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TOR not having a Vet system is one of it's biggest turnoffs imo, this screams that BW never expects anyone to stay more than a month or so...a vet system would change that and give an incentive to stay.


Nonsense. But if you sincerely feel that way....unsub then and play for free. Walk the talk IMO.


Vet reward systems were a common marketing practice in the era of subscriber only business models in MMOs. It was one of the primary ways to keep people subscribing. But this game is not sub-only anymore. And it simply does not work as well (in terms of return on investment) for a flex access business model.


With the move toward flexible access models.. where players can play for free at one level of features or play at a more robust level of features and content with a subscription.. the marketing focus has shifted.


The focus in a flexible access model is quite different, and hence the old style veteran rewards programs have less real value from a business standpoint.


We all like more free stuff for giving our business to the company. But you have to be realistic when looking at incentive programs and what they do and what they exist for.


It's a business.... and they actively market and incentivize customers just like very other company. Trust me.. if Bioware saw good ROI from a veteran reward program... we would all be beneficiaries of one. ;)

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Nonsense. But if you sincerely feel that way....unsub then and play for free. Walk the talk IMO.


Vet reward systems were a common marketing practice in the era of subscriber only business models in MMOs. It was one of the primary ways to keep people subscribing. But this game is not sub-only anymore. And it simply does not work as well (in terms of return on investment) for a flex access business model.


With the move toward flexible access models.. where players can play for free at one level of features or play at a more robust level of features and content with a subscription.. the marketing focus has shifted.


The focus in a flexible access model is quite different, and hence the old style veteran rewards programs have less real value from a business standpoint.


We all like more free stuff for giving our business to the company. But you have to be realistic when looking at incentive programs and what they do and what they exist for.


It's a business.... and they actively market and incentivize customers just like very other company. Trust me.. if Bioware saw good ROI from a veteran reward program... we would all be beneficiaries of one. ;)


It honestly scares me that you think this way.


Pretty much in the end of the day Bioware just doesn't care, if you're telling me that a Vet system would not benefit BW and this game, then I just don't know what to say to make you see reason.


And the whole "that was the past" etc. viewpoint you keep tossing around is just BS as well haha. Giving a **** about the customer results in a happier customer base which then results in profit. Not caring and just milking as fast as possible then throwing away people will continue the negative word of mouth on SWTOR.

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Vet reward systems were a common marketing practice in the era of subscriber only business models in MMOs. It was one of the primary ways to keep people subscribing. But this game is not sub-only anymore. And it simply does not work as well (in terms of return on investment) for a flex access business model.



Really Andy? Tell that to almost every other F2P MMO - because almost ALL of them have robust subscriber/veteran rewards - It is another way to KEEP people subscribing.


All of Sony's MMO's (All 8 of them) are F2P and EVERY one of them have very large subscriber rewards systems that include everything from Free Player Houses to Cosmetic Armor, to even buying GAME TIME for free...AND you get 500 Station cash each month on top of all of this...


All of Turbine's MMO's also have a Veteran program and they are all F2P...


Both of Trion's MMO's have Veteran Reward Programs...and they are F2P...


AoC, Aion, and GW1 (Soon GW2) have Veteran Reward programs..and they are....F2P...


Veteran Rewards make MORE sense for F2P MMO's than Sub MMO's - The goal of F2P is get people to taste the product then hook them with a subscription. Veteran Rewards is another incentive to maintain a subscription over what they already offer.


I don't play EQ1 or EQ2 at this time but I still have an active subscription to both games because I get veteran rewards that accrue over time - when I return to those games I will have built up a good bit of rewards and for that I will never unsub to those games.


On the other hand, I have absolutely ZERO problems unsubbing SWTOR as soon as I get tired of it because they don't give me ANY incentive to keep my sub open if I am not actively playing the game. I have quit SWTOR 3 different times over the last 2.5 years and Each time I cancelled my subscription immediately. I have quit EQ1/2 multiple times over the same 2.5 years and I have maintained that subscription paying my All Access 20 bucks a month for near 10 years now with no break and it is SOLELY because they offer amazing Veteran rewards that continually accrue over time as long as your sub stays active - and I know for a FACT I am not the only one who does this as almost all of my EQ1 guild doesnt even play anymore, but near ALL of them keep their EQ1 sub active for the same reasons.


Sorry Andy, your wrong, your 100% completely wrong...

