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Respect For Fellow Gamers and Devs all Please take time to Read


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Hi I have been playing this game for a long time now and there are a few things I have noticed over all is that theres alot of slagging off and alot of rude comments to eachother and devs.



I feel personally people lack respect for others and devs and perhaps we should all look at eachother here.

People are not perfect, we all make mistakes, we should all try to support eachother through these mistakes, also id like to mention no game is ever perfect each game has it bugs and glitches now and then as people we should know this by now.


Instead of calling people noobs why not try to help that person offer friendly tips and tricks perhaps point them in the right direction by giving them a link or 2 that can help them if you dont have the time, help them to become better players and learn about the game.


When a problem appears like a bug or some problem that needs fixing there is no need to be dis respectful about it or even start demanding stuff, instead what we should be doing is flagging these up perhaps have a discussion about how these problems can be resolved in a mature way, your find that instead of all arguing about your different veiws if you can find one that suits most to all people in a mature discussion then surely the devs would listen more than what they do. Respecting eachother as a Community of gamers is a step in the right direction.


Theres no reason why people should be arguing over silly things - if you dont like new patches of expansions theres no need to get rude about it - ok put your point of veiw across mabe put down some ideas perhaps you would like to see in up coming patches and expansions.


Nothing is perfect and one thing we should all know is that it takes time to even get a small fraction of perfection, I think patience is the word im looking for here keep flagging those bugs, keeping those brilliant ideas you have and sharing them also keeping the respect up for other people maturely will make this game a better place.


I recently read a post on the forums that someone was demanding bioware to stop people selling accounts on ebay, i personally do not agree with them stopping that at this current point of time it has no effect really on other people or the game itself and i would like devs to keep focusing on the game other than trying to sort stuff out of the game. But do you see im not being rude about it how hard was that ?


I currently go around recruiting people, players of all types and I help them learn to play (im no expert) i give them advice and some tips and tricks perhaps a few websites to go and do some research on or even some youtube links so they can see how its done or even guide them myself through missions showing them the ropes and what not. I think its good to do that as you too can also learn a thing or 2 that youve missed out on sometimes.


yet I hate seeing people who ask a simple question on general chat or on the forums get slatted for it when instead we should just be trying to help them, some people do not generally know what they are doing because they've never played a game like this or are new to it all we were all like that at one point no matter how much you deny it.


As for the Devs well this I want you to think about - there are so many ideas people put forward and then you have people ranting followed by some bugs being flagged then you have people moaning about class changes or expansions or silly things that dont effect players at all, if you was dev would you really want all that in your face to try and scramble through? i sure wouldn't want to do it but they do and I have alot of respect for them - they are very polite and even hold there hands up and say guys weve made a mistake but we are working to fix it. Keep up the good work bioware i know you make mistakes now and then but atleast your trying to correct them.


I can think of at least 2 games where other devs have sort of snapped back at all the negativity but the devs we have are honest and hard working and personally if you think you could do a better job why havent you applied to the company?


To some it up what im saying is Please i know sometimes its hard but please atleast try to Respect all in and out of game we all want to have fun and we all dont like it when people spoil it.


Some of you will agree with this some of you wont some will agree with some points others will not, please feel free to tell me how you feel about what i have wrote im not saying im 100% right and im not good with words at all but im trying to hit it on the nail here but all i ask is just for people to show respect after all im only trying to make it a better gaming vibe this is all i can do.


Id like to thank you all for reading this and leaving what comments you do



Sever - Red Eclipse

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If Dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less DLC and P2W content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.

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If Dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less DLC and P2W content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.


Yeah, I can't imagine at all why the devs aren't falling over themselves to earn your respect. Who knew you and those like you were the only players that mattered? :rolleyes:

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If Dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less DLC and P2W content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.


Please send me a memo on what I should complain about, I really want your respect.

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I wonder how long till the first "Are you new to the internet?" comment.




Whenever people get anonymity and audience, some will act like jerks. The bigger the community, the more evident this becomes. No way around it, aside for Nazi control measures - but in this case rude people will be the least of the community's problems.

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It is a nice sentiment OP. Thanks. Unfortunately it won't happen exactly the way you want. You have folks that like to troll and others are quite frankly are deluded in thinking they are the only ones that matter and that they speak for the whole (see the "we" post a few replies up).


But... it doesn't mean you should stop what you do and how you do it. I too help other players when I can. I give advice and directions when I think it will be helpful. Don't let the the negativity dissuade you from continuing to be the type of player who would foster a better community. You are making a difference so don't get discouraged.


As for what is said here on these forums, take the good and the bad with a grain of salt. It is simply another method of entertainment. I'm not being cynical. I just think actions speak louder than posts.

Edited by Rafaman
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If Dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less DLC and P2W content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.

Don't want your respect ... just a little peace & quiet. Edited by GalacticKegger
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if dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less dlc and p2w content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.


