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Treek worth getting?


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  • 1 month later...
Have had Treek for all levels - must say she is REALLY good if you outfit her correctly - this can get expensive, but if you are experienced in the game, you can always borrow money from the other characters. For me, she has worked tremendously well as a tank. Have used her on a flashpoint once when someone bailed, and she tanked very well. Again, Treek will have to be outfitted with the correct mods in order for her to be the best that she can be. Hope this is helpful.
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Nothing special tbh.


My healer options are both heavy armour classes with a pistol option so I can and do literally swap every bit of gear over depending on how tall or fat I want my healer for the moment.


Pretty well geared at over 33khp and no high end modding. Treek is no better or worse than the default healer companion.


I don't gear her as a tank, I use a melee tank with a more useful gap closer.


Currently using my default healer.

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My friend Teek is a RIOT! Hands down the most entertaining companion...the little gal -yes its a she- is crazy...Also the healing and tanking combination is really OP in PvE...Treek has solid DPS and requires low maintenance..


Not required but makes life 1000 times easier...If you have the $$$ then go for her.


I make sure to always have regular comms and update her armor/mods/enhancements...Using I have leveled several toons now with Treek exclusively and found regular comms easy to get as long as I do PvP, heroics missions which allows me to always update both my gear and hers...

Edited by Cempa
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was doing a flashpoint a few days ago and the Tank wasn't really tanking. It didn't seem like they realized what their role in the group actually was. So we kicked them.


Instead of waiting for a new tank, one of the group pulls out Treek. It was amazing. Treek tanked better than most players I've come across. She was easier to heal, for the healer, as well.


It made me want to get Treek for myself, but I decided to wait until my Sorc is 55 then work toward the credits, as I want to get the 1k kills with each companion as I level.

Edited by Faolon
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Treek is no better or worse than the default healer companion..
Heal wise, I agree. Both Treek and Fishboy (gus) are geared in 72 on my slinger and both heal the same. Where Treek is better is in the AI department. I roll out of range, Fishboy stands there and heals himself only during a fight, Treek on the other hand moves into range. Makes soloing Heroics and SM 55 Flashpoint easier without having to micro-manage the companion. So to me Treek is worth it. Haven't used her as a tank yet, just never use Tank companions. Edited by mikebevo
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I was doing a flashpoint a few days ago and the Tank wasn't really tanking. It didn't seem like they realized what their role in the group actually was. So we kicked them.


Instead of waiting for a new tank, one of the group pulls out Treek. It was amazing. Treek tanked better than most players I've come across. She was easier to heal, for the healer, as well.


It made me want to get Treek for myself, but I decided to wait until my Sorc is 55 then work toward the credits, as I want to get the 1k kills with each companion as I level.


I don't think it is just LV55 but you need Legacy 40 as well.

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I don't think it is just LV55 but you need Legacy 40 as well.



I'm not waiting because of my level. I'm waiting because I want to finish getting my Sorcs companions kill count maxed out. I'm at Legacy level 43 and I've got several alts at level 55.


Currently my Sorc is level 36 and working my way toward 1k kills with Ashara. I most likely wont be finished by the time I get Talos.

Edited by Faolon
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Yes Falon I bought treek "ewok" when I was an lvl 18 Jedi Senteniel, I loved the heck out of him he healed me so much and tanked some too to help me get to lvl 50 came lvl 50 was different story , He Healed but it seamed like the tanking part was gone once reached lvl 50 so I went on an major quest that took me 3 days to do and gotten HK it was tough for a lot of things to get him as doing the missions soloing but I managed except an heroic that was tied in I had to get help with. But believe me you would really love HK as an high dps/tank but ewok is the best n healing he does 80x's better then Doc does as an companion


Little bit about HK I have noticed some enemys he does tanging 70k to 120k kills or major hits with 1 blow but it only works on some enemys and the threds is misleading on it =, it says it will do major blow to all but he dosnt I love the both of them but yes Ewok is best healer I have seen as an healer


