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Kira Carsen and Jaesa Wilsam, a contrast of human nature?


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Kira Carsen, born by Sith parents, raised in the Sith Academy in Korriban, killed a Tuk’ata when she was only six. She was powerful enough in the force to be chosen as a Child of the Emperor and was imbued with a portion of the emperor’s power. Yet, despite a background heavily influenced by Sith culture and connected to the dark side, she escaped Korriban using her cunning and tenacity when she was only twelve. She escaped to Nar Shaddar lived in its slumps throughout her teenage years, helping people in need and vigilantly stood up against gangsters who tried to oppress her and her friends. After joining the Jedi Order as an adult, she continued to resist the dark side and fight against the Sith who denied her freedom of living. She is a strong independent woman who believes in choice and freedom in living, and she will oppose anything that denies others the right to choose. She is neither dark or light, she is a freedom fighter.


Jaesa Wilsam, gifted forcer user who had the potential to become the Jedi Order’s next grandmaster. She grew up in a life freed of violent conflicts, and she was easily influenced by others around her. She was influenced by her parents to be an obedient pretty daughter prepared to marry into Alderan’s nobility. Then she was influence by Norman Karr into becoming an obedient good-natured jedi, doing everything the master says. When the Sith Warrior took her in, she can be influence to become light or dark, depending on the player’s preference.


Kira Carsen, the incorruptible unyielding free spirit that is always fighting for freedom, and Jaesa Wilsam, the obedient follower who was always willing to walk in a path chosen by someone else. A contrast of human nature? Are people born wanting freedom and the right to choose for themselves, or wanting someone to lead them and have someone else choose for them?

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Both, I think, depending on character. A person who strives to find their own path could be moderated by being raised in an environment that values submission, but they'd always want more. A person who is motivated by wanting to please the people around them could be encouraged to think for themselves, but would likely struggle with the repercussions of that. I guess I'm saying that people have intrinsict natures, but those natures can be made less absolute in an environment that doesn't encourage them.


Side note: My LS warrior was deeply disappointed with Jaesa. When he first met her by holo, he thought she has strength of character, but that idea was quashed on meeting her.

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Side note: My LS warrior was deeply disappointed with Jaesa. When he first met her by holo, he thought she has strength of character, but that idea was quashed on meeting her.


Ya, I thought Jaesa had guts too when she first contacted my Sith Warrior and said that she wants to meet him alone in a starship to solve the conflict. Then I was very disappointed to find that she only contacted me because Norman Karr told her, to set up a trap in attempt to kill me with 2 Jedi Knights. She just does what others tell her to, as long as she feels that they are connected to her.


Kira, on the other hand, takes no crap from anybody, and has the skills, cunning, and guts to take matters into her own hands. By our modern society's standards, Kira would be considered a much stronger woman than Jaesa.

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Yes, my warrior would like Kira, lol, Scourge, too. He considers Jaesa weak, but useful. She consistantly creeps him out by keeping up the DS apprentice act while in combat in remote locations like Hoth, as well, lol. 'By all that's holy, unholy, and somewhere in between, Jaesa, shut up about those poor creature's pain. We're entirely alone in the wilds of Hoth.'
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Then I was very disappointed to find that she only contacted me because Norman Karr told her, to set up a trap in attempt to kill me with 2 Jedi Knights.

If memory serves, the Jedi you encounter on Jaesa's ship mention that Nomen Karr found out about her plans to meet and talked her out of it, then sent them instead.

Edited by Bleeters
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Imo it just shows how your raising & upbringing can influence you. Kira kinda reminds me of myself. I was born & raised in tha hood of one of the most dangerous cities in the US...she was raised surrounded by darkness on one of the most dangerous planets in the galaxy. We've seen & done things that most ppl only see on tv or in movies. It forces you to make tough decisions very early in life in order to simply survive. Jessa however is like someone who was raised in the suburbs with the proverbial "silver spoon". It's a lot easier for this type of person to take things for granted. Raised in a sheltered environment, she's easily influenced buy her surroundings. She doesn't understand the darkness that Kira grew up surround by. Therefore her fall was inevitable.
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If memory serves, the Jedi you encounter on Jaesa's ship mention that Nomen Karr found out about her plans to meet and talked her out of it, then sent them instead.

That's it exactly. Zylixx and Ulldin:


"Well, well. We’re going to have to thank Nomen Karr after all. The Sith showed.”


“Stand down, Sith. The Padawan you seek is not here. Master Karr discovered her plan and talked her out of it.”


“It’s just not your day. You were expecting one lowly little Padawan to crush, and instead you get us.”

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  • 4 months later...
Well if I can't turn Kira to the dark side I'm done subing to this game. If I'm playing a dark side Jedi only to be hated by my crew what's the point? I've already completed the sith warrior story and that was fun so I figured I'd play through the story as a dark Jedi but I see now there is no point if I can't play the way I want and influence my crew the way I see fit...kinda takes the power to make choices from the player.:(
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  • 4 weeks later...

