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I guess I'd have to say that loosing Novare coast 2-100 and me solely killing 2 enemies (as FREAKING CONCEALMENT OPERATIVE) @ turrent , capping it in the last momment before it ticked and turning the tides of the game resuling in victory..
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Had another one today. Not an awesome come from behind victory, but a fun, close AHG game. On my sorc DPS. Score going up and down as far as who's ahead. Pylons switching back and forth (yeah, two very "offense" oriented teams). We end up winning by about 2 kills. Since I did a bit of frantic off-healing in mid right towards the end, and probably prevented a couple kills against us, I felt pretty good about that match. :D
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Had another one today. Not an awesome come from behind victory, but a fun, close AHG game. On my sorc DPS. Score going up and down as far as who's ahead. Pylons switching back and forth (yeah, two very "offense" oriented teams). We end up winning by about 2 kills. Since I did a bit of frantic off-healing in mid right towards the end, and probably prevented a couple kills against us, I felt pretty good about that match. :D


I had a Hypergate like that in midbies last week. Super, super even game.....coming down to the last 30s. Scoundrel tries to cap our node, fails, takes off running out of stealth, (guessing Disappearing Act was on cooldown.) I was on my sorc healer, but I take off after the guy with a DPSer, and we throw everything we've got at him with mere seconds to go in the match. I get the killing blow with a Shock with like 1-2 seconds left ...and we win by ONE KILL.

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This one's about Huttball.


I was playing my level 35ish Vanguard at the time and we were getting clobbered. Thankfully, I had a pretty good pocket healer and somehow we managed to tie the game (can't remember the exact score). There was less than a few minutes to go and somehow I managed to receive the ball from a DPS shadow that got slaughtered by a swarm of Imps. Seeing that I had my Guard on my healer, the Imps butchered him rather quickly. I was on the highest platform on the Imps side but there was no way I was going to make it out alive with the horde of attackers on me. Suddenly, I see an Imp that spawned on their side. He jumps on the lower platform near their goal-line, running towards me to snipe me down (was an operative). I popped my Storm, which sends me FLYING across the platform near their goal-line and immediately throw a Cyno Gernade so the operative can't CC me. The Imps behind me have NO idea what just happened. Even if they did, I was too far away at this point. They kill me but only after I manage to get the score.


It was probably the most satisfying score I made playing this game. :D

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It was a 30-54 WZ, but it was still pretty epic. Me (Enril), Sabueso, and Relsan joined a losing Novare match. Score was 84% to 46%. WE managed to recap at 2% and hold it for the entirety of their 84%. Was one of the most stressful/epic matches I've played. Here is an ending screencap: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/453044/modules/forum/attachments/Screenshot_2013-11-25_18_59_15_595940_1385528947.jpg Edited by Vecte
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My most memorable moment came in a Huttball match (I was on my sentinel that was still in lowbies at the time) that was back and forth the whole way (and was very much a defensive struggle). We gave up the first goal of the match with under a minute to go and my whole team thought that the match was pretty much lost. However, I caught a break in that to score their goal, pretty much their entire team had pushed their way towards our end, leaving minimal defenses. With about twenty or twenty five seconds left, the ball respawned and having been rushing towards mid anticipating this, I picked it up without issue. I looked up to their ramp (the one just beyond their acid pit) and their sorc was there trying to whirlwind me. Quick leap to interrupt and a crippling throw to root him and I was on my way. Then I noticed something on my bar. 30 stacks of centering. Transcendence time. On the lower catwalks, the clock is slowly ticking away. The first fire pit is not active and I run through. I use guarded by the force through the second. I'm home free, but the clock is slowly ticking down to zero and I have under five seconds left. I see up in their spawn door that their respawns are spawning, but i'm not going to make it to the endzone in time. My only hope is that one of them is stupid enough to come out of the door and leap down so I can leap to him in the endzone. Sure enough, one of them does. Force leap and I land in the endzone with the clock at two. Frogdogs score! Game over! Even better, even though we didn't have possession of the ball and it hadn't respawned yet, it gave us the victory.


http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc460/titansmaniac5/Screenshot_2013-03-13_21_24_27_882943.jpg - screenshot showing me standing in the endzone, clock at zero, tie score, no possession of the huttball and most importantly a Frogdog victory.

Edited by SilverMagnum
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I had two most memorable moments.


One, on huttball, I had the ball on my operative Sleipe and was running toward the other teams goal. Needless to say everyone, both my team and the pubs, were on my tail. I got to the fire trap and walked over it, and I would say 3 or 4 jedi knights leapt to me and someone stunned me. I noticed the vent was turning red and in a moment I would be roasted just as my cc break came off cooldown. I pushed escape, and as I used my operative roll foward I flashbanged someone. Just as I turned around, I saw about 5 enemies flashbanged on the vent as the fire switched on and all were killed, and my team had an easy time dispatching the last few pubs, and I crossed the goal line.


