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Call me crazy...


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but I 100% whole heartedly miss LD50. They made me a better player, and I feel like everyone, including myself, is sloppy without them around.


When I say "them", I mean the annoyance of dargos and combatmedic (on anyone of his ******e toons), and cates for being the most annoying mother****er out there and turbo for running/approving the **** that they all did.


I miss them, and everyone else who left/transferred since June-ish - aka everyone who was a competitive player. I really hope we can fix the competition aspect of things on the server, I know Mathcore (imp side) is trying as well as a few people I don't personally recognize on pub side. I transferred my sorc in search of what ld50 gave me in the big picture, but all my other toons remain on jedi covenant and I want to see things change.


Lets give it a go with ranked queues and what not, I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.

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but I 100% whole heartedly miss LD50. They made me a better player, and I feel like everyone, including myself, is sloppy without them around.


When I say "them", I mean the annoyance of dargos and combatmedic (on anyone of his ******e toons), and cates for being the most annoying mother****er out there and turbo for running/approving the **** that they all did.


I miss them, and everyone else who left/transferred since June-ish - aka everyone who was a competitive player. I really hope we can fix the competition aspect of things on the server, I know Mathcore (imp side) is trying as well as a few people I don't personally recognize on pub side. I transferred my sorc in search of what ld50 gave me in the big picture, but all my other toons remain on jedi covenant and I want to see things change.


Lets give it a go with ranked queues and what not, I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.


Solo ranked queues pop regularly (but not particularly frequently) during prime time hours every day. As for team ranked, the Pillars of Ashla + myself team has been queuing up at least every other night some time between the hours of 7-11pm depending on when our guys are available. We advertise in the pub channel when we're queuing as well, but in general team ranked pops are very slow now that the opening days of the leaderboard are over. I think you will find our team an ample challenge should you face us. :)

Edited by Underpowered
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as sad as it sounds, my "new main" sage/op is no where geared to do ranked - that being said who is on this server? I throw props to who earns them. my op has not earned them nor my sage so I'm sorry about being absent from the ranked community lately.


that being said I also work a lot of night shifts (my time is 9pm to 9am server time) so bigtime kudos to everyone else for participating.

My post was to vaguely remind everyone of how they played when LD50 and the larger PVP guilds were around. I think everyone can try to remember/adapt to how they kited (dpsed/tanked) while the [main pvp guild] was dominating. (cry as you will, ld50's abundance was indisputable).


My parenthesis and whatnot -> up for dispute.

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Hate to say it but there is so little competition left in this game. Cross server "might" bring people back but a little birdy said that wasn't even something they're working on. But hey we have 1 more arena map to look forward to! >.>


Best just to set up some fun games with people you enjoy playing with and chupacabra what this game has left. I do miss the good ol' days!



Some memories:


Getting q dodged http://i.imgur.com/2g2uFw9.jpg


Some older names http://i.imgur.com/B3Xz4eh.png


GvGs for days http://i.imgur.com/XrudAf6.jpg

Edited by Rynis
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but I 100% whole heartedly miss LD50. They made me a better player, and I feel like everyone, including myself, is sloppy without them around.


When I say "them", I mean the annoyance of dargos and combatmedic (on anyone of his ******e toons), and cates for being the most annoying mother****er out there and turbo for running/approving the **** that they all did.


I miss them, and everyone else who left/transferred since June-ish - aka everyone who was a competitive player. I really hope we can fix the competition aspect of things on the server, I know Mathcore (imp side) is trying as well as a few people I don't personally recognize on pub side. I transferred my sorc in search of what ld50 gave me in the big picture, but all my other toons remain on jedi covenant and I want to see things change.


Lets give it a go with ranked queues and what not, I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.


that ß¡tçh is crazy

Edited by SowanutZ
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getting curb stomped when i was against them and getting *****ed out for how bad I (as in our team) was/how I (we) couldnt be carried when they lost. yea i miss "them" too :rolleyes:


haven't played in awhile myself, but when last I did, combat medic was still playing (on alts). and since his was easily the loudest and most frequent voice in that vein, plus what vanier would throw out in a ranked match, iunno. did you really notice a difference? all I noticed was fewer people and a drop in overall quality of matches in every format (reg/rated, wz/arena).

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but I 100% whole heartedly miss LD50. They made me a better player, and I feel like everyone, including myself, is sloppy without them around.


When I say "them", I mean the annoyance of dargos and combatmedic (on anyone of his ******e toons), and cates for being the most annoying mother****er out there and turbo for running/approving the **** that they all did.