Something to consider in your assessment:


It is a far greater measure of suffering to have something and have it taken away, than it is to never have had it at all.


By that same token, being born amid peace, with a "proper" upbringing, surrounded by people that want you to do well (if a bit overbearing), and then having all of that taken apart...


Has very significantly different psychological effects than being born into that and living a life full of conflict from the very start.


It is difficult to feel a sense of loss when you have never had a sense of having anything to lose.


Because Kira started in misery and rose above it by her own willpower, it will usually, by default, make her a far stronger person than someone who started with good things, with nice things, with support, and then lost it all.


While Jaesa is generally a more passive/agreeable personality, I think that if she were left to be light-sided, she would -eventualy- become a more independently strong person, even if it was taking the Sith's example that got her started off toward "recovery".

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  • 3 weeks later...


While Jaesa is generally a more passive/agreeable personality, I think that if she were left to be light-sided, she would -eventualy- become a more independently strong person, even if it was taking the Sith's example that got her started off toward "recovery".


This is an interesting topic since the padawans are almost mirror images of one another. Jaesa makes a bit more sense though, and I suspect she might have a codependent personality disorder. ("your whims are my desires")

Jaesa was always looking for someone to lead her. She swaps to SWs side when SW shows he/she is stronger than Nomen Karr. Her possible switch to darkside is even more suitable since SW can show that dark side is stronger and that Nomen Karr was actually secretly relying on dark side and his propaganda about lightside was false (I did this with my SW).


Kira though... we all know is fiercely independent and strong of character... what bugs me though is that this kind of independent personality is just the type that dark side generally preys on. Dark side is basically the culmination of indepencende and selfishness. After all, her history is not that much different from sith inquisitor story, yet Kira escapes Sith academy... for some reason?

Edited by Karkais
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Kira was younger, perhaps seeming less of a threat and in a position of the highest trust and potential power that she could obtain. It was inconceivable that she'd try to leave and people tend not to guard against inconceivable things.


Personally, I think the emperor let her go, intending just what happened. By the time it did, he had a few issues of his own to deal with though, so he wasn't able to utilize the opportunity in the ws that was originally planned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My personal interpretation of Jaesa Wisam is not that she is weak (in terms of personality) but rather that she is looking for one thing she can truely rely on.


See the main thing to keep in mind is her power, to see the truth of people. That's an awesome power but the phrase "so sharp you'll cut yourself" comes into my mind or to quote House M.D: "Everyone lies".


Imagine going through life being able to see through people. Sensing the everyday lies the tell. For example take a look at Jaesa's parents. They may have loved her but they were perfectly willing to take advantage of her "gift" to improve their own status. How do you think Jaesa felt when she saw (at a young age) that greed in her parents? That they were using her?


Same thing when she served the "good organa" noble woman? Organa's are noble and pure right? But she was just as mired in the muck of politics and raising her own station as the other nobles.


Now come the Jedi and her master Nomen Karr... Remember her line about Jedi being pure? About supposedly being able to trust them? Same thing with the light being stronger then the dark and the darkness inside her master.


Quite frankly Karr was the absolute worse master for her in that sense. Someone who was looking to take advantage of Jaesa for his own motivations and dishonest about himself to himself.


"I thought I found something I could count on. The Jedi are...pure. Your supposed to know where you stand with them right?"


"Was it all lies? Everything."


"All my life I have put up with deciet and deinal...I thought the jedi would be different"


But upon being turned to the dark side by the SW?


"The fear you inspire forces TRUTH to the surace. I want that"


"At last I feel a sense of purpose, somthing I can count on."


See the SW is for the most part (brutally) honest with her.


You might say that how can you trust a lying cheating etc dark sider? But that's the thing. You can trust a snake in the grass to be a snake in the grass. You can trust a used car salesman to sell you a lemon. You can trust the darksider to be a darksider.


The people you trust to be pure, noble and good though? Can you trust them to be that way? Do you EXPECT your friend to sell you a lemon?


What I am trying to say is that it's not so much pleasing others that's Jaesa's flaw. It's that need to have something reliable, something she can believe in. To be fair given her powers it's an understandable flaw. Seeing deciet EVERYWHERE and then finding one person who doesn't practice it (in terms of self-deciet) is probably a relief.


To put it in terms of Kira though:


Imagine if she had the same power as Jaesa and that when she first joined the Jedi order she would see selfishness, darkness, envy in her master? Talk about dashing a person's hopes right?

Edited by Aresnar
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  • 1 year later...
Well if I can't turn Kira to the dark side I'm done subing to this game. (


It would be completely out of character for Kira to fall to the dark side, given her personality and backstory. I think the writers got that one right in not giving a dark Jedi master the ability to convert her to the darkside. It would be just as out of character as Scourge being converted into light side Jedi.

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