I got 6 toons do try out different variations of classes and ewok seems to be the best the armor isn't that expensive at all for him casue once you reach like 37 or so you will gain a lot of Heavy armor by battling so most of his stuff ddint cost me an cent just a cple items for the mods and so forth is all

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I'm not getting Treek because Ewoks feel a bit out of place in this time period (to be fair, so does Hoth, but Endor and Ewoks are more of a stretch), and HK-51 kinda creates enough ship dwellers (I don't think Tallos has seen anything outside the ship walls and the Vaiken Spacedock hangar. Xalek and Ashara make rare appearances. Andronikos and Khem Val occasionally see some action.).


Why? It's not like Hoth wasn't still a planet back in this time frame. Or that Ewoks never existed. You just don't hear about their histories in the movies... doesn't mean they weren't around.

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I think she's definitely worth getting. Having access to a companion that can heal and tank at lvl10 is great, plus I have legacy armor sets for her that I send between my alts every 6 levels, from 17 to 41, and a tanking set for lvl50.


My favorite perk of Treek is that I can just choose whatever option I want in dialogue; no need to worry about the companion's affection. I'd rather level their affection via gifts anyways; far less time consuming.

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EH never really understood the ewok companion. I got HK, and he is a pain to gear up. My main is a gunslinger, and I seem to always use corso as a tank, not sure why I would use treek. Most people tell me treek is awesome at lower levels and treek tends to suck at higher levels. So i just don't see the appeal. I have other things to buy for 1 million credits.
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Yes Falon I bought treek "ewok" when I was an lvl 18 Jedi Senteniel, I loved the heck out of him he healed me so much and tanked some too to help me get to lvl 50 came lvl 50 was different story , He Healed but it seamed like the tanking part was gone once reached lvl 50 so I went on an major quest that took me 3 days to do and gotten HK it was tough for a lot of things to get him as doing the missions soloing but I managed except an heroic that was tied in I had to get help with. But believe me you would really love HK as an high dps/tank but ewok is the best n healing he does 80x's better then Doc does as an companion


Little bit about HK I have noticed some enemys he does tanging 70k to 120k kills or major hits with 1 blow but it only works on some enemys and the threds is misleading on it =, it says it will do major blow to all but he dosnt I love the both of them but yes Ewok is best healer I have seen as an healer


I got 6 toons do try out different variations of classes and ewok seems to be the best the armor isn't that expensive at all for him casue once you reach like 37 or so you will gain a lot of Heavy armor by battling so most of his stuff ddint cost me an cent just a cple items for the mods and so forth is all


Hehe. yea Treek isnt necessary but still the best and most powerfull companion. He is a very good tank ore heal. For my Assa i used him as Tank, with my maro as heal...


AND, he is a she!^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I will be honest, I love adding companions to my Jedi Knight character, so when I had saved enough cartel credits from subscription, I purchased the universal companion. First battle, she died quickly and then my Jedi ded. Since I am not an expert gamer, I didn't bother to 'read the instructions'. I realized she was stuck on tank, and switched to healing stance. She was the best healer in latter levels (I was almost at Corellia by that time, level 49).


I am not sure I would get Treek for my other characters (again the initial impetus was I liked being able to add to my main character's crew), but if you can afford added companion, it would be worth it.

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If you are leveling the trooper, you won't get a healer companion for a long time and even after you do, she's not usable for much of the story... if you can pick up Treek on the legacy screen, she will definitely make the trooper's leveling easier.
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If you are leveling the trooper, you won't get a healer companion for a long time and even after you do, she's not usable for much of the story... if you can pick up Treek on the legacy screen, she will definitely make the trooper's leveling easier.


Huh? You get Elara early on (second planet after the starter planet), and she's usable once you finish your class quests on Taris.


