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how did baras became so fat


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what happened? do they give an explanation for that?


"It is been a few decades since the war, and time have different effect on dark force users. For some of them, they gain weight."

is this true?


maybe its just that Baras is bundled up in layers of armor to look fat and intimidating. Either that or Baras had 20 too many burgers from Mcdonalds.

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It isn't true at all, Baras put weight on because his spine was injured, he relies very heavily on the Force and his apprentices as his crutches, in one of the tidbits of information from the cantina events they revealed that he took a lightsaber slash to his lower spine and he actually has a lot of cybernetics covering him, but they aren't good enough to give him proper capabilities in his body over-all.
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It isn't true at all, Baras put weight on because his spine was injured, he relies very heavily on the Force and his apprentices as his crutches, in one of the tidbits of information from the cantina events they revealed that he took a lightsaber slash to his lower spine and he actually has a lot of cybernetics covering him, but they aren't good enough to give him proper capabilities in his body over-all.

Yeah this essentially. Maybe not unintentionally, Baras reminds me of Hermann Goring. Goring was a famous Ace Fighter Pilot in WW1, fought alongside the Red Baron and took over the Baron's Flying Circus following his death. However a injury shortly after the War left him addicted to Morphine and plenty of comfort living created the other Sphere we all love to laugh at.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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It isn't true at all, Baras put weight on because his spine was injured, he relies very heavily on the Force and his apprentices as his crutches, in one of the tidbits of information from the cantina events they revealed that he took a lightsaber slash to his lower spine and he actually has a lot of cybernetics covering him, but they aren't good enough to give him proper capabilities in his body over-all.


In the comic Threat of Peace, Baras got stabbed in the back while at the Sith Academy on Korriban (and he blamed Angral for the assassination attempt). Although the rest of the comic doesn't show him with any cybernetics nor does it show that he suffered any permanent damage. Then again, this is the same comic that shows Satele as a white chick with red hair (because they hadn't decided on her final look) somewhat gushing over Tavus.

Edited by KurganNazzir
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Yeah this essentially. Maybe not unintentionally, Baras reminds me of Hermann Goring. Goring was a famous Ace Fighter Pilot in WW1, fought alongside the Red Baron and took over the Baron's Flying Circus following his death. However a injury shortly after the War left him addicted to Morphine and plenty of comfort living created the other Sphere we all love to laugh at.


Huh, that's an interesting comparison.

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In the comic Threat of Peace, Baras got stabbed in the back while at the Sith Academy on Korriban (and he blamed Angral for the assassination attempt). Although the rest of the comic doesn't show him with any cybernetics nor does it show that he suffered any permanent damage. Then again, this is the same comic that shows Satele as a white chick with red hair (because they hadn't decided on her final look) somewhat gushing over Tavus.


On a time where, ironically enough, she already had a thing with Jace Malcolm and was ALREADY a mother. :rolleyes:

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