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Companion Respec Kits


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Am I the only one who wouldn't mind something like this? Where I can take a melee companion and make that companion a ranged one? Or take a heavy weapons companion and make that companion a sniper companion?

That's why they give each class different companions (not that everyone gets a sniper, but everyone does get a tank, a healer and I believe a ranged and melee DPS).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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That's why they give each class different companions (not that everyone gets a sniper, but everyone does get a tank, a healer and I believe a ranged and melee DPS).


It would give more diversity to companions and not have some of the same companions being used all the time while others rot in the ship all the time.

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For what it's worth, all companions were blank slates in beta and you got to choose how they helped you. You chose their role for them, which is pretty much what the OP is asking for.


Personally, I like the idea. I like some companions and dislike others. I'd like to turn Vette into a Healer so I can put Quinn away in the ship, as an example.


So, yeah. Good idea.

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You mean you want me to take a companion because I enjoy its personality or sotry and not because I need its mechanics? Wow, what an awesome concept in a game that talks up its story!


I already do that, because the game is so easy that the role of your companion really does not matter.

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It would give more diversity to companions and not have some of the same companions being used all the time while others rot in the ship all the time.

It would not add diversity.


I would be happy if they just got rid of some of the fudge factor. Qwyzen should be a vanguard tank, not a "techblade" wielder. They need to merge some weapon types I think.

They are what they are. You don' get to completely mold others into your desired shape. To a large extent, taking your companions are they are is part of their story.


Mechanically, Quyzen would not be any different if he were a "Vangaurd" than he is as a tech melee.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Am I the only one who wouldn't mind something like this? Where I can take a melee companion and make that companion a ranged one? Or take a heavy weapons companion and make that companion a sniper companion?


Sure, why not? Would be more fun at end-game.


Although... it is sort of hard to imagine Mako tanking for me! :t_eek:

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It would not add diversity.


It would in a sense that the diversity of companions you would actually use would be greater. Most dps characters use the healer, most healers use the tank. Most companions rarely get used at all.


Fully support this idea, the way it was in Beta orginally.

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It would in a sense that the diversity of companions you would actually use would be greater. Most dps characters use the healer, most healers use the tank. Most companions rarely get used at all.

And it would not be any different if you could choose your companion's role. Everyone would still always use the same companions. So no, it would not add diversity.

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And it would not be any different if you could choose your companion's role. Everyone would still always use the same companions. So no, it would not add diversity.


If, as a dps, I could make any companion into a healer at any given time, i'd pretty much use them all. As it currently stands, I use the healer.


That's it. Being able to actually use other companions effectively would add diversity. This is common sense. I should add that I more support the OP's idea than how it was in beta, that last part was confusing on my part. Choosing a permanent role wouldn't make things any different than they are now, you are correct about that.

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And it would not be any different if you could choose your companion's role. Everyone would still always use the same companions. So no, it would not add diversity.


I would use A same companion, but not THE same companion. Probably.


Then again, I wouldn't mind spec'ing all of my assassin's companions as healers. Then I would use a couple of different ones. Andy could finally get off the ship... he's been there for a very long time.

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If, as a dps, I could make any companion into a healer at any given time, i'd pretty much use them all. As it currently stands, I use the healer.

Yes, that's part of the choice you have to make story-wise. You want every companion to be a combination of Treek and HK. At that point, all companions might as well just be generic droids called "Companion."


I would use A same companion, but not THE same companion. Probably.


Then again, I wouldn't mind spec'ing all of my assassin's companions as healers. Then I would use a couple of different ones. Andy could finally get off the ship... he's been there for a very long time.

Which might be important to him if he were a real person.

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Yes, that's part of the choice you have to make story-wise. You want every companion to be a combination of Treek and HK. At that point, all companions might as well just be generic droids called "Companion."


And if you notice, those two, once acquired, see the most action outside the ship.

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It would in a sense that the diversity of companions you would actually use would be greater. Most dps characters use the healer, most healers use the tank. Most companions rarely get used at all.


Fully support this idea, the way it was in Beta orginally.


I guess I am in the minority since I do not follow that trend at all:


On my JKG tank I use HK or Kira most of the time. Only when I solo group content do I use Doc

On my Scoundrel healer, I use HK. This usually means I end up "tanking" but in all honesty that makes healing easier and fights shorter as I can target a mob and heal myself

On My JCS DPS, I use Nadia for the simple fact that she was the easiest to gear (she gets all my hand-me-downs)

On My Merc DPS, I use Blizz because he makes me laugh :)


If I had to guess, most players stick with one companion for the fact that it is the best geared. That usually either means one gotten early, or one that can use your character's hand-me-downs.


All that being said, I would not be opposed to having some way of "customizing" companions in what role they fill.

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All that being said, I would not be opposed to having some way of "customizing" companions in what role they fill.

Pretty sure every companion but the ship droid has 2 "stances." So you already can customize them for their roles (of course the DPS-only companions are either "DPS stance 1" or "DPS stance 2").

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Yes, that's part of the choice you have to make story-wise. You want every companion to be a combination of Treek and HK. At that point, all companions might as well just be generic droids called "Companion."


I think that's the point here, in a way. Each companion still has their story, but their combat role is just not important to the story. Why not free them?

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