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When will they finally implement a "NEED FOR COMP" to prevent so much Ninja looting?


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We had a Ninja Master Looter not too long ago. Basically everything was going fine but after killing Styrek and a particularly good gear drop he looted all the items for himself and quickly exited while we were rolling.


Now THAT was a ninja. The word is over worked and over used IMO.. but this is a clear case of a ninja in the modern MMO.

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Now THAT was a ninja. The word is over worked and over used IMO.. but this is a clear case of a ninja in the modern MMO.


yup. The other form which is my favorite which gets an auto kick from me is when they wait to see if everyone rolls greed then they roll need to make sure they get the loot.

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You are not entitled to loot that drops. if some dick needs on gear that only you can use in your group just need on stuff that drops for him.


except you're not sure you'll win and they can still get it.


fact is there isn't anything that can really stop this. Especially with Mods....even if a medium piece of armor drops for a sentinel...that guardian in the group can still need on it to rip the mods out and put them in a heavy piece of gear.


This is part of why they should ditch "moddable" gear and just give us an appearance tab.


There's nothing stopping someone from needing on things they can't use on their toon regardless of how many options you add

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Ok i have a solution to fix this.


NEED - Only should be enabled for

  1. People who use that armor type with the major stats (e.g. Light armor with Willpower for Sage / Sorcerer, Light armor with Strength for Assassins / Shadow)
  2. It should be disabled for people who can use light armor (i.e. Medium and heavy armor wearers) and well as people who have companions who match point (1)


GREED - For everything else


DISASSEMBLE - After Greed, do whatever you want with it


I think this can fix all the problems :rak_03:

Edited by DKNS
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Ok i have a solution to fix this.


NEED - Only should be enabled for

  1. People who use that armor type with the major stats (e.g. Light armor with Willpower for Sage / Sorcerer, Light armor with Strength for Assassins / Shadow)
  2. It should be disabled for people who can use light armor (i.e. Medium and heavy armor wearers) and well as people who have companions who match point (1)


GREED - For everything else


DISASSEMBLE - After Greed, do whatever you want with it


I think this can fix all the problems :rak_03:


You do realize that light armor only comes in willpower right? Shadows/assassins still use willpower as their main stat.

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Ninja Looters are a lost battle in all games.

I sign for "Need for comp" as you say but it will be useless. The ninja looters willl choose "need" anyway.

The only option is you choose "need" too or to do the fp/ops with friends or your guild. :(

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A "Need for Companion" button, without changing the "Need" button to be specific to your class attributes, would still be a way of making it plain that "Need" is for yourself, and thus making it far more obvious who the actual thieves are, as opposed to thinking that they just misunderstood.


Incidentally, "Need for yourself" isn't quite as clear cut in the case of Advanced Classes with multiple roles, for example a Guardian and a Sentinel both use Strength, with the Guardian using Heavy armor vs. medium for the Sentinel -- if they are both DPS, any piece of non-tanking Strength gear could be used by either (by moving mods into an appropriate shell). I believe this is why the new Oriconian gear is all Adaptive, for example.


Similarly, Accuracy is not needed by Healers, but all ACs that can heal do need it if they are in a DPS spec. (Alacrity has an inverse but related role).


Again, Tanking attributes (Defense, Absorb, Shield) are only used by the Tank ACs, but they could also be of use to someone building up a tank set. (More tanks is a good thing, for the health of the queues....)


So, in my opinion, a "weighted roll" would be a better way of dealing with these issues -- say +50 if you're rolling for gear that you can use AND matches your current role.

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Pretty much this. What we really need is for the "need" button to be disabled for loot that doesn't apply to the player.


This is the only correct answer to the problem! If light armor drops and I wear medium, my only two options should be greed or pass (disassemble if able)

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This is the only correct answer to the problem! If light armor drops and I wear medium, my only two options should be greed or pass (disassemble if able)


Too simplistic -- even with Light armor, it could be for a Healer, DPS or Tank. It's just as wrong to have a Healer needing on Light Tank gear as a Medium-armored DPS needing on it, or on Light Healer gear.

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As noted multiple times, "Need for Companion" will not eliminate "ninja looting."



Yes, tilting at windmills, ice skating uphill and spitting into the wind are always good ideas.


As is tugging on Superman's cape, pulling the mask off of the ol' lone ranger and messing around with Jim.