Edited by Trevalon
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TOR not having a Vet system is one of it's biggest turnoffs imo, this screams that BW never expects anyone to stay more than a month or so...a vet system would change that and give an incentive to stay.


I don't personally feel that a lack of a veteran system speaks to how long they expect players to remain playing the game....more it speaks to just another novel idea (perhaps) that they may have not thought of, do not have the resources for, considered and rejected it, or plan to implement at some point.


Really, anything is possible. Many of the suggestions made during beta have been implemented by the new crew, and this is one of those suggestions that we may see in the future. A few things to consider however....


1) They do already give a subscriber reward, and might consider content from the market a suitable reward.

2) This is a "freemium" system, so adding a reward system for subs or time might be problematic.

3) They may not have the resources available to create such an involved system that would have questionable effect on player retention...in other words they may already have plenty in the works for retention.


Just some things to think about...I personally feel it would be a great addition and WOULD increase retention, loyalty and returning player rates.

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Everyone here who is a regular gets that Lunafox.


You hijack thread topics left and right to prosecute your disagreement with them moving story off of class specific themes. It's well known. We all know it.


You seem to think that if you keep doing this.. it will magically change their minds at Bioware. It won't. It just makes you look more upset and more eccentric with each new post.


Constructive Suggestion:

Maybe start an actual constructive thread on the topic of Class story arcs, with ideas, suggestions, and invite objective discussion between forum members. In other words, stop complaining and demanding and begin to build a support message around your desire in the forum. Then.. perhaps... you might feel listened to. No guarantee however that it means the return of class story arcs. But it would be a lot better received by both forum members and the devs. I personally would support such a thread discussion if it were positive and not pejorative toward the devs. I think everyone would enjoy more class story arcs... but we are not all going to get so bent about them not being continued. So create a positive discussion to encourage players to discuss what is so great about class story arcs... and maybe the devs see it for what it is.. IF in fact most players actually agree with you.


Kinda how you hijack threads and spin spin spin? :) I did start a thread about how I felt with my Petition thread, and a few others over the last few months. But I guess you're busy doing what you're doing. Here's a link to the main one...and you can feel free to support it, like you said you would. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=674757&highlight=petition+individual+class+stories


And you know what? A lot of people DO agree with me, about extending class and companion stories. It's right there in the thread. And I have to wonder how other people feel about you talking for them? You're talking like you and everyone else is against me on the forums. I don't think you have the right to speak for others.

Edited by Lunafox
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I know in SWG they'd give subs a gift each month, which was nice...a nice hologram toy or a painting, rug, what-have-you. I really enjoyed that, but I don't think they gave any sort of other stipend. It's been a long time for me since I was there. Here they give the cash shop coins, which I guess equates to the gifts SWG would give.


If they ever make player housing, the gifts in addition to the coins would also be a nice treat, but I don't expect that to happen, as it would likely involve more work, that would be better spent on other things.

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I feel like Bioware isn't listening to us, they don't want to hear anything we have to say. I don't accept that, and I'm going to keep letting them know that I feel extending the individual class and companion stories is important.


Either you mis-spoke (mis-typed?) or minunderstand. Bioware is listening to you. What they're not doing is delivering your desired content immediately.


See, as a subscriber, you have a right to express your opinions and desires. As a service provider, Bioware should listen to those. However, there is a vast gap between "should listen to" and "will do something about".


You are demanding the most expensive, most time consuming, and most resource-intensive content. The fact that you post a thread with a vulgar video isn't enough to convince them to commit loads of time, money, and manpower to a project. It will take a number of discussions with finance, marketing, and project management to figure out what they need to do to make it happen. It could be months just in the organization stage. And unless you think its fine for them to stop giving the normal major updates, they'll need to add development teams, which would mean hiring or transferring developers and artists. Its not a minor thing you're asking for here.


If anything, I'd think this post would steer them away from such a large project. It suggests that the people who want it are immature and unlikely to be mature and patient enough to wait for them. Which is sad, because I'd like more class stories too, but I feel wrong agreeing with people who behave like you just did.

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Kinda how you hijack threads and spin spin spin? :) I did start a thread about how I felt with my Petition thread, and a few others over the last few months. But I guess you're busy doing what you're doing. Here's a link to the main one...and you can feel free to support it, like you said you would. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=674757&highlight=petition+individual+class+stories


And you know what? A lot of people DO agree with me, about extending class and companion stories. It's right there in the thread. And I have to wonder how other people feel about you talking for them? You're talking like you and everyone else is against me on the forums. I don't think you have the right to speak for others.


