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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

sniper needs a buff against intelligent players


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1)unless kill is secured mission has failed

2)you dont deny him ANYTHING, he just gets out of the pillar, instants you and hides again, against a class with heals its 100% loss



perfect scenario for sniper

Sniper roots the person before he hides behind pillar

drops probe and ambush and deals a good amount of damage

enemy hides behind pillar and tries to heal

sniper goes behind that pillar(usually reducing his LoS even more since there are more ways to hide behind the pillar or other objects now)

uses close range push ability to root him for a few seconds so you ll get more damage on him before he runs behind the pillar.

enemy player with low health now just runs around the pillar like crazy and you cant do **** to him


Worst case scenario for sniper

8V8 fights

people hide behind the pillar when they are low

enemy healers heal them and then they come back and keep eating your health




And? warzone's are not deathfights. If you're distracting a target and/or its healbot, you're taking them out of the fight. Let them LOS you, MAKE them LOS you. Most of the time you will see another target 15-35 m away that is fighting someone else. Fire off a few shots/nades and refocus on distracting the LOSpuppet.

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And? warzone's are not deathfights. If you're distracting a target and/or its healbot, you're taking them out of the fight. Let them LOS you, MAKE them LOS you. Most of the time you will see another target 15-35 m away that is fighting someone else. Fire off a few shots/nades and refocus on distracting the LOSpuppet.


thats very good advice. also if it's the healer losing you shoot at someone who just got losed by his healer. that's a rough spot for every healer, you either kill your new target or you force the healer out again.

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ralphie, you are bad.


If they're hiding behind something, then they're not participating in the warzone. You win.

If they're being occupied by you, then they're not participating in the warzone. You win.

If you're attacking a node by yourself, then you're not participating in the warzone. You lose.

If you're defending by yourself, and not calling for help, then you're going to die and not be participating in the warzone. You lose.


Seriously dude, go back to call of duty. Snipers are not 1v1 gods. If you're good, they can be. They're meant to rain down fire while the enemy is distracted. Stop whining that the INANIMATE OBJECTS are beating you.

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i am wasting time responding to you since you are either pubstomping or trolling since you refuse to accept logic but someone else might read this and realize the problem

1) yes cuz staying in a base where 1 person might come after 10 minutes is very enjoyable. And lets say you a jugg is defending, he will be better at dispatching the enemy than you

Wrong. You have an auto stealth detect. Jugg doesnt. You out dps Juggs typically. You have range...which means the other guy has to kite you. So he heals. By the time he has healed you have already called your inc and how many incs you have.Therefore at least 1 other person has hopefully arrived. If its multiple incs hopefully enough of your side shows up to balance the odds


Now lets say you are attacking on alderaan, you manage to root out the stealther and try to kill him, woops then he just hides behind the node and delays you till help arrives and they both kill you


Bad Tactics. If I am a sniper I am finding some nice out of the way place,attacking first (the root you listed) or better yet the stunblade. I am dropping shattershot and the explosive prove before series of shots,followthrough,flashbang,sniper volley,series of shots,followthrough,takedown,foloowthrough etc et al (if I used MM...which I dont.). Great he has to stealth or die. I drop Hunker down (sorry forgot my sniper version of it),my shield probe and I start capping...he now has a choice of healing himself and letting me cap or attacking and possibly dieing.


Thus sniper is both a weak attacker and defender


Disproved both of these above


2)any other class would be able to defend an object more efficiently WITHOUT dying


I have no issues defending on my sniper at all. But then again I am a tactical player. Its about the win not the kill count.


3)oh yes, lets use a 3 second aoe skill that deals that giagantic damage that it ll make him . first you leave him open wide for almost 4.4 seconds to attack you and hide doing more damage to you

secondly he doesnt give a damn about that small amount of damage especially if he can heal

he can just get far away while still behind pillar and heal and then just come back


Volley fire can be placed so it hits behind a pillar. There is also feinting orbital...you start it and when they see it they move so you move and stop it from casting and its still on cooldown. Novel concept using tactics rather than thinking you are going to just go in and bust heads eh?


