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Thoughts and Suggestions on Sentinel / Marauder Combat / Carnage Spec for PVP


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Hi All.


I am starting this post to gather thoughts and suggestions to improve quality of life changes for combat spec sentinel. Before everyone judges, hear me out. For starters, I am not in any way suggesting the other trees defenses need a nerf (whether people believe they do or not). I am merely pointing out that the middle tree seems to be a bit behind the curve in survivability. Combat spec clearly lacks the survivability of the other 2 trees (watchman and focus). That being said, I do understand that each of the 3 trees work differently.


First off, watchman / annihilation tree has those self-heals. I am not against this; it's one of the crown jewels of the tree. Additionally, watchman gets an extra second and further increased movement speed with force camou and 15 seconds off pacify plus that 6 second interrupt. It doesn't stop here. Watchman also gets health back while attacked when saber ward is up and the stance alone gives 4% elemental and internal damage reduction. Also of note, is their ability to leap right on the target (not a defensive but the tree that benefits most from our set bonus). These all fit nicely with their bit longer ramp up, but high sustained dps. As a side note, I think extending the duration of the stacks of merciless will be a positive change to this tree for pvp.


Alright, now the strong focus tree. Not only does this tree bring a lot of aoe and burst, it is very survivable. For starters, assuming defensive forms is talented, Shi-Cho form gives 4% damage reduction (with the additional 2% talented further up the tree). Additionally, this tree gets an extended time on rebuke (20% damage reduction for 10 seconds- but can last for up to 30 if being continuously attacked). While the other trees definitely utilize rebuke, it is less likely to drop off with the extended time. Moreover, focus gets the 30 second reduction on the cool down of guarded by the force with the benefit of it only taking 25% of their current health (even with the upcoming nerf, this is a great benefit).


And now combat. The combat tree does hold the talent 'Defensive Forms' which grants damage reduction for the other 2 trees, yet grants a 15% movement speed bonus to combat/carnage. I fail to see how this is a 'defensive form.' There are so many roots and cc's in the game that this is completely nullified. Also in the combat tree is 'Defensive Roll" granting 30% damage reduction for area of effect attacks. This ability is low in the tree and can easily (and should) be taken by all 3 trees. In other words, while this is a great talent, it is not specific to combat. The only other talent that improves our defensives is saber screen which allows a stacking buff (up to 3 stacks) for a max of 6% damage reduction and 6% ranged and melee defense. Although,and others can correct me if I'm wrong, I don't see the benefit of the defense here, but the damage reduction is nice(but again based on procced-ataru hits and is not guaranteed to be up). I do also want to mention that combat has the reduced cool down on Awe (keep in mind that Awe is not a hard stun and breaks on damage). This may save your life occasionally, but is most often used for objective play and peeling.


With all of that being said, I do realize that combat has high burst. However, this burst is not maintained and is followed by a low damage building phase. Additionally, this burst is easily stopped by cc, stuns, knockbacks, etc. While this is rather annoying for the other trees as well, they do not depend on a short-lasting self-buff to do their damage. As combat, if you get cc'd right when hit precision slash, your burst is gone. So you wait for HOJ to proc your refreshed cool down on precision and alas....cc'd again. To top it off, by the time our precision comes back off cool down, our resolve is such that we may be cc'd yet again. All our burst is gone at that point. I know that many say that burst and survivability do not go hand in hand. I get that. But if this is the case, combat needs a way to land our burst part of the time in exchange for the lower survivability. To this end, I have a couple of suggestions that may individually (I am not suggesting that all of these need to happen) help this issue.


1.) CC immunity is granted for 2 seconds (which is less than half of our buff time of 4.5 seconds) when precision slash is activated. Before anyone gets upset, this would not guarantee a master strike hit, but it would require more skill on other players to hit their cc at the appropriate time. However, this would allow players to get in at least 2 attacks in the window (blade storm, blade rush,or 2 ticks of master strike). Also keep in mind that our autocrit is also proc-based and not guaranteed to be up with precision.


2.) Instead of cc immunity for a short-time with precision, make a talent where the cool down on precision slash is refreshed if cc'd during the first 1.5 seconds.


3.) This is more of a quality of life suggestion. Disallow Hand of Justice to proc our refreshed cd on precision slash if precision slash is already off cool down.