So please keep your class story discussions on the proper threads then. If you created them you should still have them.



As for the OP, I don't feel undervalued but it would be nice if the designer kiosk was free to subs.

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What's the matter, don't you want to see individual class and companion story extensions?


If you don't, that's your prerogative, but as a sub, I'm allowed to communicate how I feel, to the powers that be, about what is important to me and many others, and that's what I'm doing. I feel like Bioware isn't listening to us, they don't want to hear anything we have to say. I don't accept that, and I'm going to keep letting them know that I feel extending the individual class and companion stories is important.


Ats like walking up to a woman and asking if she would like a pizza, and to perform a sexual act with you, then, upon getting slapped, thinking, "maybe she does not like pizza".


Has nothing to do with class stories skip, and everything to do with exactly what I was speaking of, entitlement. Stepping into a thread, hijacking for one's own purposes without concern for anything else beyond those personal concern, and doing so in a most adolescent manner, with not only derogatory themes, and depiction that are not only offensive, but completely fabricated.....not to mention vile enough to warrant a temporary ban. In


Hope that helps lend to a more accurate understanding. ;p

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It honestly scares me that you think this way.


Pretty much in the end of the day Bioware just doesn't care, if you're telling me that a Vet system would not benefit BW and this game, then I just don't know what to say to make you see reason.


And the whole "that was the past" etc. viewpoint you keep tossing around is just BS as well haha. Giving a **** about the customer results in a happier customer base which then results in profit. Not caring and just milking as fast as possible then throwing away people will continue the negative word of mouth on SWTOR.


Kinda scares me that you think this way. I mean, if you are a child, then yes, acceptable.....but "Don't Care about us?" EVERY company CARES about their customer base. It is their life's blood. They also have teams of experts (with actual degrees and experience beyond, "I played a video game"), backing them up. They base all decisions on market analysis and priority, not what some random guy on a message board says about them "caring".


It is ok to desire something in game, but that's not what we see here. Honestly, sometimes I think the only reason that people attack her so much is because she speaks adult, and they cannot understand it. What we have here is more entitlement complex and more pot stirring. You want what you want now and if it not delivered immediately, the insults, foot stomping begins in as many threads as can be disrupted until, "I get my way".

Edited by Blackardin
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Kinda scares me that you think this way. I mean, if you are a child, then yes, acceptable.....but "Don't Care about us?" EVERY company CARES about their customer base. It is their life's blood. They also have teams of experts (with actual degrees and experience beyond, "I played a video game"), backing them up. They base all decisions on market analysis and priority, not what some random guy on a message board says about them "caring".


It is ok to desire something in game, but that's not what we see here. Honestly, sometimes I think the only reason that people attack her so much is because she speaks adult, and they cannot understand it. What we have here is more entitlement complex and more pot stirring. You want what you want now and if it not delivered immediately, the insults, foot stomping begins in as many threads as can be disrupted until, "I get my way".


Please bring me proof that Bioware / EA cares, it's easier to tell that other companies care, but BW/EA? I haven't really seen it at all.

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Sorry Andy, your wrong, your 100% completely wrong...


Actually, you are arguing an absolute based on nothing except your opinion. You, for all intent and purpose, are an oddity. I've never heard of anyone, ever, on any board, anywhere that kept a sub open for 10 years just to be able to claim veterans rewards. I would also state that most people that just grow tired with an MMO leave and never return, not bounce from game to game as you do. I would further contend that the entire concept of "veterans rewards" has proven to fail based on market trends and demographics. Wow has lost close to 5 million subs, and they have said "Veterans Rewards".


Point is, we do not know what you are claiming as it is based upon one's own mind projection fallacy, and extrapolated out to the entirety of the gaming industry, and promulgated into law with no more support then random conjecture.....and what indication there is out there is to the opposite.


You simply cannot make the claim you are making, and you certainly cannot accuse her of being "absolutely wrong" based upon your hyperbolic assessment.

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Please bring me proof that Bioware / EA cares, it's easier to tell that other companies care, but BW/EA? I haven't really seen it at all.


They are in retail. There's your proof.


