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When will they finally implement a "NEED FOR COMP" to prevent so much Ninja looting?


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Just put the "Need for Companion" there so people can't loot by NEED what's doesn't belong to their class. Is it really hard to insert a button and change it's commands. Such a simple feature which would reduce a lot of the grieving going on in the FP runs. C'mon Bioware, answer please.


Also, stop the stupid rule about Heavy & Mediums being able to NEED for armors below them. This is really ridiculous and some fix is needed honestly.

Edited by DKNS
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Just put the "Need for Companion" there so people can't loot by NEED what's doesn't belong to their class. Is it really hard to insert a button and change it's commands. Such a simple feature which would reduce a lot of the grieving going on in the FP runs. C'mon Bioware, answer please.


Ok. But it is more than just a button right? If it isn't then peeps could still need, get the item and when confronted Ninja on out of there.


It would have to be a system where if the drop is not specific to your class than all you can do is Need for Companion or Greed and that is more than just a button.


Am I missing something? I'm asking because I don't know any other way it to keep the Ninja looting out.

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Just put the "Need for Companion" there so people can't loot by NEED what's doesn't belong to their class. Is it really hard to insert a button and change it's commands. Such a simple feature which would reduce a lot of the grieving going on in the FP runs. C'mon Bioware, answer please.


That's what the "Greed" button is for.

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Ideally Greed button must mean only "need for selling to vendor". So we need some more levels of needing: Need for myself, need for companion, need for alt, need for reverse engineer, need for friend and maybe other Edited by Dalenius
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I'd rather they make it so loot isn't bound to the character until equipped or you leave the flashpoint/op. I was an an Esseles run with a guy who needed on everything. he got my consular stuff, so I got his sentinel robe. I would have traded him for my stuff, but I couldn't do that.


Flashpoint loot needs to be tradable until you leave the zone or actually equip it. This will also help with accidental Need/Greed clicks.

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I'd rather they make it so loot isn't bound to the character until equipped or you leave the flashpoint/op. I was an an Esseles run with a guy who needed on everything. he got my consular stuff, so I got his sentinel robe. I would have traded him for my stuff, but I couldn't do that.


Flashpoint loot needs to be tradable until you leave the zone or actually equip it. This will also help with accidental Need/Greed clicks.


Did they change it I could've swore there was a bind timer on the loot minus F2P players. No?

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All they have to do, as suggested 1000 times before....


Disable the need button for the characters that does not benefit from the primary stat and leave the greed button for companions, sell items, reverse engineer or whatever reason one might have to take a item.

Edited by Icestar
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While I am fully for this.

A little over a year ago Bioware came out giving their side to adding this.

At the time they were cautious because the community as a whole does not agree on how loot should be given out.

When you are doing single player or Group 2 content. Gearing up your companion is pretty much just as important as gearing up you (especially if you are DPS and your companion is tank/heals)


A good portion of people believe that there should be:

1. Need for yourself (and only allows you do need if you can use it)

2. Need for companion (the problem with this, there is no valid reason this should ever be grayed out, pretty sure with companions every person could find a use for all gear)

3. Greed


However there is also the problem with number 1. Due to how the gear works in this game. You may be able to use one part of a piece of armor that otherwise is no good for you. If you are the only person that would actually benefit... why shouldnt you be able to roll need?

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I'd rather they make it so loot isn't bound to the character until equipped or you leave the flashpoint/op. I was an an Esseles run with a guy who needed on everything. he got my consular stuff, so I got his sentinel robe. I would have traded him for my stuff, but I couldn't do that.


Flashpoint loot needs to be tradable until you leave the zone or actually equip it. This will also help with accidental Need/Greed clicks.


It is tradable with other people from the Flashpoint.

1. The other person was either being an *** and didnt want to give you anything.

2. Was new the the game and didnt know better/how to trade

3. Was F2P (this problem has been brought up many times)

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All they have to do, as suggested 1000 times before....


Disable the need button for the characters that does not benefit from the primary stat and leave the greed button for companions, sell items, reverse engineer or whatever reason one might have to take a item.