4.) This is my favorite suggestion. When controlled during precision, you are granted 2 seconds of100% armor pen immediately after becoming uncontrolled but this cannot happen more than once every 30 seconds. This is on a separate cd from HOJ proc.


I will be honest. I am pretty ignorant when it comes to coding so I am not sure what is even possible from that standpoint, but I have played sentinel for a long time and do think some changes are necessary for this tree..


I do also want to say that in regular warzones, we are generally able to get off solid damage. But in ranked, when it is purely kill with no other objective, we are very, very easy to shut down in this way.


I want to hear other opinions from sentinels and marauders, especially those that have played all 3 trees. I am even open to opinions of other classes, but please no unjustified 'all sents are OP.' 'My intention is not to create an imbalance. Playing a spec that is over-powered is not fun in my opinion. Thanks in advance for your replies!




Jas'nah - Balance Shadow; Fey't - Combat Sentinel; Fay'th - Scoundrel Healer

*Night's Radiance*

Edited by babygotmoreback
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Ok, I see where your coming from with this. For a time i was playing Anni (Watchman) and loved the easy rotation and self heals. And i was almost invincible in a few matches. But then i started to realise something. I was really suffering from high ramp-up time and wasent even breaking 1.6k DPS in 66/69 and a few 72's. So i knew something was up. So i switched to Carnage (Combat) and was breaking 2k DPS in my big burst phase and 1.8k - 1.9k in my ramp up phase.


So yea, Carnage is better burst. AND it's better in defences too. How? Better Predation. Predation is a lifesaver. It is 50% Movement Speed AND 20% Damage Reduction for the duration (i think 10 seconds) and with Carnage building TONS of fury, you should be using Predation when your getting hit alot, and Berserk when you arent getting hit alot eg. Ops runs. For PvP i almost solely use Predation. It's free movement speed, and damage reduction, AND you can chain them! If your Frenzy is up. just pop Frenzy and chain your predation's together!


So, im not saying that Carnage (Combat) is best in defences, but it's certainly not lacking. I will say that the Slaughter suggestion, is a fantastic suggestion, also if it procs on Gore (Prescision Slash) It should reset the CD. I have had many a time where my gore chain was broken because I proced Slaughter on a Gore and it didnt give me the reset, it's REALLY frustrating. My personal ideas are.


1. Give Ravage something useful, Like after a Ravage, give us 5% damage for 10 seconds. It would help out with our burst after a Gore phase, and even IN a Gore Phase if you line up your procs to use your first gore for a Berserk'd Ravage, then your second Gore for Force Scream > Vicious Throw. the Overwhelm talent would be great for this!


2a. Execute should be on a 45% Chance like Slaughter. Often times, ive proced a Slaughter after my first Gore and have had to waste 3-4 GCD's just to get an Execute proc! It's aggrivating, i used to dominate as a Carnage Mara in Pre 2.0 but now with Execute being the Crit Scream buff and not Blood Frenzy, It really hurts our DPS.


2b. Blood Frenzy should return to it's original state and proc a Crit scream every ataru form attack. Often times, ive proced a Slaughter after my first Gore and have had to waste 3-4 GCD's just to get an Execute proc! It's aggrivating, i used to dominate as a Carnage Mara in Pre 2.0 but now with Execute being the Crit Scream buff and not Blood Frenzy, It really hurts our DPS. (copied for emphasis)

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Hi! And thank you for your input and ideas! However, your description of predation / transcendence is incorrect. For starters it grants 10% (not 20%) melee and ranged defense (not damage reduction). Secondly, this buff is not excluded to the combat tree. All 3 trees may use it in that way if they choose to do so. I, however, do not want to waste my centering (our biggest damage buff) on predation/transcendence unless it's for an objective. Additionally, combat is the only sentinel tree to not build centering during our zen. So we have less centering building. Combat does get 15% faster trans/predation, but I use it primarily as an objective winner not for the defense. With that being said (feel free to look this up on your sent/mara), can we agree that combat is still a bit lacking here? And combat is definitely not more survivable than watchman.


As for your suggestions, I think an increased proc rate for our autocrit bladestorm is a good suggestion. I can go through over 30 seconds without a proc which is indeed way too long.

