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Family Legacy Tree Makes no Sense...my suggestion to improve it


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Before people start flaming me like the rabid fanboys/girls that they are (you know who you are and I can pretty much name who's going to respond to this post), keep in mind this is only my opinion. Again, my o-p-I-n-I-o-n only.


The issue I have is this: after you romance one of your companions, it doesn't make sense that you could only be wed to another one of your toons on your family tree. My suggestion would be to have NPC unlocks as well on the family tree (in conjunction with your other toons) that would be there only if you've gotten that far in the story line.


Since the whole tree is rather pointless at this point except for role play anyway, how about if Bioware makes it so that depending on the type of class that you romance, it gives that particular toon a stat bonus? For instance, if your vanguard romanced a Jedi, then you would get a +5 resistance to Force attacks. Or if your scoundrel romanced Corso Riggs, then you would get a +1 armstech efficiency or something. To balance things out with romancing an NPC maybe it would be a + stat and a -stat for that particular character so you don't always feel pressured to do a romance. And this isn't just for spouses, but for children, rivals, etc. The point is, the family tree could be used for something more than just a visual aid.


Once again, I know people are going to say stuff like "This is a terrible idea, what are you ? an<insert racial/sexual slur>? Bioware is doing things perfect as it is" I also realize that Bioware has other more pressing issues/features they are working on...but just one thing to consider.

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I certainly would appreciate it if they made romanced companions available for the family tree. For instance, my Sentinel is married to Doc and according to my head-canon, they have a child together. And I can't replicate that in the Legacy tree because companions cannot be included.


To be honest though, the whole family tree needs reworking (like, allowing more than 2 connections to a character other than children, giving us new connection points like "Master/Student" etc). In fact, the whole system needs reworking. I still laugh bitterly when I watch that old Developer Dispatch video for the Legacy System in which Damion Schubert says "We are looking constantly for ways to expand the Legacy system."


The wasted potential this game has in so many areas makes me so frustrated that I want to punch someone.

Edited by BenKatarn
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I never understood the point of the family tree - I can't even imagine what kind of idea that was bounced around the particular "brain storming session" that resulted in the family tree in SWTOR!


What your suggesting OP is a decent idea - but sounds like far too much work and I don't think that EA/BW can devote that much time into something like this.

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I certainly would appreciate it if they made romanced companions available for the family tree. For instance, my Sentinel is married to Doc and according to my head-canon, they have a child together. And I can't replicate that in the Legacy tree because companions cannot be included.


To be honest though, the whole family tree needs reworking (like, allowing more than 2 connections to a character other than children, giving us new connection points like "Master/Student" etc). In fact, the whole system needs reworking. I still laugh bitterly when I watch that old Developer Dispatch video for the Legacy System in which Damion Schubert says "We are looking constantly for ways to expand the Legacy system."


The wasted potential this game has in so many areas makes me so frustrated that I want to punch someone.


I agree with you. I would like it if they added Master/Apprentice and Master/Padawan links. The ally one is a lateral relationship which doesn't fit with Master/Padawan.


I would also support companions being in your family tree.


I'd also like it if other players could be in your family tree too (maybe they have to confirm it?) because some of my characters have had children with other players' characters - and in some cases those children are on my account and in some cases they are on the other player's account, so my toons actually don't have their kids in their family tree.


I'm not an RP-er and it's just for fun, but it would just be a nice feature. I used to have a complex family tree, but things like this kind of made me give it up and now I just use it to arrange my toons so I can see who needs to be levelled. It's a bit sad.

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