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How much content do you think we will get?


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How much content do you think our sub is going to get us on a yearly basis? If their plan to keep us interested was for explore the story..then we just have a KOTOR game. We are paying 15 a month to play the same style games we played on the xbox. Which over a year..would any of us honesty paid 260 for a game on the xbox like that?


So do you think we will see lots of great content at a decent pace? Rift did a good job with this I think..I find DCUO the same way.

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To be honest I really can''t see how they are going to pull off the content delivery for a game like this. In my opinion, this is what will hurt the game more than anything else.


Considering all the content has to be voiced for each class, both male and female in however many languages they have, multiple responses plus the addition of voice overs for which ever companion you may have with you.


All that VO work and adding enough content that players burn through at a ridiculous rate makes me believe that BioWare will struggle.

Edited by SaltAU
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They''ve already stated some months ago that they''re already working on expansions for this game. This is an mmo. They will Always be dropping new content for this game. It may not be monthly, but expect to see new content and constant upgrades/updates for this game. It''s the nature of mmo''s. Edited by Acaulescent
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Well I think they''ve got to look at it objectively.


Right now we don''t need 10+ more levels of story but we will need content. They need look at the stuff we''re screaming for like guild housing, probably 1 or 2 more raids then work on some awesome extra content for release in a year or whatever.

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I hope a lot. In some sense I want this to kind of end up like WoW. A big game, lots of content, and I want to remember "the good old days" of EA and server Ques. When I say WoW I don''t mean like 7 years of game play and then releasing the next content all about Ewoks (seemed equivalent to Pandarian)
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I personally think they have the ability to add alot. Because within the SWTOR universe they have some much to expand on. Unlike other certain games that are ending the expanse of their lore. The SW universe has million of things that can be added.



-Mon Cal







and thousands of others.











This is alittle harder as they have basically got most of the "classes" you think of when thinking of Star Wars but just off the top of my head.






Professions (Crew Skills):

I think there is a new limitless expanision to this. I believe first they would need to rework their current ones a bit. But here are a few ideas:


-Shipwright (Work on making ships for the new space expansion everyone is hearing whispers about)

-Furniture Designer (Create Furiture to help decorate the insides of your ship, future housing, and Guild Ships.)

And many more.


Space Combat:

Bioware is already confirmed new and way improved Space Combat and such, with the addition of Guild Capital Ships, this could bring a new meaning to PVP and World PVP and world conquering.


-Guild Ships: I think they should have it to where to effectivally run Guild Ships it requires a small number of people (5-7) to run them and man the weapons and such.

-Fighter Combat


World PVP:

In the future they will bring forth more reasons to World PVP, maybe increaseing Valor (or giving Valor) for killing an enemy.


-World Conquering: There should be a way one faction or another can conquer one planet or so.



New Battlgrounds

Tanks, Turrents, etc inside battlegrounds.


This is just a small list of things that could and hopefully will be added. The content is there. Plus anything they wish to bring in with quests, classes, and storylines.


-Nalriem Qyan, Jedi Medical Corps.

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This is exactly why Guild Wars 2 appeals to me so much. Pay for the game and don't pay anything ever again until an expansion releases.


I get concerned when I look back and see that I paid Blizzard for 10 months, $150 of 'zero content delivered'. $150 just to play in their world and clutch at straws for things to do like 'work on achievements' etc. If I find myself going 4-6+ months without content in this game I would leave in a heartbeat.


Remember if you pay for 4 months and then get content, it is no different to paying nothing at all then paying $60 for the content patch. A large portion of that content patch is general bug fixes and other concerns that should have been addressed to start with. eg. improvements to the AH, a new UI, etc. THAT isn't content, it's a fix.


Arenanet have the answer and it can't come soon enough, deliver the game and don't expect anything else until 'they' deliver the content. That content will soon get judged on its worth. This is how MMOs should be going forward imo.

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They have already said there will be a significant amount done with the first large patch schedule at the end of the first month


They aren't stupid. They aren't just focused on bug fixes. Most likely they know the MMO community deals with bugs but quits because of lack of content.


Supposedly the game engine allows for super quick development and they have thrown around the idea of 100 planets added in 10 years time. That's an average of 10 planets a year or 50% more content.


The VO situation makes things a little different tho. I'm wondering if it will be abandoned at some stage to increase their output.

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They have already said there will be a significant amount done with the first large patch schedule at the end of the first month


They aren't stupid. They aren't just focused on bug fixes. Most likely they know the MMO community deals with bugs but quits because of lack of content.


Supposedly the game engine allows for super quick development and they have thrown around the idea of 100 planets added in 10 years time. That's an average of 10 planets a year or 50% more content.


The VO situation makes things a little different tho. I'm wondering if it will be abandoned at some stage to increase their output.


Of course they aren't stupid hold back a reasonable amount of content from the 'release' content then launch it a month later. I am well aware that game developers do this, in an age of DLC its doesn't happen in just MMOs. I and many players are not stupid either. Lets see what that content is and how long before the next and the one after that.

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