....and they do, have always had a "veterans reward program" in the form of 600 cartel coins per month. The entitlement mentality precludes many from seeing such, as the mindset allows one to argue that its "not enough", or that "we've always gotten that so it does not count" etc.


We have one arguing here that "veterans rewards" keep him in a game that he does not play. Does a free armor set every two months not grant that same motivation....or does that not count?


See, in order to be taken seriously, to have others lend validity to one's contention, one must present a well balance, well rounded, sensible argument....and that is not being done here....which leads to the contention that it is more a case of entitlement, and whining then anything else.

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They are in retail. There's your proof.


....and they do, have always had a "veterans reward program" in the form of 600 cartel coins per month. The entitlement mentality precludes many from seeing such, as the mindset allows one to argue that its "not enough", or that "we've always gotten that so it does not count" etc.


We have one arguing here that "veterans rewards" keep him in a game that he does not play. Does a free armor set every two months not grant that same motivation....or does that not count?


See, in order to be taken seriously, to have others lend validity to one's contention, one must present a well balance, well rounded, sensible argument....and that is not being done here....which leads to the contention that it is more a case of entitlement, and whining then anything else.


lol - The idea that I pay for my EQ sub for Veteran Rewards IS 100% true. I know ALOT of people who do. Is that anecdotal evidence? Sure, but that wasn't the point of my post to begin with. The whole point of this post is to say that while 500 Cartel coins is nice, it is pretty standard in the MMO world, and MOST companies go beyond that to reward their subscribers more. If you compare SWTOR to almost ANY other F2P game MMO on the market, it has one of the worst subscriber benefit packages out there. All the OP is saying is that maybe Bioware should look into making it more competitive by offering the same things that the direct competition offers.


My POINT to Andy was that almost EVERY other F2P MMO has some sort of Veteran Reward system ON TOP of giving people free points each month. Andy claimed that veteran systems were not warranted to a F2P game and I pointed out to him/her/it that almost ALL of the "big" F2P MMO's ALL have Veteran programs. So, good job on missing the entire point of my post.


Secondly, After 15 years of MMOing, you would be surprised how many people "jump" around MMO's. It is a lot more common than you think it is especially for those of us who have been playing this genre since its inception. I, personally, play EVERY new MMO that comes out to give it a chance. Sometimes I stay for a while, sometimes I don't.

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I think a veteran reward can serve two purposes when it comes to players.

1) It keeps current players playing to reach the next milestone IF the rewards are desirable.

2) It causes former players to return, especially if the system is based on time since account inception, so they can collect the goodies.


Now, an important component of that is that the rewards should be desirable naturally, but also that they should be items that can be sold. This way folks that do not want the rewards specifically can sell them off.


Some items that might strike as desirable would be IMO.....


Pack of 10 100% XP/1 hour bonus tokens

Unique customizations for ship exteriors

Unique customizations for ship interiors

Unique companion customizations

Summon tokens that can be used by players to create a temporary QT point for unflagged players in a group. Only group members see the QT point.

Rare dyes

Rare or embargoed but popular CM items

Cartel Coin packs (the actual coins)

Unique hologram disguises for your character...so you could look like a Jawa or Wookie if you wanted to.

Orange Adaptable level 1 examples of crafted armor

Multiplayer vehicles

Tokens that allow you to create one stack of rare crafting material

Mods that give universal crafting bonuses to all crew members

Reusable presence buffs that stack with current player buffs (like canteena buffs)


There are many items that could be added that would likely be desirable to the general population.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Either you mis-spoke (mis-typed?) or minunderstand. Bioware is listening to you. What they're not doing is delivering your desired content immediately.


See, as a subscriber, you have a right to express your opinions and desires. As a service provider, Bioware should listen to those. However, there is a vast gap between "should listen to" and "will do something about".


You are demanding the most expensive, most time consuming, and most resource-intensive content. The fact that you post a thread with a vulgar video isn't enough to convince them to commit loads of time, money, and manpower to a project. It will take a number of discussions with finance, marketing, and project management to figure out what they need to do to make it happen. It could be months just in the organization stage. And unless you think its fine for them to stop giving the normal major updates, they'll need to add development teams, which would mean hiring or transferring developers and artists. Its not a minor thing you're asking for here.


If anything, I'd think this post would steer them away from such a large project. It suggests that the people who want it are immature and unlikely to be mature and patient enough to wait for them. Which is sad, because I'd like more class stories too, but I feel wrong agreeing with people who behave like you just did.


