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Subscriber rewards...


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You are arguing that the rewards we get here are standard, but they are not standard. Not sure where you are trying to go with this. Are we talking the value of rewards comparatively, or the fact that we do get such reward. The original argument was that we do not. I've proved that false. Are we now speaking of entitlement, where the value of the reward comes into question as not being good enough? As I've said, a new armor collection every two months is not at all a bad "veterans reward". Sure beats the stuff I got when I played wow, or eq, or UO, even back to Meridian.


With that in mind, I still consider this to be just another entitlement thread.


500 Cash a month isn't standard? I guess this is your only F2P MMO, cause all the other big MMO's also give 500 Cash a month PLUS they have Veteran Rewards...Why do you think other companies don't give this? All of those MMO's I listed in my previous post give their subscribers 500 Cash for FREE...ON TOP of the Veteran Rewards they also give...I haven't played any Sony game in 6 months, and in that 6 months I have gained 3000 Station Cash PLUS I have gained 6000 Loyalty Points to spend on the Loyalty Vendors in Sony games AND they have given me 5 card packs each month for their card game which have a chance of dropping rare in-game items...


And that is just Sony...Turbine, Trion, Funcom, all of them offer similar (though not as good, Sony has the BEST incentive system by far..) systems...


So your right, what we get ISN'T standard - Its LOWER than the industry Standard...Frankly, as far as F2P MMO's go, SWTOR is right at the bottom of the barrel for customers loyalty programs...

Edited by Trevalon
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I can't even respond to this drivel. This is so backwards that I cannot fathom that anyone can actually believe any of this. Every post you make is so completely blinded by an irrational defense of a video game that you cannot hold a conversation anymore. I honestly think you are by far the single most dangerous person on these boards far below the whiners, gripers, and even rage-quiters..at least most of those people give some sort of critical feedback...


So the best you can come up with is ad hominems. LOL. You are the Awesome.

Edited by Andryah
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500 Cash a month isn't standard? I guess this is your only F2P MMO, cause all the other big MMO's also give 500 Cash a month PLUS they have Veteran Rewards...Why do you think other companies don't give this? All of those MMO's I listed in my previous post give their subscribers 500 Cash for FREE...ON TOP of the Veteran Rewards they also give...I haven't played any Sony game in 6 months, and in that 6 months I have gained 3000 Station Cash PLUS I have gained 6000 Loyalty Points to spend on the Loyalty Vendors in Sony games AND they have given me 5 card packs each month for their card game which have a chance of dropping rare in-game items...


And that is just Sony...Turbine, Trion, Funcom, all of them offer similar (though not as good, Sony has the BEST incentive system by far..) systems...


So your right, what we get ISN'T standard - Its LOWER than the industry Standard...Frankly, as far as F2P MMO's go, SWTOR is right at the bottom of the barrel for customers loyalty programs...


Soooo.. why are you playing this MMO then? I ask because the way to pitch it.. this one is so clearly inferior in how it treats veterans compared to other games that it makes no logical sense why you would continue to subscribe then.


OR.... perhaps the game is worthy of subscription by you.. and hence.. you do not need veteran rewards to continue to sub. See.. that is business process in action. You incent when you need to.. not when the people demand you do it.


IMO, you have made blackardins case for him.... this is an entitlement behavior thread.

Edited by Andryah
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Soooo.. why are you playing this MMO then? I ask because the way to pitch it.. this one is so clearly inferior in how it treats veterans compared to other games that it makes no logical sense why you would continue to subscribe then.


OR.... perhaps the game is worthy of subscription by you.. and hence.. you do not need veteran rewards to continue to sub. See.. that is business process in action. You incent when you need to.. not when the people demand you do it.


IMO, you have made blackardins case for him.... this is an entitlement behavior thread.


honestly , lets cut trough the red tape shall we . You accuse him of ad honiem and you are doing the same .

1 As investor in freemium market most know how the flux and eb goes , how milking the crap put of a product works

Subscription model is atleast reliable , customer loyalty the same story .


Most people who are preffered wish to Sub but do not see the benefit of subscription .

Especially with account unlocks , truth be told I do not see the benefit at all other then loyalty towards SWTOR !

Especially with the death by thousand papercut , that is happening dialy in this game .

this is not a blizzard with blizzcon , bioware cause of successes also brought in tons of trolls and hate .

SWTOR went hybrid system , now how do negate those thousand papercuts !


How do you keep positive drivel , when freemium market and milking is so common ?

Open a Mobile MMO you will see how much milking is going on in substandard programs .

You honestly think the market is infinite ? That even the most simple people sooner or later don't find out how the industry works ?


Sorry for the developers support and team to get enough funding , revenue isn't enough .

sure data are based on login , annual numbers of people playing , (to warrant server cost)

Subcription numbers are a factor , cause it is a steady factor , to warrant improvements .

You might not like the idea of veteran rewards cause it create elitisme or let people buy back the elitisme

Cause of quick buck spending to catch up , but enough people want to support a MMO without having tons of time to play , they need to be rewarded somehow .


Veteran rewards maintain those sub numbers needed for additional growth !

If rewards are offered , how many % of the prefered people would sub ? Vs % of those people buys those elitisme ?

Now do the calculations , yes veteran rewards sadly also has a bad side effect .

that some people just don't log in , but it still beats them doing the same on preffered and then come back a couple months down the road .

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They are in retail. There's your proof.


....and they do, have always had a "veterans reward program" in the form of 600 cartel coins per month. The entitlement mentality precludes many from seeing such, as the mindset allows one to argue that its "not enough", or that "we've always gotten that so it does not count" etc.


We have one arguing here that "veterans rewards" keep him in a game that he does not play. Does a free armor set every two months not grant that same motivation....or does that not count?


See, in order to be taken seriously, to have others lend validity to one's contention, one must present a well balance, well rounded, sensible argument....and that is not being done here....which leads to the contention that it is more a case of entitlement, and whining then anything else.


You do know the only reason we even get the 500/600 CC per month is because the game downgraded to F2P option right? That is simply an obligation to make it look like subs are worth anything anymore.


And please, toss the dead "entitlement" horse around, does it look like I'm asking BW to make a statue in my honor to you? No.

Edited by Eillack
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IMO, you have made blackardins case for him.... this is an entitlement behavior thread.


I'm not sure I agree with this sentiment Andryah. Yes, it is a bit extreme to say that Bioware does not appreciate it's subscribers (obviously they do IMO) and that they have not sufficiently demonstrated such (I personally think they have).


But, I would have to say that adding a system such as this could provide benefits to sub retention. One of many forms naturally, as you pointed out, and the value compared to other methods is debatable, naturally.


I, for one, do not make the suggestion out of a sense of entitlement. My suggestion is made out of a sense of improving the game's overall appeal. I can't speak for others.

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I think a veteran reward can serve two purposes when it comes to players.


Multiplayer vehicles


There are many items that could be added that would likely be desirable to the general population.


Add multilayer one with option/version that allow active companion existence on 2nd seat and this would be greatest addition to the vehicle system in game by itself, putting it as veteran reward will be one big hook :cool:

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I can't even respond to this drivel. This is so backwards that I cannot fathom that anyone can actually believe any of this. Every post you make is so completely blinded by an irrational defense of a video game that you cannot hold a conversation anymore. I honestly think you are by far the single most dangerous person on these boards far below the whiners, gripers, and even rage-quiters..at least most of those people give some sort of critical feedback...


That post was perfectly reasonable and clear. The reason you can't respond is because you have nothing to respond with.

Edited by Arkerus
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