Edited by babygotmoreback
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Alright, now the strong focus tree. Not only does this tree bring a lot of aoe and burst, it is very survivable. For starters, assuming defensive forms is talented, Shi-Cho form gives 4% damage reduction (with the additional 2% talented further up the tree). Additionally, this tree gets an extended time on rebuke (20% damage reduction for 10 seconds- but can last for up to 30 if being continuously attacked). While the other trees definitely utilize rebuke, it is less likely to drop off with the extended time. Moreover, focus gets the 30 second reduction on the cool down of guarded by the force with the benefit of it only taking 25% of their current health (even with the upcoming nerf, this is a great benefit).


I believe I saw something in the dev tracker that rage is losing the 25% hp loss from Undying rage / GbtF. So that will be the same as the other specs now which is good (at least in my opinion).


There were a lot of good suggestions in this thread I believe (I think there was another thread similar to it that had so good ideas). The suggestion above about the gore / PS reset I suggested in this thread. There was also a suggestion to make gore / PS not start the 4.5 second buff countdown until you damage the person (this would make it a static buff similar to how acid blade works). This would help protect us against lucky and random CCs. A skilled player would still be able to shut us down which is fine with me. With this change we would always be guaranteed at least one hit with gore / PS up.


I think just those 2 things and no nerf to undying rage for our spec would make our spec fine. Reducing the RNG aspect of our auto crit would be nice as well but I would rather have the other changes first.

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So yea, Carnage is better burst. AND it's better in defences too. How? Better Predation. Predation is a lifesaver. It is 50% Movement Speed AND 20% Damage Reduction for the duration (i think 10 seconds) and with Carnage building TONS of fury, you should be using Predation when your getting hit alot, and Berserk when you arent getting hit alot eg. Ops runs. For PvP i almost solely use Predation. It's free movement speed, and damage reduction, AND you can chain them! If your Frenzy is up. just pop Frenzy and chain your predation's together!


Predation/Transcendence do not confer damage reduction (mitigation) at all. They grant Defense (avoidance chance) of TEN PERCENT (10%) and ONLY to melee and ranged attacks. That is, Force and Tech attacks are unaffected by the boost.


You're right about the 50% movement and 10 second duration, however.

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Hi! And thank you for your input and ideas! However, your description of predation / transcendence is incorrect. For starters it grants 10% (not 20%) melee and ranged defense (not damage reduction). Secondly, this buff is not excluded to the combat tree. All 3 trees may use it in that way if they choose to do so. I, however, do not want to waste my centering (our biggest damage buff) on predation/transcendence unless it's for an objective. Additionally, combat is the only sentinel tree to not build centering during our zen. So we have less centering building. Combat does get 15% faster trans/predation, but I use it primarily as an objective winner not for the defense. With that being said (feel free to look this up on your sent/mara), can we agree that combat is still a bit lacking here? And combat is definitely not more survivable than watchman.


As for your suggestions, I think an increased proc rate for our autocrit bladestorm is a good suggestion. I can go through over 30 seconds without a proc which is indeed way too long.




It is. I feel strong enough (kinda) but being stronger would NOT make me too strong. Being adequate is not the same as being good. We're adequate in defenses, but not good. Our RNG problems, resource scarcity and vulnerability to being shut down are more than enough to argue for increased durability.


I agree completely with your assessment.

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Predation/Transcendence do not confer damage reduction (mitigation) at all. They grant Defense (avoidance chance) of TEN PERCENT (10%) and ONLY to melee and ranged attacks. That is, Force and Tech attacks are unaffected by the boost.


You're right about the 50% movement and 10 second duration, however.


So yes, don't use Predation unless you need it. If you're low, use it to LoS. If you're attacking a node, use it for a speed burst for your team. Voidstar, for transitioning. Huttball, obviously. So on so forth. However, it's NOT worth using if you're getting focused, and plan to stick around. If you plan to run, use it. Otherwise, Berserk is a better choice.


I play Carnage mostly, dab a bit of Annihi when I'm bored, and Smash for luls. It's fine. The only thing I would want is increasing the chance to proc Opportune Strike/Execute to 100% for Ataru Strikes. Cmon, at least give us that. It's such a core talent, that without it proccing when we need it, we're skunked.


Also, would like to see Enrage Sunder be changed to 3/6 seconds instead of 1.5/3. We suffer from Rage loss, and this would help. However, I see that this would be OP in PvE, so maybe fiddle with the values of damage of something, if implemented. OR, change Blood Frenzy to 3 rage instead of 1.


