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Jedi Sentinel : SWTOR 2.5 PTS


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Hey there,



Had some time to run a parse on the PTS with the new merciless slash & Juyo duration change. This is encouraging for the QOL of the spec, HOWEVER, this will not solve the slow ramp up we still have. One step closer to having good damage in fights where we always lost merciless slash.



Here's Johnny.



Conditions were quite bad for a high parse and this can be seen in the stream. I was also testing some things rather than sticking to the optimum all the time.

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We needed this change. Still, I'm quite sure it won't be enough to close the gap with combat.


PS: All that focus in your bar hurts my eyes. :D




Well I run with someone who plays combat and he is BIS 78. A few numbers on bosses he pulls. Nefra he was at 4000 DPS until she dropped to 30% then something must have happened because he finished the fight at 3600. Now lets look at how the two sentinels started. He opened with 6100 DPS on the boss while I opened with 2900 DPS. We were on opposite sides of the spectrum as you can see. I really pushed my sentinel here to catch up (also I am not BIS 78 like he is) . The gap was still there until I passed the one minute mark where I started to get closer. My numbers were climbing but even with the decline in his DPS, he was 1000 DPS above me. Towards the end we had a gap for 350 DPS. That is a lot and I don't think only gear and skill factor in here.



The silver lining is that at Draxus, Watchman will not be so annoying. You lose stacks on most waves there and with the 24 second buff things change. Also, watchman suffers a lot, compared to combat, when none of your party members has an armor reduction skill. We cleared DF HM the other day with 1 shadow tank, 1 vanguard tank, 1 vanguard dps, 2 sentinels, 1 sage dps, 1 scoundrel healer, 1 sage healer. I was suffering a bit and comparing numbers with previous attempts where i had the commando grav round, things were lower.

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Well I run with someone who plays combat and he is BIS 78. A few numbers on bosses he pulls. Nefra he was at 4000 DPS until she dropped to 30% then something must have happened because he finished the fight at 3600. Now lets look at how the two sentinels started. He opened with 6100 DPS on the boss while I opened with 2900 DPS. We were on opposite sides of the spectrum as you can see. I really pushed my sentinel here to catch up (also I am not BIS 78 like he is) . The gap was still there until I passed the one minute mark where I started to get closer. My numbers were climbing but even with the decline in his DPS, he was 1000 DPS above me. Towards the end we had a gap for 350 DPS. That is a lot and I don't think only gear and skill factor in here.



The silver lining is that at Draxus, Watchman will not be so annoying. You lose stacks on most waves there and with the 24 second buff things change. Also, watchman suffers a lot, compared to combat, when none of your party members has an armor reduction skill. We cleared DF HM the other day with 1 shadow tank, 1 vanguard tank, 1 vanguard dps, 2 sentinels, 1 sage dps, 1 scoundrel healer, 1 sage healer. I was suffering a bit and comparing numbers with previous attempts where i had the commando grav round, things were lower.


I run with a Combat too, and seems I can't get to his numbers even if my gear is slightly better. Atm our difference on dummy is about 100dps, and it's quite a lot. Buff will help to get almost on par during boss fights, but it's not enough yet. Something like a slight buff on Cauterize or Merciless Slash would work.

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The only that has a chance of doing that is decrementing stacks.


That's not the point. I am able to keep my stacks up on every boss that doesn't require you to stop dpsing it for long periods. The buff we are getting from 2.5 will help mostly the average player, tho. Good players will only be able to avoid multiple ramps during the fights.


Fact is that combat's sustained dps is higher than watchman's. And that is not how things are supposed to work. I'm ok with the great intial burst combat has, that's design. I'm concerned about the fact that even after minutes, a good Combat player will outdps a good Watchman player.

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That's not the point. I am able to keep my stacks up on every boss that doesn't require you to stop dpsing it for long periods. The buff we are getting from 2.5 will help mostly the average player, tho. Good players will only be able to avoid multiple ramps during the fights.


Fact is that combat's sustained dps is higher than watchman's. And that is not how things are supposed to work. I'm ok with the great intial burst combat has, that's design. I'm concerned about the fact that even after minutes, a good Combat player will outdps a good Watchman player.


I think a simple fix for that would be, each stack of Merciless you have you get 4% DoT damage boost. that would give you an edge in longer fights because as long as you can keep your Merciless stacks up, you can have 16% extra DoT damage, and the Cauterise DoT accounts for quite a bit of your damage.

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Watchman spec has needed a buff for a long time, but due to so much complaining about sentinels in the PVP forums, and there aren't many sentinels that play SWTOR, watchman spec probably will not get buffed until patch 3.0.


The 24 second duration merciless buff is a QoL buff, not a true DPS buff.