Second one was two people were at a pylon in ancient hypergate and I was my marauder, Krrayt. Two people were guarding. I popped cloak of pain and saber ward, jumped in, and used intimidating roar. I then quickly slaughtered one, and when my cc came off cooldown I soloed the other one and capped the enemies pylon, thus winning the game.

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Second one was two people were at a pylon in ancient hypergate and I was my marauder, Krrayt. Two people were guarding. I popped cloak of pain and saber ward, jumped in, and used intimidating roar. I then quickly slaughtered one, and when my cc came off cooldown I soloed the other one and capped the enemies pylon, thus winning the game.


I love this one. That's how a Mara "ninjas" the pylon! LoL.

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My most crazy victory so far was at Novare coast. We were losing 10:60 but people were still fighting at mid trying to keep it from imps. I thought our only chance is to cap east because on west was around 4 imps defending so east it was. On my way I saw numbers dropping and I thought everything is lost because I won't be able to get the turret alone fast enough. I was almost at east when I honestly thought it won't matter anymore but I was still going to try to fight that marauder which was there defending.


I was playing a scoundrel dirty fighting spec, as I do most of the time now, I sneaked to his back and I noticed there is a shadow guy with me, infiltration spec. He turned on his speed and got behind marauder as well. We both started to kill him and he went down pretty fast but we were already on 4 points only and when mara died it just went to 2. All hope was gone but we still tried to cap the turret and we managed to do so. There we were defending imp turret when it was 2:60 at east, close to theirs respawn. My experience from Novare coast told me it will be soon finished. Imps will overrun us with 4+ people and there will probably be no help from republic teammates.


Still my mind told me that we still can win, because in PvP you should never give up. On east were coming only 2 or 3 enemies and the rest were coming still on mid, which I didn't understand because before they were able to move here and there pretty well and theirs strategy was almost flawless. Our team didn't care about west at all, imps still had 2 or 3 people defending. Me and shadow on east died but it didn't matter because more of republic was coming to help. I got to mid to help with defense there for a second but I noticed not many imps are here. So i rolled myself for speed buff and got to east again, with few republic players at my back going to help there as well.


Even though we were fighting there against more enemies, it was around 3v5 or 4v6 we still managed to survive enough to interupt and for other people to get back there again. Was awesome win and also a prove that republic can play warzones damn well, if they don't give up like some like to do when it seems its lost.


P.S. There were some cool wins on Voidstar and Hypergate as well but mostly thanks too stealth and newbie imp player who is not watching the doors / pylon so they can't compete at all with this NC win.


Also If I remember correctly we had no premade team there and 1 or 0 heals. FOR THE REPUBLIC! :rak_03:

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NOOOOOOOOOO! Crap, I almost had a story for this thread. Well, I'm going to tell it anyway. Just got out of a NC. We had a really rough start, and they capped 2 and it looked like all doom and gloom for us. Then, with it actually at us 2%, them 100%, we capped! (I wish I had a screen shot).


We hold off mid like pros (well, not really like pros, but at least we were holding it :) ). Two defenders on east. Got a call for inc from east, and we repel that attack. Back to mid.


We got them down to 10%. Mid is a really intense melee, with them trying to cap. And then... no, it makes me so ill I almost can't type it... we had a lone defender at east by that time and he's AFKs and the node is lost without a call or even a fight. NOOOOOOOOO! Much sadness. :(


(I know, we shoulda had 2 def. at east, but like I said, mid was all we could do to hold it - we might very well have lost it without 7 there - who knows).

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Yesterday in Gree Event. The Imps had about 8 guys at mid, and there were only about 4 of us Pubs. I was in a group of 2, both of us Sentinels, skirting around mid trying to see an opening to attack the Imps from.


I saw one of the Imps leave and started chasing after him, he was too fast though and I couldn't even attack him. Instead, 3 random enemies popped up behind me and started murdering me. I did my best to survive and run away, when I accidentally ran right through a group of Pubs. The fight became a bit bigger (about 6-7 Imps against 6 Pubs). I had to escape so I could regen my health.


Unfortunately, the friendlies lacked my awesomeness to help them, which caused my group mate and 1 of the randoms to drop really really fast. The fight was now me and 2 other Pubs fighting about 5-7 Imps. I show up and the Imps start dropping and now it's down to 2 Imps vs me and one other Pub, both of us terribly low on health, and both Imps on full health.