The only thing I'm guilty of misunderstanding is the OP's video. It doesn't make any sense to me, and I responded in kind with a video that I found. You might have thought it vulgar, I thought it was kind of funny. I've been with this game since before it launched. I've paid my sub straight thru without interruption, and I feel that I've been very patient, but when the company doesn't post any sort of Q/A on the forums anymore, or do anything to properly communicate to people with concerns, its not a big surprise, that things are done to get their attention, or at least try to.


It's not a minor thing desired, but it's a vital thing. It would be easier to wait, if they spoke about what their intentions were. If I knew individual class story extensions were definitely on their way, I would happily continue to pay my sub and wait for it, but the fact is they're trying to push away the individual stories in favour of generic. That's just not good.


It's no wonder people are seeking more incentive to play, like the OP is searching for subscriber rewards. As I said, I'm fine with what I'm getting as a sub reward, but wouldn't be averse if they decided to add something more.

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It honestly scares me that you think this way.


Pretty much in the end of the day Bioware just doesn't care, if you're telling me that a Vet system would not benefit BW and this game, then I just don't know what to say to make you see reason.


And the whole "that was the past" etc. viewpoint you keep tossing around is just BS as well haha. Giving a **** about the customer results in a happier customer base which then results in profit. Not caring and just milking as fast as possible then throwing away people will continue the negative word of mouth on SWTOR.


So in other words.. all you have to offer is an ad hominem response? LOL.. OK then.



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Really Andy? Tell that to almost every other F2P MMO - because almost ALL of them have robust subscriber/veteran rewards - It is another way to KEEP people subscribing.


All of Sony's MMO's (All 8 of them) are F2P and EVERY one of them have very large subscriber rewards systems that include everything from Free Player Houses to Cosmetic Armor, to even buying GAME TIME for free...AND you get 500 Station cash each month on top of all of this...


All of Turbine's MMO's also have a Veteran program and they are all F2P...


Both of Trion's MMO's have Veteran Reward Programs...and they are F2P...


AoC, Aion, and GW1 (Soon GW2) have Veteran Reward programs..and they are....F2P...


....yada yada yada....


Sorry Andy, your wrong, your 100% completely wrong...


Best to steer clear of absolute statements like this.


NOT ALL MMOs have veteran reward programs, and in fact most non-subscription ones in the market don't go that route at all. The ones you sighted above are actually mostly artifacts of an earlier time when they worked under a different business model.


But..let's get to the actual business points of my earlier comments.. shall we?


Veteran rewards programs are incentive programs to retain subscriptions. One of a number of approaches. They are marketing perks. They come in a variety of different flavors and approach. By your definition, SWTOR actually does have veteran rewards. They give veterans Cartel coins and at times also other free items. I remember as a veteran getting close to 3000 cartel coins the day the game went Freemium... for the veteran time I accumulated on the game since launch.


Veteran rewards have no commercial value or merit in retaining FREE players whatsoever. They have value in retaining subscriptions. And companies generally add them to their products at a time when they see a clear return on investment for doing so. In today's flexible access model dominated MMO market.. there are more options and freedom for marketing incentive programs to be applied. The free to subscribers on day 1 for Space PvP is a good recent example of that here on this MMO. In my observation.. Bioware does a better job of marketing incentives then most other MMOs that simply keep doing the same old stuff.


In spite of a handful of random declarations that veteran rewards are critical to retaining subscribers, I see little evidence of this being an effective marketing incentive in todays MMO market. Yes.. there are older veteran MMOs that have them.. have them from an earlier time when they were a common practice.. and which they cannot delete them in today's market because it's more difficult to take something away after the fact.


But hey.. for those of you who feel you must have veteran rewards or you will unsubscribe... the choice is yours to make.

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I think a veteran reward can serve two purposes when it comes to players.

1) It keeps current players playing to reach the next milestone IF the rewards are desirable.

2) It causes former players to return, especially if the system is based on time since account inception, so they can collect the goodies.


Now, an important component of that is that the rewards should be desirable naturally, but also that they should be items that can be sold. This way folks that do not want the rewards specifically can sell them off.


Some items that might strike as desirable would be IMO.....


