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Best player of each class!


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I think this should become a top 5 in each class thread. I'll start with PT's:


1. Jalgo

2. Phrausty

3. Rejinleaf

4. Diavola

5. Cheldadex



Honorable mentions: Dreksan, Fat'Chocobo, Elimination, Etats, Fla'Merr, May'be'xani


Even more honorable mentions: Quantum


I left my alt out because I didn't want this post to be bias

Edited by rachole
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I think this should become a top 5 in each class thread. I'll start with PT's:


1. Jalgo

2. Phrausty

3. Rejinleaf

4. Diavola

5. Cheldadex



Honorable mentions: Dreksan, Fat'Chocobo, Elimination, Etats, Fla'Merr, May'be'xani


Even more honorable mentions: Quantum


I left my alt out because I didn't want this post to be bias


I see how it is, not even an even even even more honorable mention for my VG. Be that way Six. BE. THAT. WAY.

Edited by Dage
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heres a real list for you biased nerds:



1. Mcnooberton and Frequencyz

2. Xani


Jugg DPS:

1. One'man'army

2. Too'stronk

3. Killstryke


Sorc DPS:

1. Lucalla(Dedication)

2. Liquidz

3. Mèw

4. Xani

5. Gandolftheblack


Sin DPS:

????: Iscariot/All-galaxy/Mèwtwo/Atox/Baddie


Merc DPS:

1. Chasso'fan(Dedication)

2. Xani



1. Clyde

2. Jalgo

3. One'man'army

4. Charlie

5. Telos

(State somewhere in there)



1. Trade

2. Macray

3. Lumi

4. One'man


Op DPS aka Tunneler of Six:

1. Mcnoob

10000000: Lyssa

Edited by lolsupp
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I made a mixed list for mirror classes and chose what I think are the top 3 in that class (I avoided specific ordering too since in some cases it's just too close to call). This list is completely biased based on who I see during my play time and who I know for a fact is good. Players I have not seen in forever, that play on other servers, or that I know stopped playing will not be included. I tried to take into account solo ranked / reg wzs / reg arena (not group ranked since I don't do any :() and a mix of dps/ehps output, objective play, teamwork, and proper basic mechanics usage (cc, CDs, roots, etc). I'm most definitely forgetting people so I will probably be editing this post over the next few days as you guys call out how bad my choices are and how I should L2P. Also, I chose not to include myself wherever relevant but I would think/hope I'd make it in the Sent section (Then again maybe not, the three I chose are all very good).


Guardian/Jugg DPS:

  • Goo'boo
  • One'Man'Army
  • Tails
  • Honorable Mentions: Fare, Hijinks


Guardian/Jugg tank:

  • Pvesucks
  • Kayben
  • Revivification
  • Honorable Mentions: Talionis



  • Frequencyz
  • Lafayette
  • Aluvian
  • Honorable mention: McNooberton, Zani



Shadow/Assassin DPS:

  • Cloudyclouds
  • Zenod
  • Techniques
  • Honorable Mentions: Yvx, Lokist, Mcswaggerton, Effort


Shadow/Assassin tank:

  • Endurance
  • Visas
  • ...


Sage/Sorc DPS:

  • Ilybles
  • Hoppin
  • Tae
  • Honorable Mentions: Xani, Tailsneverfails, Freakinpebbles, Liquidz, Gandolftheblack


Sage/Sorc Healer:

  • Klotho
  • Lamination
  • Xvy
  • Honorable Mentions: Tae, Tonic


Scoundrel/Op DPS:

  • Armory
  • Entity
  • ...


Scoundrel/Op healer:

  • Xa'vuy
  • Har
  • Zama



  • Calem
  • Trade
  • Jad-Bond
  • Honorable Mentions: Lumi, Macray


Mando/Merc DPS:

  • Chasso'fan
  • Xaney
  • Bammbamm


Mando/Merc healer:

  • Mike-Oxlong
  • Krastin
  • Bammbamm



  • Cleavette
  • Jalgo
  • Finnish
  • Honorable Mentions: Rejinlief


VG/PT tank:

  • Guardswap
  • Magikarp
  • Diavola

Edited by Dage
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In all seriousness though I'm pretty sure the #1 op dps spot goes to moi, which I think is ok for me to say since I've never claimed the crown before. :rolleyes:


No offense intented but it's not like there's a lot of competition :D

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What we need, is for somebody to organize a tourney between each of the classes. Best 2 out of 3 duels, until we have our winners. Then we make a new hall of fame thread and get it stickied.


Ideas people, c'mon!


Thing is, being the best at a class isn't all about how dps either, objectives and smart plays do matter and those are much harder to judge.

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Yeah I just took down my list because it's so hard to get right and I'd always be tweaking it. Too many factors that go into it. Some people are really good at objectives, others are great at putting up numbers. Others still are amazing duelists. Some people are good at two of the three.


This is like sports lists haha. Brady vs. Manning etc.


A better thread would be "best players of each playstyle!" A list for duelists, objective players, and farmers.

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