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SWTOR -- What if... [youtube video inside]


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I watched both this and the speeder video. I really would love the cutscenes. But I'm sad to say that it would indeed draw the ire of some gamers because of their "ZOMG, hurry this up already!" attitudes.

Who would complain about cool cutscenes instead of boring loading screens? The magic about background loading is that the cutscene REPLACES the loading screen. Also see the skip option when the loading is finished.


ON the speeder video, I laughed pretty hard on the Moon River portion. You're totally right, speeders are so PAINFULLY slow in this game.


true :D Darth Baras agrees with you too

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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One thing I have said in the past is that the Makeb intro cinematic using the game engine should be used as a framework for an intro for every initial planet visit.


That said, using bink video would be far superior to using the in game engine for cinematics IMO. Using the current engine, especially for take offs and landings ends up feeling stodgy and amateurish IMO. A bink video would solve this and allow the sequence to be more "natural".


There are definitely far too many load screens during planet to planet travel.


Good concept IMO.

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