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Well, Baras trapped the Emperor's voice on Voss, which the Warrior kills to release the Emperor, and this voice was trapped for quite some time.

Now the Knight kills the Emperor's Voice in his mission, but I don't think there is anything in the story to indicate how long that voice was there.

So Probably the Sith Warrior story happens before the Jedi Knight story, but I could be wrong.


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It only becomes relevant at the beginning of chapter 3 and / or ending of chapter 2.




While the Jedi Knight is being indoctrinated at a certain point by the Emperor's servants in his space station, Baras had already arranged a Voss vessel for the Emperor, in order for him to walk around the planet unimpeded. It is safe to say that by the time Scourge helps the Jedi Knight that Sel-Makor has already trapped the Emperor's Voice in the Nightmare Lands.


Also, on Voss, the Voice is released from Sel-Makor's grip FIRST and only after the Jedi Knight confronted it, which is why Sel-Makor asks for help concerning taking over the Voss mystic; At this point, Sel-Makor implies that decades ago he had made a deal with a Sith, far more powerful than Fulminiss... One can assume he was referring to Baras.


When it comes to the ultimate showdown, it's pretty much give or take, even though one can say that the Wrath took down Baras a fair bit BEFORE the Jedi Knight faced the Emperor back on Dromund Kaas, given the fact you can see Acheron, Hadra and Decimus via-holo.


That's pretty much it I think.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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