4)obviously i cant kill the enemy healer since he is behind his team and also usually behind the pillar so he can heal anyone who has low hp and send him back 100%


If you have that much of the enemy team there you should have your team there too or at least a good number of the. How about marking the healer and asking a couple of people to focus the healer down? This flushes the healer into your sights or pushes them to an are where they cant heal their team. Again as I said above. Its called tactics.

and yes if you cant kill it, other classes are better at doing any job

Not always. Ive done my share of 1v2 as a sniper. I may not have gotten the cap but I killed both defenders (jugg and sorc) as a sniper.It also allowed my team to take South on Novarre. That happened last week. And no they werent in pve gear,they just made some bad tactical decisions. Isnt it funny how that word comes up so much? Tactics...such a lovely word

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Seriously, it is the worst pvp class against someone with half a brain

Everytime you try to hit they just hide behind a pillar or some objects, and objects are EVERYWHERE


Seriously, people are even trolling snipers because everytime they start casting they jsut hide behind a pillar, and it is even worse when they can heal...

rooting them just lets you pull off some damage but at the end they are just going back and heal to full



inb4 "go to an open enviroment aka behind your teams which results in no targets or behind the enemies which means you are dead cuz 8v1"


I laughed so hard I spilled my soda.



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Seriously, it is the worst pvp class against someone with half a brain

Everytime you try to hit they just hide behind a pillar or some objects, and objects are EVERYWHERE


Seriously, people are even trolling snipers because everytime they start casting they jsut hide behind a pillar, and it is even worse when they can heal...

rooting them just lets you pull off some damage but at the end they are just going back and heal to full



inb4 "go to an open enviroment aka behind your teams which results in no targets or behind the enemies which means you are dead cuz 8v1"

WAIT, people are using their brains? OH MY GOD ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!

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i am wasting time responding to you since you are either pubstomping or trolling since you refuse to accept logic but someone else might read this and realize the problem

1) yes cuz staying in a base where 1 person might come after 10 minutes is very enjoyable. And lets say you a jugg is defending, he will be better at dispatching the enemy than you

2)any other class would be able to defend an object more efficiently WITHOUT dying


1. Snipers in real life do not hurr-derp run around. The Sniper is a controllable turret class. Also, are you one of the potatoes that don't know how to call incs? I mean, evidently a single soldier can hold an outpost against a tank with just an Assault rifle.

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I didn't read pages 2-4 because I'm too lazy. None the less OP clearly doesn't know how to play a sniper/gs. OS/FFB people behind pillars. If that isn't enough to flush them out, go eng/sab and use plasma probe/incendiary grenade. On those 2 moves CD, you can take the fight to him. hightail to gain LOS, legshot to root, hard cast an AS. Or you can stun him. Or you can KB him and root him. Timing all those abilities appropriately should make it so there will be at least one of those abilities available at all times.


Truth is it's an uphill battle for other ranged classes to go cast for cast in an free LOS situation. This is even true for snipers and GS who start with less HP or didn't get the opening. If you don't use your environment as damage mitigation against snipers and GS you're gonna have a bad time. This said, snipers and GS are gonna have a bad time if they sit there hoping you decide to pop your head out and /loiter for a couple of seconds while they cast AS, channel speed and interrupt your thunder blast or tracer missile.


You must learn how to use your aoe's to flush a target out or nut up and effectively fight in melee range. Sure it isn't as pleasant as free casting on suckers who arn't focus firing you, but as the cliche saying goes: when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


TLDR: Sniper and GS are fine, OP needs to buff himself.




Edited by needalight
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Last time I checked, the sniper had 3 spec trees. Eng and Leth are not that easily fooled by LOS.


Even a good MM will not lose its time trying to cast against a target actively LOSing him.

I bet that the OP didn't played the pre-2.0 MM sniper.

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