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LF Guild


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Actually, Zuzu I couldn't care less about you. I just find it highly entertaining to interrupt your "I am awesome" speeches in gen and pvp chat.


Yet you felt the need to respond to my post?


Lol, oh boy. Please don't tell me you're also going to pull the "Idc but I'm going to type out responses and parapgraphs in response to yours to contradict myself" type of argument :rolleyes:


Sure, let me dig up the old forum posts from a year or so ago, or bring people back to the game that aren't here anymore. If you were around back then, you know what I'm talking about. If you weren't, it really doesn't matter then does it? :eek:


So if you have no proof, don't be surprised when people discredit your statements. Get some testimony, find some proof, or do something at all to make your point credible. Otherwise, like you pretty much have shown, your attempts to belittle a guild are taken little better than a high school crybaby, whining about a crowd he wasn't popular with and is doing his best to slander them without a real reason to. ;)

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The progression map misses out on a lot of good RP guilds that don't post Ops info. You're actually better off posting threads asking for guild invites.


Well, consdering on what's happening in this thread, I don't know if it is really better off :D


His entire guild seems to be devoted to hating me


You mistake our objectivity for personal hatred! We honestly believe you'd singlehandedly turn the WZ around if left untended :eek:

Edited by LaniAkavir
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