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Orbital Kolto Strike


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I really like the animation for the Orbital Kolto Strike, so I though I would create a story with that Item as the topic.



Darth Knorikus paced his superior's office. Ever since his master had been killed by the Jedi Grandmaster, he had been held up to unwieldy expectations; undertaking dangerous and somewhat suicidal missions. He had been summoned by Darth Malgus. For what reason, he know not. Late. That's what Malgus was. Late. As his patience was just about spilled, the sound of distant footsteps entered Knorikus' force enhanced senses. He stopped pacing, stared straight ahead at the door, and when Darth Malgus entered, he kneeled and bowed his head. "My Lord," he declared in a strong, unwavering voice.

Malgus gestured for him to stand. "No time for nonsense," he said in a somewhat annoyed tone. "I have an important mission that needs immediate attention." Knorikus, behind his dark tinted face plate, frowned. "What kind of mission?" He asked. Malgus wasted no time in thought. "An uninhabited planet in the outer rim, rish in strategic resources, has been discovered by the Republic. They seized the planet and its resources. It is your missions to lead a ground force strike to take it back." Knorikus stood still for many seconds. The slight tilt of his head indicated that he was deep in thought. "Will that be all?" He inquired. Malgus stood up straighter. "Not all," he said. With a hint of excitement in his voice, he carried on. "We are testing a new prototype weapon, code-named OKS, or Orbital Kolto Strike. The idea of this weapon is to fire a beam of kolto from a specially outfitted ship in orbit. The kolto beam should be powerful enough to heal a ground target within 15 seconds. If this technology proves useful, this war could be changed." Malgus took a deep breath, "it will be your job to field test this device and report if it is useful enough to manufacture and use in combat." He turned around, hands behind his back, "you are dismissed."

The turbulence of Knorikus' ship as it went in for reentry was severe. Not only were they reentering the planet, but they were being shot at by AA guns posted around the planet. Two of transport ships in his strike force were blown out of the sky before landing on the planet. As they landed, he ordered his apprentice to take Strike Team B around to flank, while his team would go on for a frontal assault. as they rounded a hill, the first view of waiting Republic troops appeared. Without thinking, Knorikus threw both of his lightsabers and jumped into the air. The enemy in the path of his lightsaber was cut in half. The sabers, going in an outside arc, started heading back to him. Still in the air, he dove on the next closest troop, stabbing him in the heart with one lightsaber, and deflecting the blaster fire of the trooper's comrade with the other. The two forces engaged. anxious not to get caught in the crossfire, Knorikus jumped to the outer part of the line where he stopped for a moment of relax. A feeling inside his, a message from the force. He spun and kicked his attacker hard. Both his lightsabers drawn, he charged the enemy, a Jedi Knight two-handing a azure colored lightsaber. He went into a flurry of attacks, not giving the Jedi a chance to counter-attack. He scissored his lightsabers, in an attempt to cut off the Jedi's head. The attacked ducked, moved to the side, and thrusted his lightsaber towards Knorikus' chest. He tried to sidestep the attack, but too late, he took a glancing blow to the side. Filled with rage and pain, he struck with unparalleled force, overwhelming the Jedi, and finishing him with a stab to the heart.

He retreated behind a knocked down building, fumbling for his communicator, the pain almost unbearable. "Send down the OKS, ASAP." he lay back his vision growing dark. He looked up, saw a flash of green, and pressure was all he felt. Not painful, but just pressure. He was pressed to the ground from it. Trying to fight it, but to no avail. Then suddenly, the pressure stopped. He opened his eyes, but the beam was still on him, but no pressure. His vision no longer blurred or darkening. He stood up, and the beam vanished.

For the second time, he paced Malgus' office. After a month of fighting, the planet had been retaken, and the Republic driven off. The OKS had proven most valuable during the mission. Malgus walked in. Knorikus Bowed. "Report." Malgus demanded. His shoulders raised as he took a breath, Knorikus replied, "Planet retaken and Republic driven off." A slight nod of the head, showing Knorikus he was pleased. And what of the OKS, he inquired. "The OKS proved above original standards, my lord. I recommend it for manufacture, and deployment into the field." Again, Malgus turned his back, arms behind it. "Good, dismissed." As Knorikus was in the doorway to the office, Malgus added, "Good job, Knorikus."




Hope you liked it! Please give me all of the feedback you can. Good or bad, but if it's bad, I would like to know what I did wrong so I can improve on it.


Thank you,

Darth Knorikus

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