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can we fix Corruptor Zero's Anti-Gravity field already?

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The ground effect is about 2 meters smaller than the actual area of effect. I know about it and can compensate, but it is still incredibly galling to get sucked into it when I am clearly outside the red circle.


I also am kind of annoyed at how difficult this is to get out of on a Vanguard - with Hold the Line it's tough, if for any reason I've already used HtL (rare) it seems nearly impossible. I accept that there are probably Vanguards who can nail it every time, so this is my fault, but Guardians and Shadows have got to have it so much easier :mad:

Edited by Kuciwalker
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I play a Powertech tank for my guild clearing on hard mode 8 man. Here's all the tricks I use to get out of the anti-gravity field every time.

  1. You must run forward or strafe out. Moving backwards is too slow.
  2. I save Hydraulic Overrides to help with the escape.
  3. I anticipate when anti-gravity field is going to be cast and move a few meters away from the boss to shorten the distance to the edge of the field.
  4. I jump as I cross the edge of the field. I believe this forces a client/server update so your position is known accurately by the game.


I have seen adding a jump work on multiple people's characters to ensure that their feet being out of the marked circle on the ground means they are safely out. The marked circle on the ground is accurate in my experience and I would guess that it's more of a client/server lag issue which results in it appearing to be two meters larger to you. My lag is 30ms or less.

Edited by Levram
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I do 1-2 and try to do 3 (is there any particularly good warning sign?). 4 is very interesting so I'll try it.


I have very little lag (similar to yours) and I see the inaccuracy in the marked circle every single time. I don't observe this problem with any other ground effect.

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Once in a while there is a "oh the area the red circle covers is to small, the area of effect is AT LEAST 5m larger", this is not even close to truth thought, the reason is how the servers updates your movement and positions. When you run, the position you are in is not updated all the time, it takes a time to update your position, however if you stop, the position is updated instantly. When my guild was progressing on Terror from Beyond and had issues with the red circles on Dread Guards we found this very convenient since if we just ran away from the group, the red circle would be placed close to the group. However if we ran away and stopped, the circle would be placed where we stopped, which would be further away from the group.


I would recommend you guys to test this out on everything that has to do with circles, AoE or other kind of stuff that is bad to stand in, it will probably make you guys understand that the circle really is the correct size, but the slow updates the servers does makes the game "believe" you are still standing in it.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Yes, you definitely need to do #4, i.e. jumping while exiting the field. The field is exactly the size as what is displayed but due to latency, the server still knows your old position and therefore believes that you were standing in the field. By jumping, you can ensure that the server knows that you're outside of the field.


If your raid is lacking the awareness to move out of the field in time, you can also time it. Open the statistics panel on Parsec so that you can see the combat length. As soon as Corruptor Zero appears, a new fight is starting. The fields always appear at 1:00, 1:30 and 3:00 into the fight - if you see more than three fields, you are lacking DPS.

Note that the fields may be delayed by a few seconds if you are moving the boss or if some people stay in the field so that the boss first has to punish them before continuing with his ability rotation.

Usually, CZ will cast a mine right before the field, so as soon as you are done with the mine, you can already move away from the boss.

Edited by Jerba
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I'm aware of lag issues. I am reasonably certain they aren't the problem here because I have not observed the same problem with other effects on the game. Even in that same instance, I don't observe this with running out of the circle the trash mobs immediately prior create when they hit 20%.


As soon as Corruptor Zero appears, a new fight is starting. The fields always appear at 1:00, 1:30 and 3:00 into the fight


Thanks, this will be a big help.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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I do 1-2 and try to do 3 (is there any particularly good warning sign?). 4 is very interesting so I'll try it.


I think you'll find jumping will fix 99% of the issue. I learned this way back in KP and avoiding the rocks on Foreman Crusher. But even on things like the circle boss in Czerka Labs, adding a jump is frequently the difference between complete avoidance and death.

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This was a big headache for us last week. Usually it's never a problem, but it seems like a few of us are experiencing higher than usual latency, which resulted in some aggravating attempts. I'm a sent, so I remedied the situation by making sure transcendence/predation was ALWAYS up for the grav field. that little bit of speed seemed to make all the difference in the world.
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You can predict the Gravity Field. When the boss drops down. With Ranged adds he will cast 3 Concussion Mines then he'll use Gravity field. With Melee adds he cast 1 Concussion mine then he'll cast Gravity Field. (not immediately after though.)


And it goes the same throughout the fight. Melee Mode = 3 Mines Ranged Mode = 1 Mine

Edited by Noxside
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simply stopping as soon as you are out of the graphic does the same thing as jumping, the server updates your position when you stop.


Way back in HM EC my guild was having problems with the red circles on Zorn and Toth, once we realized that even though we were out of the circles, we needed to stop moving so the server updated us as "out of the circle" we found it easy.

Same as foreman crusher circles, if you keep running around like a madman you'll get hit, if you simply step out of the circle and stop, you'll be fine, this has been the case for many "red circles" in operations.

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