout the same as scoundrels it's just there energy source never runs out like our does and they have multiple oh **** buttons.

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Only a Rookie asks tanks to guard them . Asking a tank to guard for money in rgeular warzones is down around bottom feeding scrub who is afraid of his own shadow and shouldn't consider hitting the queue button without someone holding his hand.


My Operative at 53 with no guard is tops heals in just about every game I play because it's an easy class to play when I'm 55 I'll still be top heals with bad gear and I won't have to pay a tank or get 2 other healers to group with me to achieve that. I've never played the class until 3 weeks ago that's how simple it is.


I haz le dumb can u teach me ur skillz plz I r big scrub

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To be honest, I really want to abandon this server. I entered because was the first one in my list and did not know about what RP was.


I'm really bored about going to another planets without the power to kill new players, I'm more for pvp servers.


The only reason I'm here it's my guild,

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Lol calm down, to ME they are legends, never seen you or heard of you so, in my opinion you aren't a legend to me. Sorry. :p


(Also, I haven't seen (Meyln or melyn?) For a while, but when I did, he never solo que'd, he always had a premade. These players I'm talking about don't need a premade to be effective)


I use to be the highest number for healers in my warzones, I don't know what do you mean by premade, just a divorced lawyer who plays to spit and win.

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