Next, would like to see a talent (Or added to Sever?) that reduces the CD of Twin/Dual Saber Throw, and increases it's damage by X amount, or it's crit damage by x amount. Either is fine.


Increase Frenzied Sabers to 2/4% per stack. OP? Maybe a bit, but it's a nice buff, and doesn't affect PvE.


Just my 2 cents.

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For starters, the mention of Combat having comparable or better defensive capabilities to Focus/Watchman is so absurd its laughable. Now that I have that out of the way......


I greatly enjoy the play-style of Combat/Carnage, whether I'm playing PvE or PvP. The class does offer a great deal of burst damage, but only against the teams that are bad enough to allow that burst. Precision is the skill that brings us on level playing field with the other two specs, and any semi-competent player should know to CC a Sent/Mara once they have Precision/Gore up. The rest of our damage is completely manageable in a solo or healing environment. This is one of my issues with the spec.


The other issue I have with it is the lack of useful defensive talents. The 6% damage reduction that we can get from Saber Screen is so negligible that the talent points are better used elsewhere, and the 30% reduced AoE damage is only useful if you're bad enough to stand in AoEs for the full duration.


The good news is we can root them so that they have to stand close after they CC us due to our use of Precision/Gore.....

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Sorry for the late addition but I actually think this is a solid solution.


4.) This is my favorite suggestion. When controlled during precision, you are granted 2 seconds of100% armor pen immediately after becoming uncontrolled but this cannot happen more than once every 30 seconds. This is on a separate cd from HOJ proc.


What are thoughts on this? I'd love to hear from you.

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How about Gore/PS becomes a buff that activates armor pen when initializing attack? or maybe let it last for 3-4 ticks/attacks no matter how long it takes you to perform them?


The things i find most annoying about the spec, is that every other burst melee out there has a way bigger advantage, sin dps comes from stealth and stunlock target, same goes for operatives. All Carnage have is a root. which makes us (as stated) much easier to CC. Also the fact that every healer has a root break does not make life easier! And don't get me started on Evasion which basically lets the operative healer continue healing and not giving a F***.

Playing on my Sin feels a lot better, i even have shroud so that i can be absolutely (when it works:P) sure of getting my burst in.

Carnage just falls way too short in comparison. yes the burst is amazing (especially against heavy armor), but what use is it unless in perfect situations/tactic gameplay of teammates. i do love the spec and hope that BW fixes it. make root unbreakable or something ^^

Sorry for going off topic.

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How about Gore/PS becomes a buff that activates armor pen when initializing attack? or maybe let it last for 3-4 ticks/attacks no matter how long it takes you to perform them?


The things i find most annoying about the spec, is that every other burst melee out there has a way bigger advantage, sin dps comes from stealth and stunlock target, same goes for operatives. All Carnage have is a root. which makes us (as stated) much easier to CC. Also the fact that every healer has a root break does not make life easier! And don't get me started on Evasion which basically lets the operative healer continue healing and not giving a F***.

Playing on my Sin feels a lot better, i even have shroud so that i can be absolutely (when it works:P) sure of getting my burst in.

Carnage just falls way too short in comparison. yes the burst is amazing (especially against heavy armor), but what use is it unless in perfect situations/tactic gameplay of teammates. i do love the spec and hope that BW fixes it. make root unbreakable or something ^^

Sorry for going off topic.


I prefer the 2 seconds of 100% armor penetration AFTER being CCd (once it has worn off) to stacks of Precision Slash application. Doing it the way you suggested oversimplifies the spec too much for my taste. It is currently the most complicated and demanding spec of Sentinels and arguably in the game. I am rather proud of doing well when I think about that. I top DPS and kills and even solo kills often enough. You guys probably do too. But there are problems and often I am on the wrong end of the RNG, resource and CC problems and there is little I can do about those unless the developers implement a solution. I prefer item four (4) in the OP's list.


Now, you're absolutely correct that the roots are wanting for Combat. Operatives/Scoundrels can dodge them, healing Sages/Sorcerers can ignore them with Force Speed and Troopers/BH (maybe just Vanguards/Powertechs) can simply hit Hold the Line and ignore our roots too. That's to mention nothing of the cc breaker. Our roots are largely useless.


Honestly, this is something that Gudarzz should be all over. I am surprised he is not representing us. Even Tam is not on this either. Maybe both are busy. I am not calling for new representatives--just action from our CURRENT representatives.


