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[IMP] mX is Recruiting for PvP


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Recruiting for all forms of PvP. Mainly for arenas and regular warzones.


mX short for Myrmidons, Mary-men of Murkin, Myrmaids, and more is a team what was created in 2008 for the game Warhammer Online. Since those Warhammer Online days. The small group of drunks that made the guild what it is today (Nothing) has made it's mark in games such as Aion, Rift, Guildwars2, and more recently MechWarrior Online.


In 2011 mX was formed for our SWTOR wing and had some great success while playing on the Rakata Mind Prison server.


Once the transfers happened the small core group that once made up of mX dissolved as players went there own ways to explore new games.


Today, the core of mX consist of players such as Boop, Cial, Cytrah, Daampeer, Jasca, Ja'bin, Nets, PBS, Pellet, Vespel and a few others who have taken an active role in keeping us one of the longest running small guilds alive since the start of SWTOR.


If interested please apply at xmteam.com/forums.


Serious Inquiries only, please. Job Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

Edited by murkin
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sick, I imagine there are high standards to join seeing as Baylee almost out healed me while I was on my sorc.


When and where can I tryout? Do I get to duel the famous Murkin?? I'll take off my gloves and belt so it's fair


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Cant have your cake and eat it too...


Your stream is awesome. You are a very entertaining and likable person...


But if you think you are going to beat any team besides the worst of the worst with people like Kaleedo you have another thing coming. Its simply not going to happen.


The next person that messages you in game and asks to join/tryout is almost certainly going to be a hopeless scrub who has virtually no hope of ever becoming a competent player.


You need to steal some players from BOSS, Facepalm, and Anonymous as they are basically the only mid level competent players who are stealable on the imp side. Grab doubletrouble (sp) and jooling and the other reg star solo queuers in BOSS (and their are some decent powertechs that spam solo queues and other maras who are decent spread throughout those 3 guilds) and you can make a decent team.


Kaelona has actually turned into a competent healer for mid level arenas so unless you are able to find a good op she is a must for your A team (though not ideal obviously). Go find Iuron another girlfriend so he stops taking her time and run with her at all times.


Just queueing with bodies, gudarz, mae, and that whole clique would probably give you the best shot at winning but I dont think thats what you want. I think you want a core team of Mx (with you being Achilles and the rest of your guild being the Myrmidons...and Troy is a great ******* movie)


Sort by damage at the end of regs you run. If their is no one that is WAY higher damage then everyone else on the team then everyone on the team was a mid carder who cant get it done (not in all cases but is just a good place to start...ie a rage mara who does slightly more dmg in a voidstar than all the other classes is almost certainly worthless) When their is someone who does far more damage than everyone else over and over he is probably a good candidate for you to try to recruit. (again not in all cases but im just sayin....)


Everyone already has a team (or an ego so big that they wont join a non elite team). Viewers of your stream that dont have teams and want a tryout are not going to be good enough players for you to win with. You need to find and recruit the best reg stars who dont run ranked very often and might be looking for a core 4 man team to queue arenas with consistenly.


Though not an easy task, that is how you will get the Mx you want to have.


Thanks LegendaryQuan for the great tips man. I'll definitely keep all of this in mind.

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Looking for PT's


Got a PT and looking for 4s team. If it ain't for 4s ranked, I ain't about it. I have enough of friends to run regs and solo with already. Min/max conq with obroan implants, ear, relics and main hand.


comfortable with pyro and full AP. not hybrid. I do not have experience as a tank. Only dps and heals (merc and op)


will be on more after Wednesday morning when finals are over

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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Got a PT and looking for 4s team. If it ain't for 4s ranked, I ain't about it. I have enough of friends to run regs and solo with already. Min/max conq with obroan implants, ear, relics and main hand.


comfortable with pyro and full AP. not hybrid. I do not have experience as a tank. Only dps and heals (merc and op)


will be on more after Wednesday morning when finals are over


noob I'm not running more than 1 PT and if I run one he'll be the tank so you better learn hybrid or else we're not friends anymore


I can teach you btw its really not difficult, you have two powerful attacks, 1 slow, guard comes first over everything, save shoulder canon for when you're bursting someone a little low or when healer is stuned, save ur AOE stun for when your healer calls out that he's double mezed, cyro is really good offensively it forces sorcs to bubble sometimes or most guys to break if they can't activate **** while stuned


ummmmmm ya thats about it man just practice it in regs practice swapping guard before dpsing and then you'll be good to go

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noob I'm not running more than 1 PT and if I run one he'll be the tank so you better learn hybrid or else we're not friends anymore


I can teach you btw its really not difficult, you have two powerful attacks, 1 slow, guard comes first over everything, save shoulder canon for when you're bursting someone a little low or when healer is stuned, save ur AOE stun for when your healer calls out that he's double mezed, cyro is really good offensively it forces sorcs to bubble sometimes or most guys to break if they can't activate **** while stuned


ummmmmm ya thats about it man just practice it in regs practice swapping guard before dpsing and then you'll be good to go


I get how the build works, my friend. I'm just saying that I'm not a tank. I can bring plenty of damage in either AP or pyro to be a main dps. You've seen this. I matched your smash damage as we both out did Joov and Double-trouble. Just So'low > Vomitspit ;)


Anyway, we both know you want my PT or Merc either way and your threats of not being my friend are empty ones <3

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I get how the build works, my friend. I'm just saying that I'm not a tank. I can bring plenty of damage in either AP or pyro to be a main dps. You've seen this. I matched your smash damage as we both out did Joov and Double-trouble. Just So'low > Vomitspit ;)


Anyway, we both know you want my PT or Merc either way and your threats of not being my friend are empty ones <3


so'low = vomitspit, I've seen so'low pull bigger numbers but vomit has more awareness overall


and you're not my friend unless you guard me OMG JK but srsly try tanking with me sorc healing you I think you'll like it

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so'low = vomitspit, I've seen so'low pull bigger numbers but vomit has more awareness overall


and you're not my friend unless you guard me OMG JK but srsly try tanking with me sorc healing you I think you'll like it


I'm just sayin that when we went against BOSS, So'low outdid Vomitspit and that was the decisive factor.


And on the hybrid tank topic, i was running it with my usual tank healing me and it was actually pretty fun

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