Watchman spec needs about 5% more damage than it currently has, and it needs its self-healing back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey hayley, good to see ya post, always fun trying to kill you....5 percent sounds pretty honest, it doe slack bit of punch, and the heals is the biggest burden to bare, the spec wouldnt really need the extra dps if i knew i was healing for 250 to 300k instead of 100 to 150k. saw post on here talk bout dots being uncureable, or only cleansing one stack at time, kinda like the idea of that.... if not heals, then make only one stack clenseable, at a time, atleast it would take some work cleansing the dots instead of insta cleanse... sorry not good speller or writer, but just my thoughts...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldn't agree more! I left SWTOR for a long time and after coming back 6 weeks ago and moving up to 55 and now with 4 pieces of Obr. gear I found that playing smash is just to darn boring for me. Like I describe it, I feel like a muppet moving around to groups of toons to do a little stutter jump to rack up damage.


I moved back to Watchman and I have so much more fun playing the build that I was used to except now it's like having one of my arms cut off. In a lot of groups in WZ I do pretty well, but when there are very skilled PvPers the Sent and Watchman is suck at best. So many other classes seem to have endless CC and stun breaks.


I sure hope that 3.0 brings back our beloved Watchman. SWTOR needs to show Sentinel some Melee love and get us back on track to where we were.



Watchman spec has needed a buff for a long time, but due to so much complaining about sentinels in the PVP forums, and there aren't many sentinels that play SWTOR, watchman spec probably will not get buffed until patch 3.0.


The 24 second duration merciless buff is a QoL buff, not a true DPS buff.


Watchman spec needs about 5% more damage than it currently has, and it needs its self-healing back.

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This thread was originally about PVE. :D


I don't think we'll get a "PVP buff". The spec is not designed for short fights, let's just admit that. No burst spikes on demand, slow ramp to build dps. Any buff associated with PVP stuff would make it OP, or worst, could break it.

Edited by Zenmar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Where the love is really needed is in dual saber throw. How is it that a Merc can spam rocket after rocket dealing out over 9K damage per hit, while the throw has max dmg we get 2777 before any crit multiplier, then onto the throw warm down. No class should be able get burned down by two Merc's in 3 sec in a WZ.


Sage and Sorc get a redic bubble that they heal in and have enough time to make a Philly Cheese Steak sandwhich in, while Camo lasts all of 6 seconds with damage still hitting us.


Not really to sure if Sent will ever be fixed or balance in regards to PvP. :(

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Where the love is really needed is in dual saber throw. How is it that a Merc can spam rocket after rocket dealing out over 9K damage per hit, while the throw has max dmg we get 2777 before any crit multiplier, then onto the throw warm down. No class should be able get burned down by two Merc's in 3 sec in a WZ.


Sage and Sorc get a redic bubble that they heal in and have enough time to make a Philly Cheese Steak sandwhich in, while Camo lasts all of 6 seconds with damage still hitting us.


Not really to sure if Sent will ever be fixed or balance in regards to PvP. :(


Are you really saying Sorc and Merc are OP in WZ compared to a sentinel? And the rocket is a PT/VG thing, not merc.

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Where the love is really needed is in dual saber throw. How is it that a Merc can spam rocket after rocket dealing out over 9K damage per hit, while the throw has max dmg we get 2777 before any crit multiplier, then onto the throw warm down. No class should be able get burned down by two Merc's in 3 sec in a WZ.


Sage and Sorc get a redic bubble that they heal in and have enough time to make a Philly Cheese Steak sandwhich in, while Camo lasts all of 6 seconds with damage still hitting us.


Not really to sure if Sent will ever be fixed or balance in regards to PvP. :(


Considering a Sentinel is a melee based class, no, Dual Saber Throw does not need to be buffed. It already hits unlimited targets and has a slow attached to it. Mercenaries "spam" their rockets because that's how their spec plays. A Combat Sentinel can leap over to them, then unload 30k+ damage in 3 GCDs, while they're rooted. And that's not even the fabled Smash spec. And back before the changes, Sentinels got Guarded by the Force. 4 full seconds of "Healer, heal me to full while they can't do jack to me!" Sentinels also get Rebuke, which reduces damage by 20% and hurts your attackers, that lasts for up to 30 seconds. That 'bubble' Sages get lasts 10, and they can't even do anything while in it. It's also got a 3 minute cooldown.


Dying in 3 seconds to 2 bursty enemies trying to kill you? That's not really surprising. I'll bet 2 Assassins would do just as well. Or 2 Marauders. Or 2 Operatives. Or 2 Sorcerers. Or 2 Powertechs. Or 2 Snipers. Or 2 Juggernauts. The point is: if 2 people playing a bursty spec want you dead, 3 seconds is a long time to live.

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