This is where the "greatest victory" part comes in. The Pub was a guardian, so he was gonna stay alive for a long time, but not doing much damage. I popped a medpack and broke off from the fight. Re-entered from a different direction, and instantly killed one of them (gotta love that Combat burst). Camo'd into the other direction. Wait for Precision to reset, re-enter and bring that Powertech down to execute range. Break away from the fight, and re-enter to execute the Imp. Both me and the other Pub were literally on 1% health.


Felt really awesome to win the battle when outnumbered that way. :D The poor Pub died however, since the PT had DoTted him up, and I accidentally chain attacked him. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Necro'ing this thread from somewhere past page 15 for this great (IMO) huttball story...


We start the game down 2 players, but it's OK. We just had a huttball with basically the same team and did fine (early Saturday morning, so there's only 8 of us PvP'rs on :) ). Then things go down hill. Before we know it, they are up up 3 to zip! And it's looking bad for our team. 1 person has already quit.


Then we score! Woot! I was in respawn, so I couldn't see much - I'm thinking we probably sacrificed mid completely for that score. But NO! I see that we get the ball again. As I come out of spawn I see that the ball carrier has dropped down into their pit, and we have a team mate ready for the pass... pass... score! A rally is underway!


But the other team is not to be denied - they get the ball, and after a brief melee they score - crud, they are up 4 to our 2. I'm thinking they killed our momentum. (Yes, I always seem to expect the worst - terrible of me I know. But still, I fight on.) But there I am in mid, and the red guys are all tied up with fights, so I grab the ball. I see a purple icon in their endzone area on the minimap! I jump down into their pit - oh no, our guy in their endzone is also tied up in a fight. Then I get pulled back up into mid.


I pop all my defensive cooldowns, and crawl (soooo sloooowly) back down into the pit. Just in time to see our guy win his 1v1 fight, and position himself for the pass. Pass just as I die for another score. It's now 4 them, 3 us. We have about 2 minutes to go.


As I race back from spawn I see the enemy team grab the ball - they are going to try to turtle! We all jump into the melee - they try to pass and it goes to one of our healers! We have two healers, BTW, who are both doing amazing this game. The healer passes to me. I have all my CDs up (I'm a shadow tank), and I see that we still have a purple in their endzone! I head for the pit. Their entire team is on me - pulling me back, slowing me down, sooo much damage... but, did I mention our healers were amazing. I stay up! Again, like it's deja vu, I survive just long enough to pass to our stealth-guy-in-the-huttball-endzone (except he's very useful in this game :) ). He unstealths for the catch, and I see him fight his way for the score just before I finally die.


It's tied! 4 to 4!


Coming out of respawn there is 34 seconds left. They get ball. Oh no! The melee ensues. I target their ball carrier, and run to the fire pit just on the other side of him. The fire has already started, but it's sacrifice time. I race into the middle of the fire and pull him. I die. He does NOT die - he makes it out! But it burns him enough that a team mate can use execute on him! With literally ZERO seconds on the clock I see the ownership switch to us, and we WIN!


Most heart pounding HB game I've ever had. :D

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There was this one time where i was on my gunslinger and got thrown into an arena in lowbies. Turns out to be FOUR smash monkeys vs just 2 pubs (sab gs and a medic commando) on the orbital map. We reluctantly take to.the catwalks knowing were exrewmely outmanned. Lo and behold, gs and commandos make a great kb tag team. Im dpsing the maras down quick while we take turns knocking the others down. The amount of time it took them each time to get back up to us was so long that we picked them off one by one. The commando threw great heals after we ate a minimal amount of smashes, and we absolutely demolished them despite being outmanned 2:1. We serioudly could not stop rofl and lmao emoting it was too funny. The next round we got a full team and it was over in like 30 seconds.


Moral of the story, sometimes arenas are just awesome.

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  • 3 months later...
ok had to tell you guys this awesome story of mine. I am on Oricon, fighting my way through mobs to help a guildy. I just cleared another mob, when a powertech and a sith try to jump me thinking they can easily take me out. They did not count on my full expertise on myself AS WELL as the pvp gear I put on Treek (what else am I supposed to do with Old Partisan and Conqueror stuff?). I called my friend to come over just in case things went bad, then I then popped Heroic moment as I was facing both the imps and both their companions too, and I started unleashing legacy abilities too. The Powertech took heavy hits, and my companion finished off the siths companions while I took the powertech and the Sith on. The Sith was already down and the Powertech was low health while mine was near full before my friend got there, who at that point was relying on his healing companion to keep himself alive. We managed to dps him down in seconds afterward. Anyway, the moral of the story is, the guy in full pvp gear who also happened to make his companion pvp geared should not be messed with. :cool:
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