It makes too much sense, Blizzard did this and BioWare is tsundere about copycatting features.

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Ok. But it is more than just a button right? If it isn't then peeps could still need, get the item and when confronted Ninja on out of there.


It would have to be a system where if the drop is not specific to your class than all you can do is Need for Companion or Greed and that is more than just a button.


Am I missing something? I'm asking because I don't know any other way it to keep the Ninja looting out.




Adding a Need For Comp button does not mitigate bad/greedy behaviors by players OP.

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It makes too much sense, Blizzard did this and BioWare is tsundere about copycatting features.


Then make the need button turn into a angry hutt if you try to need on a item that is not for your class


It is so simple to implement and if they are worried about copying other games features they should know by now that most MMOs that exists has tons of features that other games claimed to be their "first".


It is about common sense

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The way to prevent ninja looting is to 1) communicate then 2) vote kick.


This can never prevent ninjalooting, if someone has the intention to take a item they always click need.


Communication will not prevent ninjalooting since the ninjalooter will not respond or even ignore the one asking


Vote kick will not prevent ninjalooting since the player will leave with the item



The best way is to simply implement a system that disables the option to take a item the player does not benefit from.

Edited by Icestar
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This can never prevent ninjalooting, if someone has the intention to take a item they always click need.


Communication will not prevent ninjalooting since the ninjalooter will not respond or even ignore the one asking


Vote kick will not prevent ninjalooting since the player will leave with the item



The best way is to simply implement a system that disables the option to take a item the player does not benefit from.


It cannot 100% eliminate looting (it's not ninja looting by the way) when you should not. But what it does do is mitigate the extent of it and it trains the looter to not go against the stated loot plan for the group. Even a hamster eventually learns that the hammer comes to the head if they eat the food when they are not supposed to.

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It cannot 100% eliminate looting (it's not ninja looting by the way) when you should not. But what it does do is mitigate the extent of it and it trains the looter to not go against the stated loot plan for the group. Even a hamster eventually learns that the hammer comes to the head if they eat the food when they are not supposed to.


If you refer to the ancient term ninjalooting then you must know by now that the term has evolved since it first appeared.


I refered to a player that has the intention to take a item, then no communication or vote kick can help.

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If you refer to the ancient term ninjalooting then you must know by now that the term has evolved since it first appeared.


I refered to a player that has the intention to take a item, then no communication or vote kick can help.


The term is now a misnomer. There is nothing to prevent someone from rolling need, other than common courtesy. But, hey, if the item is open to a roll... I hate to say it... anyone has as much right to roll for it as anyone else. Play with people you trust, or don't complain when someone wins "your" stuffs.

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If you refer to the ancient term ninjalooting then you must know by now that the term has evolved since it first appeared.


I refered to a player that has the intention to take a item, then no communication or vote kick can help.


The term in modern MMOs has evolved to being irrelevant actually. It comes from an era when there were NO loot switches at all and a player looting something they could not use. In this game of companions... almost all players can in fact use all loot drops. The issue here is the ethics of looting for companion, not taking loot you cannot use.


And as I stated... communicate the loot terms up front... and if a player breaks the terms.. you vote kick them on the first offense. Hamsters can be trained...so can badly behaved players... who would get tired of getting vote-kicked for wearing a d-bag as a hat.

Edited by Andryah
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The term in modern MMOs has evolved to being irrelevant actually. It comes from an era when there were NO loot switches at all and a player looting something they could not use. In this game of companions... almost all players can in fact use all loot drops. The issue here is the ethics of looting for companion, not taking loot you cannot use.


And as I stated... communicate the loot terms up front... and if a player breaks the terms.. you vote kick them on the first offense. Hamsters can be trained...so can badly behaved players... who would get tired of getting vote-kicked for wearing a d-bag as a hat.



Being vote kicked repeatedly from groups does tend to teach a person they're doing something wrong, though to be fair...they helped kill the boss, they have an equal share in the loot. 99% of the problems in this game (in regards to flashpoints, and people being upset over group play) can be solved by simply talking things out PRIOR to committing to a group of people.

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