I might try Treek out on my next Knight, but generally I prefer/recommend the class companions because of what they add to the story. Unless you're having a ton of issues surviving/leveling, I guess.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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  • 3 weeks later...

Treek is definitely worth getting if you have the credits and legacy level, or aren't spending CC on something else.


1) Wears heavy armor. Only one other healer (Trooper: Sgt Dorne) wears heavy armor, all other companion healers wear medium. This gives Treek an edge in surviving as your healer.

1b) Has an attack that increases armor even more useable in heal stance (this is typical of tank companions).

2) Has a HoT cleanse. ONLY character (player or companion) with a cleanse over time. It does a very small amount of healing, too, but the cleanse over time is more important. Used in healing AND tank stances.

3) Has a threat drop. ONLY companion healer with this ability (and this only works in heal stance).

4) AOE attack does NOT effect CC'd targets. Only companion with this ability.

5) No wasted slot on a channeled CC (which I turn off on any other healer so they heal).

6) All attacks do even MORE threat when in tank stance, not just the base threat increase.

7) Uses normal AIM gear, and a normal rifle. This is only an issue if you are relying on a droid or a "tech" melee weapon user.

8) Just shy of the cutest damn charge (swooping in on a hang-glider) in the game (Blizz wins with malfunctioning harpoon).

9) Available at level 10 as healer AND/OR tank. Agent, Inquisitor, Knight, Consular, Smuggler recruit a tank right off, but only Bounty Hunter finds a healer immediately (Warrior and Trooper find one shortly thereafter, but not at 10). None have a tank/healer combo companion.

10) Taunts are integrated into abilities and do not waste slots on toolbar.

11) Has four attacks as a healer. All other companion healers have only two.

Why not?

1) No channeled CC. Some people like that ability.

2) Does not render armor (per all droids, Khem Val, Broonmark, Blizz, Qyzen, Bowdaar - lot of tanks I realize).

3) Annoying voice.

4) No affection gains from story except Oricon (easily solved by bringing out another companion at mission pick up/ return, not so great for prelude-to-fight conversations) - this can be an issue if Treek is the only companion you gear up while leveling. No longer an issue once you max out affection on all other companions.

5) Secondary AOE (with stun) only operates at 70%- health. Other tanks have their special effect AOE available on cooldown (this ability is only in tank stance).

6) No, really, voice is super annoying.

All that said, I have Treek on every character I have.

My healers have used her to MT every 55 HM in the game (takes some work at times). My DPS and tanks have had her MH every HM in the game (doesn't take much work). The recent tactical FPs with their AOE-heavy mechanics have required the more micro management, but Treek has done them, too. Note: my 55s all have over 700 presence and their Treeks are in 168 (elite) vendor gear with augments (Redoubt or Reflex accordingly) in the legacy items. While leveling my Vanguard, Treek has helped me solo every FP when I was 2-3 over average level (you don't get the daily that way, but you get ALL the gear - some of it is pretty :p ). However, that is in nearly max level B/A/M/E at all times.

How's that for an answer? (I am fortunately blessed to be able to do this at work).



Edited by NedrudRelyt
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Honestly I think the one million credits offer in the Cartel Bazzar is cheaper to me, I can get that in a jiify, well maybe two jiffies. :rolleyes:


This is a legitimate question, not a troll. I just returned to the game after about 1.5 yrs. Apparently the economy has changed a lot - how does one go about getting a million credits in a relatively small number of jiffies ? I for one would like to get started down that path. :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As a Madness Sorc, Treek was the ****.


I used her as a tank up to level 55, and she never lost aggro, (She'd die a lot, because I don't heal.) but she'd keep the baddies all busy while I croaked them.


Now that I'm nearing the end of the gearing route, (All 180 except implants/earpiece) I switched her to healing, since nothing outside of OP's last that long anymore, that it's easier to just have me tank stuff, while she keeps me alive.


Worth getting? YES!


But you will want to duct tape her little murder-bear mouth shut after 10 minutes.

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