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I see no issues with DPS sorcs in arenas. Just don't go balance spec, unless your team is really smart.


Well there are those of us who would like to actually heal with sorcs, because being forced to revert to a nerfed heal/dps hybrid to survive long enough to actually do anything is just LOL.


Ops stealth/infiltrate to counter the initial pull-stun-gank.


Mercs have HO on short cooldown to pop right before the enemy closes to pull range. I recognize that mercs have issues too, but still.


Sorcs have Barrier. Only it renders the sorc useless and someone else on the team gets hard switched. That might be a useful diversion for a DPS sorc, but a heal sorc just can't afford it. And they're left with no defense for 3 minutes. To add insult to injury, it's the only non-mobility/stealth defensive cooldown in the game that is negated by Electronet. LOLOL.


Unless they go halfway up lightning tree to get bubblemez. The automatic counter-CC is the only reason why I can even justify staying instead of leaving when an arena pops. But the fact we sorc healers have to hybrid to get any useful defense at all is just broken as hell. (And we sacrifice a rather large amount of healing to get it, effectively turning us into light armor mercs with different animations.)


Having one alpha class for healing while the other two are left out in the cold is not OK.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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The tears of Sorcs who can't play the class how bioware designed it to be played /joy bioware even told you how to play ur class yrustilldoingitwrong.


I don't know what that means. I don't see a Bioware Dev winning in Arena's but I do see them asking for Help on Fixing Lightning and Corruption on the class Forums.

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Well there are those of us who would like to actually heal with sorcs, because being forced to revert to a nerfed heal/dps hybrid to survive long enough to actually do anything is just LOL.



If you want to heal as a sorc, you should probably invest in the healing tree. A.k.a going up to the top and getting your main heal.

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If you want to heal as a sorc, you should probably invest in the healing tree. A.k.a going up to the top and getting your main heal.


And then get pulled by one of the minimum 2 FOTM AP PT hybrid "tanks", stunned, and killed before the stun even ends.


Popping Force Barrier only delays the above until harpoon comes off cooldown. In contrast, with set bonus, bubblemez is up every 14 seconds with set bonus and lets us eat the above stun without immediately burning other, scarce cooldowns (which of course the other team wants us to do).


In 8v8, the DPS at least have to pay attention to objectives, which allows a full corruption sorc a diversion to get away. Not to mention in 8v8 there is actually something of a backline so you can hide behind your team. In 4v4 deathmatch there is literally no reason not to zerg a full corruption sorc until it is dead. If it doesn't die in short order, you are bad, simple as that. Not sure what spec Glory runs, but there's a reason why Mudclot isn't a healer.


I hate to say it but bubblemez hybrid is the only possible way for a Sorc healer to Make Them Pay for Trying to Kill You. And the fact that we cannot take full heal tree if we want to survive longer than 1 minute in arenas (I'm talking about solo queue here, no guarantee of getting a tank let alone a good one), while the other 2 heal classes can, is broken as hell.


P.S. Our "main heal" is actually in the middle of the healing tree, around 20 points or so. Revivification is pretty much negated by FOTM smash/dongcleave because it is not a sticky heal and forces your team to clump up to receive its full effect. When I say we give up lots of healing to get bubblemez, I'm actually mostly referring to a talent that lets us channel our main heal 18% faster that we have to give up, as well as our bonus healing talent.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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^^^^^^^ Agree, also Op//Sc healers have a nice 4 person heal over time that is instant not need to look it at any bars or even cast and it's a blanket spell that they can just keep going when it's duration ends. They also have a single target instant hot that stacks two times to increase it's healing both are instant. We have one instant and it has a cooldown the op healer is not on a cooldown. I'd like to say they alos have more pasisve bonuses as well, overall it's an easy class to play and put up big healing numbers.


They also have an instant heal with tactical advantage up and when they get below 30% their instant heal which is equal to dark heal cost nothing and refreshes tactical advantage which allows them to spam an instant heal at no cost.


3 three instant abilities one equal to dark heal one equal to revivification yet isn't restricted to an area and is instant and a hot with no cooldown unlike ours that has a cooldown. See what we're working with?


Anyone who has any delusions that a sorc/sage is on par with any class in the game is welcome to come talk to me and I will show you the light.


In wow arena's we had what was called queue dodgers win traders etc so leader boards can be cheated don't take some of these guys words at face value from other servers I've watched their streams and they are not good at all and a lot of the teams they face are pug groups queuing. So some of them say they have a 90% win ratio it's because they know when pugs are in the queue and they tank they're exceptional tank/healer double Madness combo in and say look at us were almost 2k and the best on our server.


When in reality they beat some half ***** teams and know when there is weaker teams in the queue for them to beat. On our server we don't have that luxury because not many people queue four man games. Our servers Infamous group with Mallo the two pt's and their op healer would run right over that 2 sorc combo all day long.

I'd put money on that.

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I agree that Sorc healers do suffer in close quarters PVP like the arenas and BW need to either allow the alacrity buff to allow an instant cast or provide a better defensive cooldown than the Bubble of shame.


In 8v8 WZs Sorc healers can put up some impressive numbers both as DPS and Healers (or a Hybrid mix) but a lot of the number is fluff, the cuddle puddle overheals by a lot and the DPS numbers are usually down to affliction/crushing darkness which barely beat out the instant HOTs put on by an Operative.


In the arenas the Operative is still king of the healers due to all the instants they have (as mentioned by Dev above) and any Operative worth their salt will make sure that the area HOT gets themselves and at least 2 other players,


In second place I would put the Merc healer because for short bursts the merc healer is able to focus healing the tank (or hybrid tank that most groups are fond of now) and unless the fight goes more that 3 minutes or you have someone sitting on the Merc interrupting everything you can (not likely) the merc healer does fine. Luckily there are few experienced merc healers in this game.

Edited by bsbrad
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another quality of life change that I would like see adding to Sorcs is that the Unnatural Preservation restores 2% of you current health as force, i.e if you are about to die it would not make much difference but if you have max health (30kish) you will get back 60 force. This will prevent us from slitting our wrists everytime we run out of force which is fine in PVE when a friendly tank has got aggro but in PVP it seems stupid slitting your wrists while pulling a dagger (insert weapon of choice) out of your back at the same time.


Right now to beat a corruption Sorc all you have to do is sit on them and interrupt their innervate as this allows them to proc their cuddle puddle instantly. The other heals you can just DPS through. All the while their force is getting lower and lower.....

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Just fake them with you hard cast Lightning strike they will interupt it 90% of the time trust me. Hell half the time they will bite on a quick travel.


This is the only use left for whirlwind, lol.


Lightning strike doesn't quite intrude upon whirlwind's position as prime fakecast bait.

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