(+100 Awesome points for anyone who catches that reference)

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Pretty much this. What we really need is for the "need" button to be disabled for loot that doesn't apply to the player.


I would agree with this but then how do you need for companion?? That little solution worked in WOW.. But WOW doesn't have companions..


The other issue is, how do you make people press the right button.. Discussion all these solutions isn't going to fix the underlying issue.. People don't know how to push the correct buttons.. :rolleyes:

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I fully support need/greed limitations based on class, but WoW's system is flawed when the appropriate class/spec does not need the gear.


That said, the system WoW has in place could be improved by allowing other players to roll Need once the primary class(es) have Passed and/or hit Greed. For example, Jedi Guardian heavy armor drops for the tank and he doesn't need the item so he/she hits Greed. The Need button then becomes active for all non-heavy armor non-force users (i.e., rest of the group).

Edited by G-Seven
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I think they should simply change the system so that everyone is guaranteed something. I'm pugging all the SM operations every week and I'm never getting anything, on behalf of not being a complete ******e. It would be nice to get something to put toward the repair bill once in a while.
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Just put the "Need for Companion" there so people can't loot by NEED what's doesn't belong to their class. Is it really hard to insert a button and change it's commands. Such a simple feature which would reduce a lot of the grieving going on in the FP runs. C'mon Bioware, answer please.


Also, stop the stupid rule about Heavy & Mediums being able to NEED for armors below them. This is really ridiculous and some fix is needed honestly.


What they need to do is implement a system in which it only allows players to need on gear for their class, based off of stats. Not Heavy, Medium, or Light armor.

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Found this:



Community Q&A: Feb 24th 2012


Frung: Have you considered adding a "companion" loot roll option?


Damion Schubert: We've discussed it and have a design for it - when we do this, we will make it so you can only roll 'need' on items that your advanced class is meant to use in one of its specs. I do not currently have an ETA on this feature.


ok, re-read it again. The bold part. Says NOTHING about companion. He's talking about your AC and not your companion...

Edited by MichelvanMeerten
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Ok so I'm relatively new to Dungeons/Flashpoints in MMO's (have previously played mainly solo stuff) so don't jump on me too hard.


Would limiting the amount of times you can select and win the loot with Need in an instance help with this?



If AIM based gear drops, you should NOT be able to roll NEED on it if you play a WIS mainstat class. Period.

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If AIM based gear drops, you should NOT be able to roll NEED on it if you play a WIS mainstat class. Period.


Like all absolute statements.. this is flawed.


Add: "UNLESS the group agrees" to that statement and you are golden.


Why? Because loot rules are determined by each group when they group, before they start the encounter. There are no absolutes. Have a discussion...spend 30 seconds to agree on what is/is-not valid as loot rules for that group run.


Now.. absent any actual discussion about loot by a group... yes... MichelvanMeerten's statement is the social normal default you should follow. If you do not.. expect to get a /kick

Edited by Andryah
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ok, re-read it again. The bold part. Says NOTHING about companion. He's talking about your AC and not your companion...


This answer is highly relevant to the thread since it is the ONLY official answer regarding the OPs topic the community has recieved.


Eventhough it was not a direct answer to the question we are told that a new lootsystem has been designed and they intend to implement it.


I think they have forgotten all about it since they persistantly remain silent eventhough thousands of posts from the community exists and they are fully searchable for those that think this is a new issue.

Edited by Icestar
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This answer is highly relevant to the thread since it is the ONLY official answer regarding the OPs topic the community has recieved.


Eventhough it was not a direct answer to the question we are told that a new lootsystem has been designed and they intend to implement it.


I think they have forgotten all about it since they persistantly remain silent eventhrough thousands of posts from the community.


My guess is that it's still on the "list of things to do someday".


In other words.. it's somewhere in the priority queue. Keep in mind, their general approach and philosophy is to let players be grown-ups and self-manage as a community a much as is practical. Some players though want grade-school lockdowns on things... not totally without reason either.. given the childish behaviors by some MMO players.

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My guess is that it's still on the "list of things to do someday".


In other words.. it's somewhere in the priority queue. Keep in mind, their general approach and philosophy is to let players be grown-ups and self-manage as a community a much as is practical. Some players though want grade-school lockdowns on things... not totally without reason either.. given the childish behaviors by some MMO players.


Well, they claim they want communication and give more feedback.


This is a issue that has recieved no feedback since Feb 24th 2012

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