I miss them, and everyone else who left/transferred since June-ish - aka everyone who was a competitive player. I really hope we can fix the competition aspect of things on the server, I know Mathcore (imp side) is trying as well as a few people I don't personally recognize on pub side. I transferred my sorc in search of what ld50 gave me in the big picture, but all my other toons remain on jedi covenant and I want to see things change.


Lets give it a go with ranked queues and what not, I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.


Yet we sit in the queue..... waiting for a team to queue up.

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To be honest it comes down to what you want to do. If ANY part of your game experience includes PVP and you want to have fun or at the very least have those competitive games mentioned being missed in this thread, unfortunately the writing is on the wall. You probably need to roll over to a PVP server. There is still PVE on a PVP server and to be honest all of this has been a long time coming. PVP on PVE servers began its long death rattle the moment they opened up server transfers. I can tell you that personally from the moment I logged in over on POT 5 I had people I hadn't seen in months hop in mumble to say hi and welcome me as well as quite a few old Fatman players sending whispers trying to track down old friends from Unicorns. It's been a lot of fun, everyone is cool and it is pretty laid back. Now, with that said don't expect yoloranked or regs to be super easy because "everyone is better on a PVP server", trust me there is suck everywhere but the queue's don't stop, the community seems pretty laid back and in my completely honest opinion if you are really noticing this decline now trust me, especially with the space expansion dropping soon, if you are not on a PVP server but enjoy PVP you will have to transfer to a PVP server to enjoy it. 8 man regs, 12 man space pvp, solo and grp ranked. I don't see Jedi covenant having a very active PVP scene for much longer. I honestly think it's logistically impossible to make it viable outside of a couple hrs during prime-time and/or unless you guys designate certain "event nights" like "Space PVP Wednesday" or "Solo ranked Thursday". Quite possibly part of Bioware's master plan to get everyone to pay for a server transfer or 2. Either way that's my 2 cents on this subject. The JC community is a good one but unfortunately with Bioware refusing to explore the cross server queue option there are 2 alternatives. Go to a PVP server or stay and only PVE. I want to say this game is probably going to get a lot of hype and a lot of new players when the Star Wars movies come out but how long that will last and what quality of players it will bring are both all too hypothetical to realistically take into consideration at this point.



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To be honest it comes down to what you want to do. If ANY part of your game experience includes PVP and you want to have fun or at the very least have those competitive games mentioned being missed in this thread, unfortunately the writing is on the wall. You probably need to roll over to a PVP server. There is still PVE on a PVP server and to be honest all of this has been a long time coming. PVP on PVE servers began its long death rattle the moment they opened up server transfers. I can tell you that personally from the moment I logged in over on POT 5 I had people I hadn't seen in months hop in mumble to say hi and welcome me as well as quite a few old Fatman players sending whispers trying to track down old friends from Unicorns. It's been a lot of fun, everyone is cool and it is pretty laid back. Now, with that said don't expect yoloranked or regs to be super easy because "everyone is better on a PVP server", trust me there is suck everywhere but the queue's don't stop, the community seems pretty laid back and in my completely honest opinion if you are really noticing this decline now trust me, especially with the space expansion dropping soon, if you are not on a PVP server but enjoy PVP you will have to transfer to a PVP server to enjoy it. 8 man regs, 12 man space pvp, solo and grp ranked. I don't see Jedi covenant having a very active PVP scene for much longer. I honestly think it's logistically impossible to make it viable outside of a couple hrs during prime-time and/or unless you guys designate certain "event nights" like "Space PVP Wednesday" or "Solo ranked Thursday". Quite possibly part of Bioware's master plan to get everyone to pay for a server transfer or 2. Either way that's my 2 cents on this subject. The JC community is a good one but unfortunately with Bioware refusing to explore the cross server queue option there are 2 alternatives. Go to a PVP server or stay and only PVE. I want to say this game is probably going to get a lot of hype and a lot of new players when the Star Wars movies come out but how long that will last and what quality of players it will bring are both all too hypothetical to realistically take into consideration at this point.




What he said.


I haven't moved to a pvp server because a few of the people I do 4v4 ranked don't want to move. I'm giving myself till December/January to see what happens with the new xpac and I'll give the queue a couple of weeks. I'm only 2 lvls from 55 on POT5.


With that being said pvp is just as bad over there as it is here. The pops just pop more.

Edited by Iolus
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While I agree with you, if LD50 wouldn't have absorbed all the other decent PVP guilds on the server, the scene here would be quite different. Maybe not on the imp side, as there was a noticeable lack of solid pvpers there, but remembering Bad Rep, Bloodline, Thundercats, etc on the Pub side reminds me that there were decent pvpers here, they just all joined forces then left with nobody to play against. Edited by Simmerr
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but I 100% whole heartedly miss LD50. They made me a better player, and I feel like everyone, including myself, is sloppy without them around.


