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Trash talk in Gen Chat.... Why?


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Maybe its just me but it seems the trash talk has gotten worse as of late and it seems to be centered on one guild in particular. Now I am not going to name names and maybe it is because that guild has a high population so it explains why there are so many rude people speaking up from their guild.

However we are supposed to be a community. Trash talking on a public channel serves nobody but the egos of those involved. And lets face it, this is only a game. So lets all put our epeens back in our pants and try to get along because many of us spend more time with each other than most other people in RL.


"Why can't we all just ..... get along."

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Maybe its just me but it seems the trash talk has gotten worse as of late and it seems to be centered on one guild in particular. Now I am not going to name names and maybe it is because that guild has a high population so it explains why there are so many rude people speaking up from their guild.

However we are supposed to be a community. Trash talking on a public channel serves nobody but the egos of those involved. And lets face it, this is only a game. So lets all put our epeens back in our pants and try to get along because many of us spend more time with each other than most other people in RL.


"Why can't we all just ..... get along."


If they are a "big population" guild, then they most than likely would require some structure in their ranks. If you see the names, screen shot and go to their guild leader. People in general will always be this way. It is best to ignore it because eventually it will go away and the people will get tired of it. Don't address it, otherwise it will keep going.

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Is this a QQ about Gen chat? Or is this a subtle attempt to tarnish another guild?


:hope_05: /popcorn


I am going to assume your comment is modivated with general concern for the issue and not an attempt to troll.


I have been accused of many things but never of being subtle; If I wanted to implicate the guild I would have just named them along with those causing problems but "they" and those who were listening already know who "they" are.. I am simply commenting on something I didn't want to comment on in gen chat because I did not want to be drawn into that kind of conversation. This way those of us who prefer to comment in a more sound and mature fashion can speak up and possibly send a message that we don't appreciate this behaviour in our game. At the very least you can view this as my own personal vent without cluttering up the game with my opinions.



The previous post by Luniara suggests that we should screen cap and report to the Guild Master. Though I appreciate this, not all GMs have the reputation Penumbral has. Their leadership is very responsible and mature. I wish all guilds were more like Penumbral (and no I am not a member)



This all being said, maybe it is just me. Maybe I am just too sensative to the childishness that so often accompanies MMO's and perhapse I should just make more libral use of the ignore button. I guess my concern is; what if I am the minority and I put all these people on ignore and I find myself alone on an onlime game.

Edited by Marrius
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It was a honest question, but really gen chat is gen chat, it's going to get periodically trashy, and JM's is actually much cleaner than other servers.


I just ignore gen when it goes downhill, and there is always the report button if they get excessive

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Look, we're going through a lot of drama right now and I would appreciate it if people were to stop talking trash to me, and my guildmates. <Clan Go **** Yourself> May not be as good as it used to be, but god dammit we're still a good pvp guild!
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Look, we're going through a lot of drama right now and I would appreciate it if people were to stop talking trash to me, and my guildmates. <Clan Go **** Yourself> May not be as good as it used to be, but god dammit we're still a good pvp guild!


Actually though I have had some concerns regarding Regulators pug stomping in the past, I have nothing but respect for how they conduct themselves in Gen Chat. I have even seen people from (unnamed guild) badmouthing them publicly while Regulators have been present but they do not respond. This shows a level of class that many of us could learn from and emulate. (And no I am not a Regulator either)

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Well like Luni said, the best thing to try would be to Screen Cap and send the Guildmaster the proof of immature behavior. However, like you said, not all Guildmasters are as mature themselves as others, so I can see your issue.


I'd say that if they are really doing something bad, and their GM won't take responsibility for it, report those involved and ignore them. If the trolls are not fed, they will starve. Ignoring the behavior doesn't fix the problem, but it can help curb the amount that goes on. If people see that they aren't getting a rise out of the population, they will tend to stop doing that sort of thing out of pure boredom.

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Actually though I have had some concerns regarding Regulators pug stomping in the past, I have nothing but respect for how they conduct themselves in Gen Chat. I have even seen people from (unnamed guild) badmouthing them publicly while Regulators have been present but they do not respond. This shows a level of class that many of us could learn from and emulate. (And no I am not a Regulator either)


I'm not trying to start any forum drama.... but you're not serious right?

I'll be the first to admit that my own guild isn't innocent but let's be honest here, just about every guild is guilty of it.

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I'm not trying to start any forum drama.... but you're not serious right?

I'll be the first to admit that my own guild isn't innocent but let's be honest here, just about every guild is guilty of it.


Let's start forum drama.

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Let's start forum drama.


I'm not a REGULATOR but, they are a very classy guild. None of them troll, trash talk, etc. But lets be honest while I'm on the fleet on my main I always here people calling REGULATORS hackers. I don't believe they are hacking. Yes I do get frustrated losing to them warzone after warzone, and them having a full team of regulators. But thats just a benefit of having a very large community that like to pvp.


-Leader of <We Sit to Pee>

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Even I have to laugh at this.

We (Regs) have people who trash talk in gen all the time. It's usually "We have ****-all to do between pops" but is rarely personal - but there is fun trolling involved. I personally don't, but it's there.


Honestly, I think if you contacted any of our GMs they might laugh.