We are seemingly bereft of leadership (honestly, I think it was more of a popularity contest than anything) and it is going to be telling as Sentinels/Marauders who are not Focus/Rage are debuffed into impotence. We're going to become the new Mercenary/Commando AC erelong if we cannot unite behind a measured and reasonable solution to our problems. The representatives are liaisons and should have the attention of the developers, therefore it is incumbent upon them to plead our case. I think we have a legitimate gripe but we cannot seem to muster enough passion behind it. Before the absentee Assassin representative took her sabbatical from SWTOR, she was arguing very passionately and was able to unit the other Assassins behind her thinking.


Now, I know our leadership is unpaid and is expected to devote time to these concerns at the expense of personal time--but they knew that going in. Either abdicate and accept a new leader (who should have a strong presence on the forums and in the game) or please, please, become an active member of the Sentinel/Marauder community again! Gudarzz is an amazing player and knows his stuff. I do NOT want a new representative, I just want ours to be more vocal and to opine on what is going on. Waiting until the debuff hits may be too late. I do not prefer this reactive approach. It takes too long to reverse mistakes.


Consider that the questions thread has been allowed to cycle to different pages now. That should not be. We should be seeing arguments--informed and impassioned defenses of our strengths and cogent, rational theses against these crippling debuffs.


Originally I intended to respond only to the quoted portion, but I embarked on a stream of thought.


Gudarzz, you're an amazing player. I have commented on a few of your videos. I want you to stay, just be more active please. Maybe I am asking too much, I don't know. Maybe I missed something about the questions and they're going to be answered at a later date. Seeing a post or reading your opinions on the absurd nerfs would be a huge boon to my morale and I am sure to the morale of other Sentinels/Marauders who feel defeated and more than a little concerned about the direction of our favorite class/spec.

Edited by Sappharan
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Make frenzied saber baseline to ataru form, in its place add a skill that reduces ravage channeling time to 2 seconds, and/or increase its range to 10 meters.


Reduce the total number of points in the tree. Combine execute+blood frenzy+towering rage.


Add a skill to reduce deadly saber cost.


Reduce the cooldown on Brooding to something like 15 seconds.


I actually pop predation sometimes against other melee, not for the defense, but allows you to joust, or at least be really annoying.

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I prefer the 2 seconds of 100% armor penetration AFTER being CCd (once it has worn off) to stacks of Precision Slash application. Doing it the way you suggested oversimplifies the spec too much for my taste. It is currently the most complicated and demanding spec of Sentinels and arguably in the game. I am rather proud of doing well when I think about that. I top DPS and kills and even solo kills often enough. You guys probably do too. But there are problems and often I am on the wrong end of the RNG, resource and CC problems and there is little I can do about those unless the developers implement a solution. I prefer item four (4) in the OP's list.


Now, you're absolutely correct that the roots are wanting for Combat. Operatives/Scoundrels can dodge them, healing Sages/Sorcerers can ignore them with Force Speed and Troopers/BH (maybe just Vanguards/Powertechs) can simply hit Hold the Line and ignore our roots too. That's to mention nothing of the cc breaker. Our roots are largely useless.


Honestly, this is something that Gudarzz should be all over. I am surprised he is not representing us. Even Tam is not on this either. Maybe both are busy. I am not calling for new representatives--just action from our CURRENT representatives.


We are seemingly bereft of leadership (honestly, I think it was more of a popularity contest than anything) and it is going to be telling as Sentinels/Marauders who are not Focus/Rage are debuffed into impotence. We're going to become the new Mercenary/Commando AC erelong if we cannot unite behind a measured and reasonable solution to our problems. The representatives are liaisons and should have the attention of the developers, therefore it is incumbent upon them to plead our case. I think we have a legitimate gripe but we cannot seem to muster enough passion behind it. Before the absentee Assassin representative took her sabbatical from SWTOR, she was arguing very passionately and was able to unit the other Assassins behind her thinking.


Now, I know our leadership is unpaid and is expected to devote time to these concerns at the expense of personal time--but they knew that going in. Either abdicate and accept a new leader (who should have a strong presence on the forums and in the game) or please, please, become an active member of the Sentinel/Marauder community again! Gudarzz is an amazing player and knows his stuff. I do NOT want a new representative, I just want ours to be more vocal and to opine on what is going on. Waiting until the debuff hits may be too late. I do not prefer this reactive approach. It takes too long to reverse mistakes.