When I say "them", I mean the annoyance of dargos and combatmedic (on anyone of his ******e toons), and cates for being the most annoying mother****er out there and turbo for running/approving the **** that they all did.


I miss them, and everyone else who left/transferred since June-ish - aka everyone who was a competitive player. I really hope we can fix the competition aspect of things on the server, I know Mathcore (imp side) is trying as well as a few people I don't personally recognize on pub side. I transferred my sorc in search of what ld50 gave me in the big picture, but all my other toons remain on jedi covenant and I want to see things change.


Lets give it a go with ranked queues and what not, I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.


Missing LD50, rightttttt lol no, and for this whole "sloppy" thing, no... just... no.

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You're crazy.


There's a little bit too much truth in this thread.

We've been declining in pvp population and skill level [most notably] since server transfers opened up.

It's gotten worse after each update, with more and more people leaving. Certain guilds were taking over LD's "spot" on the pvp food chain, and this cycled out until that guild decided it was finally time to leave. Do we even have pvp guilds left on this server? Part of the reason I've stayed guildless is each guild is either on its way to another game or another server; no point joining up to see Guild: 1 every day again... Math's persistence in getting ranked queues is admirable. I can actually log in imp side and have hopes that I won't be the only person requesting a tank please queue up so I can play this game I'm paying for until I get fed up enough to dish out another $20 and leave, making it that much harder to get a ranked pop as a tank on JC.


I don't miss LD50. However, their absence has given me too big of a head. I hated playing them just about every time I solo queued. They were some of the worst, most one-sided matches, and they wouldn't hesitate to taunt you about it during and after the game ended. I never had the 'luxury' of playing them ranked, but their ranked team had the pleasure of treating every game like it gave out ranked comms. There's no common enemy in pvp now, though. There are a few four-man groups and some notable players, but without any of them it's almost laughable the kinds of mistakes that are made in games. Bads are bads everywhere, but when the closest matches are only so close because neither team defends mid in huttball, nobody calls out until they're dead [maybe], and wear tank gear as a dps sorc asking for guard so they can heal. Without being reminded that you're bad, there's no way you're going to stop being bad.


The worst part is there's no reason for people to transfer to JC. Only reasons for people to transfer away. The more people leave, the bigger the problem for the rest of us. I think there are finally less than a handful of tanks I can think of, imp side or pub, and I'm the only one who mains a powertech. Calling myself the best on the server-and I have gotten to think I am the best-doesn't mean much when there's nobody to be compared to. There's only so much you can improve on by playing the same two or three people in-between twenty minute wait times. Even less when it's never your mirror. Only a matter of time before all JC has left are ranked dps cluster****s and regstars.

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While I agree with you, if LD50 wouldn't have absorbed all the other decent PVP guilds on the server, the scene here would be quite different. Maybe not on the imp side, as there was a noticeable lack of solid pvpers there, but remembering Bad Rep, Bloodline, Thundercats, etc on the Pub side reminds me that there were decent pvpers here, they just all joined forces then left with nobody to play against.

I don't think so. I agree with the logic. I just think the population was always too small. the guilds you mention were all unable to field teams on their own. BL tried like once to pug a team, and that went horribly with honorof (yelling match with the tank). so BL chose to do guild-only runs, but we rarely had a comp of pvp players on (not even top tier; we're talking about me, but there was top talent too, like banksy, kalak, inmortal). anyway, on those rare occasions when we got a team together, we'd see thundercats with 2 or 3 pugs. I never saw a full bad rep team in rateds. but that might've just been a timing thing.

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Only a matter of time before all JC has left are ranked dps cluster****s and regstars.


JC is FULL of regstars. There are plenty of guilds and groups on this server who only do reg wzs in 4 man premades but have never set foot in a ranked match. (Can you blame them?) Solo ranked matches are mostly dps cluster**** as there are only a few healers that queue and tanks are nonexistent.


What can you expect from a pve server. Eh with that said Q up! plz

Edited by Iolus
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JC is FULL of regstars. There are plenty of guilds and groups on this server who only do reg wzs in 4 man premades but have never set foot in a ranked match. (Can you blame them?) Solo ranked matches are mostly dps cluster**** as there are only a few healers that queue and tanks are nonexistent.


What can you expect from a pve server. Eh with that said Q up! plz


Im not doing solo ranked for a while. Due to me sucking. So im going back to being a reg star after eso beta this weekend.





HAHA JK:rak_03:

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