Pack of 10 100% XP/1 hour bonus tokens

Unique customizations for ship exteriors

Unique customizations for ship interiors

Unique companion customizations

Summon tokens that can be used by players to create a temporary QT point for unflagged players in a group. Only group members see the QT point.

Rare dyes

Rare or embargoed but popular CM items

Cartel Coin packs (the actual coins)

Unique hologram disguises for your character...so you could look like a Jawa or Wookie if you wanted to.

Orange Adaptable level 1 examples of crafted armor

Multiplayer vehicles

Tokens that allow you to create one stack of rare crafting material

Mods that give universal crafting bonuses to all crew members

Reusable presence buffs that stack with current player buffs (like canteena buffs)


There are many items that could be added that would likely be desirable to the general population.


Agreed and love your suggestions Lord Artemis :)


Particularly tokens for rare crafting mats, crew member crafting bonuses and exclusive customisation options...



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And if subscribers numbers didn't matter to them !

Why are they trying so hard to get subscribers !

to satisfy investors , revenue alone is not enough it seems !


Sorry to get funds for new updates and improvements , CM and CC income and revenue might be terrific compare to sub , but sub is a steady reliable source of revenue , those who pay with game time card or every month .


Now veteran programs is a way for people to continue subbing even if they do not play .

Success of CoH and other models proof that , people are willing to pay 15 $ a month , even if they are not playing usually for longer periods , then normally they would without veteran rewards .


Free money is free money , what enterprise or business would snub at free money ?

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lol - The idea that I pay for my EQ sub for Veteran Rewards IS 100% true. I know ALOT of people who do. Is that anecdotal evidence? Sure, but that wasn't the point of my post to begin with. The whole point of this post is to say that while 500 Cartel coins is nice, it is pretty standard in the MMO world, and MOST companies go beyond that to reward their subscribers more. If you compare SWTOR to almost ANY other F2P game MMO on the market, it has one of the worst subscriber benefit packages out there. All the OP is saying is that maybe Bioware should look into making it more competitive by offering the same things that the direct competition offers.


You are arguing that the rewards we get here are standard, but they are not standard. Not sure where you are trying to go with this. Are we talking the value of rewards comparatively, or the fact that we do get such reward. The original argument was that we do not. I've proved that false. Are we now speaking of entitlement, where the value of the reward comes into question as not being good enough? As I've said, a new armor collection every two months is not at all a bad "veterans reward". Sure beats the stuff I got when I played wow, or eq, or UO, even back to Meridian.


With that in mind, I still consider this to be just another entitlement thread.

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Best to steer clear of absolute statements like this.


NOT ALL MMOs have veteran reward programs, and in fact most non-subscription ones in the market don't go that route at all. The ones you sighted above are actually mostly artifacts of an earlier time when they worked under a different business model.


But..let's get to the actual business points of my earlier comments.. shall we?


Veteran rewards programs are incentive programs to retain subscriptions. One of a number of approaches. They are marketing perks. They come in a variety of different flavors and approach. By your definition, SWTOR actually does have veteran rewards. They give veterans Cartel coins and at times also other free items. I remember as a veteran getting close to 3000 cartel coins the day the game went Freemium... for the veteran time I accumulated on the game since launch.


Veteran rewards have no commercial value or merit in retaining FREE players whatsoever. They have value in retaining subscriptions. And companies generally add them to their products at a time when they see a clear return on investment for doing so. In today's flexible access model dominated MMO market.. there are more options and freedom for marketing incentive programs to be applied. The free to subscribers on day 1 for Space PvP is a good recent example of that here on this MMO. In my observation.. Bioware does a better job of marketing incentives then most other MMOs that simply keep doing the same old stuff.


In spite of a handful of random declarations that veteran rewards are critical to retaining subscribers, I see little evidence of this being an effective marketing incentive in todays MMO market. Yes.. there are older veteran MMOs that have them.. have them from an earlier time when they were a common practice.. and which they cannot delete them in today's market because it's more difficult to take something away after the fact.


But hey.. for those of you who feel you must have veteran rewards or you will unsubscribe... the choice is yours to make.


I can't even respond to this drivel. This is so backwards that I cannot fathom that anyone can actually believe any of this. Every post you make is so completely blinded by an irrational defense of a video game that you cannot hold a conversation anymore. I honestly think you are by far the single most dangerous person on these boards far below the whiners, gripers, and even rage-quiters..at least most of those people give some sort of critical feedback...

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