I want this and I want it now or else I'll get really really upset! And you don't want to see me upset now do you! Respect my authority and I know everything that everyone wants and you should give me that thing! I want a sandbox game when this is a themepark game but that doesn't matter only my opinion!

Edited by Corsiero
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Rather than lecture us on what we are doing wrong, why not concentrate on doing the right thing yourself and lead by example? You can't change other people, only yourself. Be polite, be kind and be proud of yourself. No one is going to change their behaviour because you lecture them, so worry about your own behaviour and hope the rest of us follow your shining example of perfection.


Relevant cliches:


- Be the change you want to see in the world (Ghandi)


- Lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference (Serenity Prayer)


- Judge not, lest ye be judged (Bible)


TL;DR It's not for you to judge us and find us lacking. You control your own behaviour, not ours.

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I and other players are outside of your circle of influence. Simply calling everyone out and telling them to change, as the poster above me said, change yourself. Perhaps others will see your contributions and deign to copy you.


Now that I've said that, it's time to get back to our regularly scheduled ***-hattery.

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Rather than lecture us on what we are doing wrong, why not concentrate on doing the right thing yourself and lead by example? You can't change other people, only yourself. Be polite, be kind and be proud of yourself. No one is going to change their behaviour because you lecture them, so worry about your own behaviour and hope the rest of us follow your shining example of perfection.


Relevant cliches:


- Be the change you want to see in the world (Ghandi)


- Lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference (Serenity Prayer)


- Judge not, lest ye be judged (Bible)


TL;DR It's not for you to judge us and find us lacking. You control your own behaviour, not ours.



Thing is I can bet my life that half of the people being rude and such are mostly doing it for attention and wouldn't behave like this in the real world. I've worked in a lot of places and have traveled to a few places and not people do not act like this all the time its probably the fact they love the resposne. I'm just trying to get people to see that instead of raging or trolling and instead put useful answers in to the subject of a thread they will be herd more by everyone. But in I can't change people I can merely point out and ask even if its a small fraction that one or 2 just respect each other more then I'm happy that I've made a small positive change.

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Thing is I can bet my life that half of the people being rude and such are mostly doing it for attention and wouldn't behave like this in the real world. I've worked in a lot of places and have traveled to a few places and not people do not act like this all the time its probably the fact they love the resposne. I'm just trying to get people to see that instead of raging or trolling and instead put useful answers in to the subject of a thread they will be herd more by everyone. But in I can't change people I can merely point out and ask even if its a small fraction that one or 2 just respect each other more then I'm happy that I've made a small positive change.

Thing is, people who are usually rude online won't be swayed by your words - more likely they'll be provoked by them. And those who behave decently already know what you have to say to them.


I'm sure you mean well, but you can't really change anything. Ignoring trolls is the best way to deal them. They feed on strife, and if you don't provide any, they starve and wither.

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Thing is I can bet my life that half of the people being rude and such are mostly doing it for attention and wouldn't behave like this in the real world. I've worked in a lot of places and have traveled to a few places and not people do not act like this all the time its probably the fact they love the resposne. I'm just trying to get people to see that instead of raging or trolling and instead put useful answers in to the subject of a thread they will be herd more by everyone. But in I can't change people I can merely point out and ask even if its a small fraction that one or 2 just respect each other more then I'm happy that I've made a small positive change.


So you ordering people on how to behave results in negative feedback.....who would have thought !? :rolleyes:


Sorry but you are not above people; I used to have great respect for the devs, etc., but after time and time again when they screw people over, never listen to feedback, and just do whatever they want, even with large amount of said negative feedback, they lost any respect that might have gotten.


When they start to care, we'll care back, simple as that.

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I agree with you OP, and as a gamer I appreciate the hard work the devs put into this game. I've had the opportunity to play several games from just about every genre since the early 80's, pumping quarters into arcade games at the arcades (spent $15 in one day on Super Off-road), called Nintendo's game hotline with friends a few times (2.99 a min I think), sold xmas cards door to door when I was 10 to buy a new system when my brother broke ours, worked fulltime at a grocery store in the summer of 91 just to buy a Genesis and Gamegear, etc. The point I'm trying to make is that I appreciate gaming in all forms and if I buy a game and don't like it I accept the fact that it's not for me and move on, I don't find it necessary to belittle the devs who created it. I was still finishing a project that required a ton of my time when this game came out but I still bought it and a PC just to check it out. I only played for about a month cause of time but picked it back up about 10 months later and have been blown away by how immersed I've been with it! I love this game and the hard work the devs have clearly put in to make it fun. Of course it's not for everyone but those of us who have found our Star Wars paradise know what an awesome game this is and it's getting better all the time. Thanks to everyone who support SWTOR and thank you all who provide constructive feedback to the devs, they do listen. Edited by ZETA_SCORPII
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I feel personally people lack respect for others and devs and perhaps we should all look at eachother here.

