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Returning Player - DPS or Tank Gear for PVP Tanking?


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Came back after long hiatus (since 1.5) and can't stand how they've changed the Vengeance spec so I'm going to try giving Immortal/tanking a shot before re-rolling.


I remember in the past PVP tanks would always use DPS gear because the defensive stats were seen as worthless against most abilities used in PVP. Is that still the case? From reading the forums it seems like more people are using tank gear for PVP tanking.


Is tank gear now viable for PVP? If so what are the pros/cons vs. wearing DPS gear?




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Honestly, my advice to a new 55 jug would be to acquire strength/power/surge gear and augment some cool looking armor with might augments. Once you've accumulated all of that and want to tank, spec into immortal with a shield generator. Give the playstyle a shot first, before dedicating the time solely to grind tank gear. Tanking can be an exercise in table-flipping, if you are grouped with unfavorable comps.


The reason I suggest this, is so you can easily perform well in the other trees if you need a break from tanking. If you have a hard time finding competent healers to play with, then you can continue to acquire tank gear to blend in stats as you go. I suggest this as though you are both beginning to join solo que arenas, and are planning on doing a lot of them.

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PVP jugg tanking is both fun and annoying at the same time. It's fun as hell when you jump into a crowd and go Smash -> Crushing Blow -> AOE taunt -> Saber Reflect and just watch people getting ticked off with you and try to nuke you down (Saber Reflect FTW!). The annoying part is all the taunting / interceding / guard switching that you need to do. If your are with a derp team - good luck!


I go with tanking gear and endurance augments in PVP. You'll hit like a wet noodle, but you will stay alive and that's your main job.

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If your are with a derp team - good luck!


Jug Tank is a very team-oriented class. You could be the best Jug Tank in the world, but if your team sucks then so will you.


If you've got some reliable teammates, though, you really can become unstoppable.

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