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"Moophy" Needs to be stopped (Bastion)


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I also posted this in the server forms,


There is a republic player name Moophy on the Bastion server, who queues for rank solo then leaves the arena either right at the start or after his team loses 1 round.


He is the reson i stoped playing my pub toons because when his on its an instant loss, the **** even quit after we won the first round and then we lose to 2nd round.


Now that i play my imp toon i still hate seeing him in the other because before round 1 he quits leaving a 4 v 3 which isn't fun for either team.


this would be turning people of arena and the game and he needs to be removed from the game.


There also needs to be an arena cool down of atleast 20 mins for quitters because there is no back fill system in arenas leaving the team ****ed.


Bioware get rid of this TOOL


Call outs aren't allowed on the forums, Inb4 close

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I had hoped there might be some potential, but (sadly) I can't disagree with your response. Also disappointing that BW seems to have lost any interest in policing the environment, all the more obvious since this thread hasn't been pulled. Wish there was something more I could offer, cause it sounds like a miserable situation.


Well... you know, this reminds me of a vaguely similar discussion that a bunch of us had on a browser based game I used to play. A few dozen of us were rather frustrated at the lack of content in this particular game and decided to create our own by breaking up our guilds and doing a smaller scale guild on guild battle system. The details aren't overly important, but it did showcase (at least for me) the capacity of a grass roots movement of players to create their own content and play games in ways that the developers might never have intended.


Further to that, it occurs to me that if a large enough group of us on the forums really did want to experience the best parts of this game (cooperative game play, polite interactions, the ability to learn from experienced players without ranting, the ability to teach noobs who actually want to listen, competitive game play, etc.), there is nothing whatsoever to stop us, other than ourselves.


I'll detail more in a new thread.

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Well... you know, this reminds me of a vaguely similar discussion that a bunch of us had on a browser based game I used to play. A few dozen of us were rather frustrated at the lack of content in this particular game and decided to create our own by breaking up our guilds and doing a smaller scale guild on guild battle system. The details aren't overly important, but it did showcase (at least for me) the capacity of a grass roots movement of players to create their own content and play games in ways that the developers might never have intended.


Further to that, it occurs to me that if a large enough group of us on the forums really did want to experience the best parts of this game (cooperative game play, polite interactions, the ability to learn from experienced players without ranting, the ability to teach noobs who actually want to listen, competitive game play, etc.), there is nothing whatsoever to stop us, other than ourselves.


I'll detail more in a new thread.


Based on our previous discussions, you know I'm a grassroots kind of guy. Looking forward to the ideas.

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Based on our previous discussions, you know I'm a grassroots kind of guy. Looking forward to the ideas.


Yep. It's partly your previous post on players voluntarily leaving one person out of a match to counterbalance a deserter that gave me the idea.


IMO, there's no reason that idea couldn't work, IF (and admittedly it's a big if) the players players involved on both sides were of the appropriate mindset to do so. I firmly believe we have the capacity to make something similar to that happen.

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Troll rating: 10/10


The only one trolling is you, repeatedly quoting me, commenting with intent to provoke, reaction. Luckily for you: a) I can take trolls, b) since trolling is a dialogue I am free not participate in it, and lastly c) I never report anyone for such misconduct.

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The only one trolling is you, repeatedly quoting me, commenting with intent to provoke, reaction. Luckily for you: a) I can take trolls and b) since trolling is a dialogue I am free to not participate in it and lastly c) I never report anyone for such misconduct.


The Irony is strong with this one.

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