People are not perfect, we all make mistakes, we should all try to support eachother through these mistakes, also id like to mention no game is ever perfect each game has it bugs and glitches now and then as people we should know this by now.


Could not agree more, but until people learn how to debate, how to present a point in a well balanced, logical state without emotion or instigation, I fear it will not happen.


Would be nice, and I support your argument though.

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So you ordering people on how to behave results in negative feedback.....who would have thought !? :rolleyes:


Sorry but you are not above people; I used to have great respect for the devs, etc., but after time and time again when they screw people over, never listen to feedback, and just do whatever they want, even with large amount of said negative feedback, they lost any respect that might have gotten.


When they start to care, we'll care back, simple as that.


Once again, case in point. This individual is "upset", takes "offense", is "emotional" about a simple suggestion that was not only well thought out, but lucid and rational, while bringing into discussion his personal angst with the company and his self contrived assumptions as to "how they feel about us".


He then chooses to attack and insult you for the effort because that emotion has gotten the better of him and his feeling that he has "the right" to be rude and insulting stands absolute.....and anything designed to enhance polite and controlled debate on issues is somehow oppressing that absolute right.


Very complex issue and far too reaching, with far too many variables (in the form of personalities), to ever succeed. Would be nice though.

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Hi I have been playing this game for a long time now and there are a few things I have noticed over all is that theres alot of slagging off and alot of rude comments to eachother and devs.




Some of you will agree with this some of you wont some will agree with some points others will not, please feel free to tell me how you feel about what i have wrote im not saying im 100% right and im not good with words at all but im trying to hit it on the nail here but all i ask is just for people to show respect after all im only trying to make it a better gaming vibe this is all i can do.


Id like to thank you all for reading this and leaving what comments you do


Sever - Red Eclipse


It's nice in theory, but we all have off days, and being on our best behaviour isn't the answer, since it means we hold back opinions in case they offend. Now some opinions we should hold back, and we should give people the chance to explain their answers, and we should stop the name calling. But politely not quite the the level you seem to be suggesting.

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Once again, case in point. This individual is "upset", takes "offense", is "emotional" about a simple suggestion that was not only well thought out, but lucid and rational, while bringing into discussion his personal angst with the company and his self contrived assumptions as to "how they feel about us".


He then chooses to attack and insult you for the effort because that emotion has gotten the better of him and his feeling that he has "the right" to be rude and insulting stands absolute.....and anything designed to enhance polite and controlled debate on issues is somehow oppressing that absolute right.


Very complex issue and far too reaching, with far too many variables (in the form of personalities), to ever succeed. Would be nice though.


Sorry, but self appointed forum-police threads tends not to end well; sorry that having rival opinions bursts your bubble. Re-read my post and you can see why I feel the way I feel and you can compare it to the others who feel similarly or have left already due to similar circumstances.


If the OP gets upset by what he reads he (or she?) should distance themselves from Gen chat, forums (non-official threads, etc.) and so forth. And hey, its not my fault the OP fell for a Copperfield clone thread to boot. :rolleyes:

Edited by Eillack
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I'm not trying to be forum police what im trying to say is in and out of game I just don't get why all the constant complaining. shouldn't we be greatful for the game bioware created? Heck if you don't like it then go play a different game.


I also don't see why people don't help begginers even when they ask a simple easy to answer question all the nasty comments come after. see I can see the jokes but telling some one to go and ask there mumma is dam right disrespectful.


I know and believe me a lot of people just don't care but think when you are in need of people and trust me in this game at some point you will tell me why the ones who care are even going to bother ?


All I'm gonna say is this what goes around comes around but any way to all those that do help other people, respect the developers and do care about the game with a passion then keep it up as its you that makes this game fun to play and read upon in the forums.

Edited by TominatorBriss
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I want this and I want it now or else I'll get really really upset! And you don't want to see me upset now do you! Respect my authority and I know everything that everyone wants and you should give me that thing! I want a sandbox game when this is a themepark game but that doesn't matter only my opinion!


Hehe.. well played.


Eric?.. Eric Cartman?... is that you Eric? :p

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I just don't get why all the constant complaining. shouldn't we be greatful for the game bioware created? Heck if you don't like it then go play a different game.


It's the nature of unhappiness IMO. Unhappy people like to inflict unhappiness upon others if they can. It makes them feel less isolated by their feelings.


Problem is that this does not translate well on the internet as there are no social norms to keep rabid emotional outbursts in check. Whereas in real life, most people when conducting face to face conversation will show some restraint and self control. The anonymity of the internet however....unleashes the Id to run amock and wreak destruction.


But you cannot make people on the internet behave the way you like.. so you just have to roll with it and not let it bother you.

Edited by Andryah
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