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What spec's best?


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All 3 specs can perform well depending on the fight and which spec will fit your playstyle more. How-ever for PvE I'd mainly focus on Carnage or Annihilation (not saying Rage can't perform in PvE, but it does have a few downsides.) Annihilation gets punished quite a bit if the fight gets interrupted, where-as Carnage works around burst-windows based on procs, leaving more room for breaks, but very little room for error. Both can parse quite high.



Carnage is likely the most popular spec. If played well it does amazing numbers, aswell as being able to deal with fights requiring a break (e.g. Toborro's Courtyard)

Sadly the only up to date guide I know is:


Which is anything but a quick read, amazing guide though. It focusses a lot around the Gore and Slaughter windows, leaving very little room for error since procs are waiting. I'm having a lot of difficulty getting used to this spec myself. (All the effort is well worth it though!)



Annihilation is a bit easier to play, but difficult to master. It's more or less:

Dual Saber Throw > Force Charge + Deadly Saber > Rupture > Battering Assault > Annihilate > Cauterise (with proc) / Vicious Slash (without proc)

From there on:

Annihilate, Force Charge and Deadly Saber on cooldown.

Fill with: Vicious Slash (to proc Pulverise) and Rupture once procced.

Berserk whenever available (before overload saber)

Once you start to master it you'll be watching for 3GCD on Rupture, following your DoTs, never losing Annihilation, etc. :)



Lastly there's Rage. For PvP no-one will argue, this spec is beast, how-ever for PvE it's slightly less popular. First of all it suffers a lot from having to use Bloodthirst, a skill Maurauders are famous for and secondly it focusses around AoE-burst damage, not something often needed in raid-situations. How-ever if played well, any spec does great.


Rotation-wise it's all about reducing the cooldown on Obliterate aswell as building stacks for Smash, kind of like:

(Frenzy) > Force Charge > Beserk + Smash > Ravage > Force Scream > Force Crush > Obliterate > Vicious Slash > Battering Assault > Rupture > Smash > Dual Saber Throw > Vicious Slash > Force Scream > Obliterate > Vicious Slash > Beserk + Smash > repeat.


TL;DR: I'd recommend Carnage if you plan on spending a lot of time mastering your class, where-as I'd recommend Annihilation if you want to start of a bit easier (though this doesn't mean it's an easy spec to master!) Optimally you swap depending on the fight.

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I have run all 3. For me Rage is the most fun. With full 72's I am in the 2800-2900 DPS range. Burst damage (first 12-15 seconds) I get about 3700-4100 DPS on single target. It does about 2-3% less damage one v one but it is the easiest to run. The only proc you have to wait for is a direct cast through Force Crush. Carnage and Anni do about 2-3% more damage on single target but it's % dependent. It requires more head down vision looking at the procs and buffs that have a % chance to come up. They are not "guaranteed" like in Rage. It involves more monitoring and waiting to cast, leaving you less time to focus on the raid and what's going on.


Many boss fights have multiple boss fights where if you play with an "aware" tank who can taunt them close together...Rage does ALLOT of damage and beats the other two specs.


For PVP....hands down Rage is the best. The only thing is you are target #1 as soon as you do your first Smash.


Like one of the other posts (and some dev blogs Iv'e read). More people will be able to master the easier Rage spec than Carnage or Anni. Therefore, you might see people doing more damage with Rage overall one v one since the Carnage and Anni specs are harder to master.


My guild has completed all the content including HM DP and DF. We have tried but not completed Nim S & V and Nim TFB. I run with them using the Rage spec and am at the top of DPS parses.

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