Consider that the questions thread has been allowed to cycle to different pages now. That should not be. We should be seeing arguments--informed and impassioned defenses of our strengths and cogent, rational theses against these crippling debuffs.


Originally I intended to respond only to the quoted portion, but I embarked on a stream of thought.


Gudarzz, you're an amazing player. I have commented on a few of your videos. I want you to stay, just be more active please. Maybe I am asking too much, I don't know. Maybe I missed something about the questions and they're going to be answered at a later date. Seeing a post or reading your opinions on the absurd nerfs would be a huge boon to my morale and I am sure to the morale of other Sentinels/Marauders who feel defeated and more than a little concerned about the direction of our favorite class/spec.


Thanks for posting. I would definitely love to hear from our class representatives on this topic. Speak up!!!!!

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But he has not replied or even commented on the incoming debuff since October 19. That's a fortnight and a half.


He did do a lot of work, but the questions were never asked. I am not quite sure why, though. Or, if they were asked, we never received a reply from the developers. Further, they dumped the thread. It is cycling to pages back in the forum. His only comment was to summarize what was in the patch notes and to comment that it's a "Pretty good read."

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The class rep has already done a lot of work in this thread. This would be the best spot to put suggestions in. He is probably just taking a little break seeing as our questions won't get asked until after 2.5 hits. I don't see a big need to call him out on anything as of right now.


I meant no disrespect by saying it would be great to hear from the class representative. I was just excited about posting and seeing the variety of responses! Thanks again!

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The biggest change that would help Carnage the most would be to reduce the damage on focus spec by a flat 30%. Then you'll see more carnage players, and more issues will be brought to light, instead of them focusing on nerfing the only current viable spec in PVP.
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The biggest change that would help Carnage the most would be to reduce the damage on focus spec by a flat 30%. Then you'll see more carnage players, and more issues will be brought to light, instead of them focusing on nerfing the only current viable spec in PVP.


This is not the case. While smash is a dominating force in PVP, carnage certainly has its place. It is true that it is not very survivable (compared to the other trees), but I am hoping with this thread that our voice will be heard on this issue. It is, at the very least, a start!


Thanks for posting!

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about Gore/PS becomes a buff that activates armor pen when initializing attack? or maybe let it last for 3-4 ticks/attacks no matter how long it takes you to perform them?


The things i find most annoying about the spec, is that every other burst melee out there has a way bigger advantage, sin dps comes from stealth and stunlock target, same goes for operatives. All Carnage have is a root. which makes us (as stated) much easier to CC. Also the fact that every healer has a root break does not make life easier! And don't get me started on Evasion which basically lets the operative healer continue healing and not giving a F***.

Playing on my Sin feels a lot better, i even have shroud so that i can be absolutely (when it works:P) sure of getting my burst in.

Carnage just falls way too short in comparison. yes the burst is amazing (especially against heavy armor), but what use is it unless in perfect situations/tactic gameplay of teammates. i do love the spec and hope that BW fixes it. make root unbreakable or something ^^

Sorry for going off topic.


Hi! Thanks for posting! I think you have a great point. Other burst specs have the advantage of stealth or range.

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Other burst specs can't get a kill 100% of the time if they aren't CC'd. Carnage pretty much can. If it was any harder to lock down than it currently is, they would probably have to tone down our damage. I'd personally prefer to keep the finicky damage over having more reliable but less threatening burst.
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Sorry, but I love Combat/Carnage




For starters, you don't get 9300 crits on geared players lol. I will get with some buddies and make a video to show the problem with this spec's susceptibility to cc, knockbacks, etc. I currently don't have fraps capability, but am looking to get it soon. Perhaps it is the server I am (small pvp server with only a few elite teams that queue) on and that everyone knows me, but I get cc'd through a majority of precision windows in ranked, because our burst can be dangerous. I will say that 8v8 this doesn't seem to be glaring problem, but I still feel we are the easiest shut down burst spec in the game. Thanks for posting.

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it is possible on geared players. The guy in the video was geared.

FR proc and SA proccing together + leap buff will hit those kinda numbers. That is what happened there.

I hit 9k+ practically every wz as combat since the main stat relic got changed.

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