Also, I think we troll ourselves more than any other guild. I call Regs hackers all the time. Especially Rivik, with his "Force Speed/Phase Walk" hack.

Also, for the record, I take screenshots everytime I'm accused of hacking. I think Seronne has his own folder. I use to just send my video link of the game proving there was no hacking involved - that's trolling in /w, right?

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^^ On a more serious note Fuse is right. I mean there are a couple of people that actually just talk so much **** and call Regs hackers like Guile who just spams /laugh at every Regulator in the warzone. But really does anyone like Guile or Dark Brethren on this server?
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Honestly, I think if you contacted any of our GMs they might laugh.


I think that is wrong on a few levels. We're a small server. We can't afford uncaring guild leaders who could give two ***** about our small community. I mean, if someone is reaching out to complain about a hack, trolling, ************, moaning it can be treated respectfully and diplomatically regardless of how absurd it is. Large guilds SHOULD set an example by not acting like ******s if someone wants to contact their guild leader.


I've gotten silly complaints before since leading Jen'jidai (more with that guild than I ever do now. Haha). "Your members are dancing by us and we are RPing" AS my raiders are waiting to get into a raid instance. I can shake my head and laugh to myself about it because I know those RPers are putting themselves in that position but treating them like they have no place to complain and laugh at them? Hell no. I'm not saying we all have to get along, but take into consideration that our server is not in the best state compared to the others but we have a good community compared to them.


Besides. We have mighty Zod and Sibek for trolling purposes. No one else needs to take their thunder.


I *********** forgot where I was going with this.

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If I were the GM of regs, and just like when I was of Pro, and when I was officer in retro and CS - I'd laugh.


Truly harassing comments or personal IRL threats are one thing, but we're talking about your momma and dick jokes mostly. Someone is going to cry over that childish ********? Grow a pair, or better yet, come up with a better comeback.

We don't have a "nice guy" requirement in Regs. Just as long as you excel at PvP and you work well with the team.

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As Fuse said, if it came down to a personal issue, and you contacted a GM in Regulators, they would so something about it, 100%. Sibek and I are in Regulators, and we troll them the most out of anyone on this server. It's amusing to us that so many people care what Regulators do every single day, complain about their premades and why they don't queue up for ranked blah blah blah. Etzion and many other GM's have said in the past that this is not an elitist guild, we just want to have fun.
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I think that is wrong on a few levels. We're a small server. We can't afford uncaring guild leaders who could give two ***** about our small community. I mean, if someone is reaching out to complain about a hack, trolling, ************, moaning it can be treated respectfully and diplomatically regardless of how absurd it is. Large guilds SHOULD set an example by not acting like ******s if someone wants to contact their guild leader.


I've gotten silly complaints before since leading Jen'jidai (more with that guild than I ever do now. Haha). "Your members are dancing by us and we are RPing" AS my raiders are waiting to get into a raid instance. I can shake my head and laugh to myself about it because I know those RPers are putting themselves in that position but treating them like they have no place to complain and laugh at them? Hell no. I'm not saying we all have to get along, but take into consideration that our server is not in the best state compared to the others but we have a good community compared to them.


Besides. We have mighty Zod and Sibek for trolling purposes. No one else needs to take their thunder.


I *********** forgot where I was going with this.


I think you're overreacting here. I may not laugh but most of the time I find it silly. It's become a near daily thing we go through. As one of the GMs of Regs, I try to do my best to be as diplomatic as possible. But after awhile the complaints just get absurd. "Omg Regs are sync solo-queuing." "Regs are queue-dodging!" "Rivik keeps exploiting in arenas!" It's just a game, people. Yeah, we had people that synced solo-queue ranked and we stopped. Now no one is getting solo-queue pops and I've gotten complaints about us NOT syncing so they can get their pops... it's ridiculous.

Honestly, sometimes I do feel like laughing at the absurdity. We've been the only active PvP guild on pubside and we're a big guild. We're not perfect but without us queuing with 3-4 premades every night since shortly after the launch of 2.0 pubside PvP would be dead. I bet if people quit badmouthing us and tried to get to know us they'd find that we're mostly a good group of people that want to improve the PvP community. Even Sibek has a good heart deep beneath all the trolls and has been helping people get better in their respective classes. Shocker, I know. The reality, though, is that people need to point fingers at someone to feel better about themselves... and for a long time that finger has been directed at us. Now if anyone has had a real issue with us about 90% of the time our guys weren't even the aggressors. We can tell our members to be respectful (and they mostly do), but if you're starting **** with us, we just ask our guys to make it as clean as possible. So don't start **** if you can't finish it.

If someone has a problem with something in-game feel free to approach me or any of the others GMs. We will try to come up with some sort of resolution... just make sure it's legit, please.

Edited by Tairikoz
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I have a problem.


Etzion told me if I don't give him my mother for a few good nights he'll find me and hurt me. Also, he hack.


Booting him would be a good resolution. Thank you.

Edited by FAFuse
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I have a problem.


Etzion told me if I don't give him my mother for a few good night he'll find me and hurt me. Also, he hack.


Booting him would be a good resolution. Thank you.


I will talk it over with the other GMs and come up with a solution... I should be removed from the guild by the end of the day.

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