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They missed 2 lines from changes, surely


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All scoundrel/operative healing reduced by 10%


All commando/merc healing increased by 10%


That would go a massive distance to sorting things out. Very simple and easy to do, so therefore not even considered.

That's the most stupid idea I have seen on theses forums for a long while now.

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Thank god you are not a dev.


All scoundrel/operative healing reduced by 10%


And still, we have our free heals,HOTs, talents that grant UH below 30%, AoE heals and two good DCDs


All commando/merc healing increased by 10%


And yet, they still will be stunned/knockbacked/interrupted by the other classes, a free heal with a long cooldown, barely throwing one medical probe (all the rest being kolto bombs) and two DCDs wich have a cooldown time nowhere near scouperatives. and let's not mention hammershot, AKA "focus me first" skill.

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All scoundrel/operative healing reduced by 10%


All commando/merc healing increased by 10%


That would go a massive distance to sorting things out. Very simple and easy to do, so therefore not even considered.


So you wanna balance the game based on pvp issues eh?

You're wrong.

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So you wanna balance the game based on pvp issues eh?

You're wrong.


Because scoundrels aren't better than commandos at pve healing also?


They are very far ahead in both pve and PVP.


I did not suggest any mechanics changes, to keep the flavour of the classes. I do agree with hammer shooting yourself though. With that and the 10%'s I suggested, both PVP and PVE would be more balanced for healers.


See this is why they have done nothing. What ever they did people would moan. That free biscuit is not my favorite type if biscuit, it's an outrage!!!

Edited by Godlymuppet
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Because scoundrels aren't better than commandos at pve healing also?


They are very far ahead in both pve and PVP.


I did not suggest any mechanics changes, to keep the flavour of the classes. I do agree with hammer shooting yourself though. With that and the 10%'s I suggested, both PVP and PVE would be more balanced for healers.


See this is why they have done nothing. What ever they did people would moan. That free biscuit is not my favorite type if biscuit, it's an outrage!!!

....and, wrong again.


Mercmandos are behind of everything!! not only scouperatives, the heat/ammo management is awful, we are not very mobile healers, but nerfing the HPS of scouperatives is NOT the solution. And guess what class is the first choice for ops? newsflash for you buddy: the sorcsages, even though their force management is a bit tight, heals like salvation make them gold for the progression teams, even more than scouperatives. 2 sages on an op= success on PvE.


Even with that, mercmando healers are not very behind on PvE, it just take a lot more skill to do than scouperatives or sorcsages. They can do well on an op, specially if paired with sorcsages, and we can find op teams that may bring two mandos to NiM content. There is a little balance in PvE right now with the 3 types of healers.


And you say you don't wanna change the mechanics...if precisely the problem with mercmandos is the awful and unforgiving mechanics! the first and main, it's their energy management, and the second is the interrupt hell they suffer on PvP. Sorcsages have survival issues on arenas, so bioware have to work with that too.

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Merc / Sorc problem isnt actually how much they heal (they heal for A LOT).


The problem is that they CANT HEAL.


And even when they miraculously can heal, their energy management is borked for the fast pace of PvP combat.


They are completely and utterly screwed. Merc / Sorc healers are either unable to heal due to shutdown (while also being trained to death) or can heal for 2 mins until they run out of ammo due to the fight pace being different in PvP and PvE.


Who wold guessed bioware, the pace of the resource management is different in PvP and PvE!

Edited by Laforet
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Well, it's not the numbers that are the big deal, it's the interrupts, CC (CC Wars: The Stunlocked Republic for references) and AoE healing (not numbers, but the sheer lack of AoE healing) that is the problem with merc/mando.
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The problem is that they need a complete overhaul, which aint going to happen till an expansion. So I'm suggesting small tweaks, which may happen. Bioware are more likely to do something simple rather than complex.


As for pve, saying they can get simar results with more skilled play is admitting they are not as good. I know I mained scrapper for the longest period. Having to put 200% of the effort in that another player does, to get the same results, means your class is not up to scratch.


If you can't get off heals, due to interrupts, pushback or cc, increasing what you do get off by 10%, still makes you 10% more effective.


If the only thing you will ever be happy with is a full overhaul, then your gonna be waiting forever.


Sorcs rule pve due to the crazy way their aoe stacks, that maybe needs toning down too. Get all 3 healers in the same ball park. Then balance encounters around any healer being used.

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Because scoundrels aren't better than commandos at pve healing also?


They are very far ahead in both pve and PVP.


I did not suggest any mechanics changes, to keep the flavour of the classes. I do agree with hammer shooting yourself though. With that and the 10%'s I suggested, both PVP and PVE would be more balanced for healers.


See this is why they have done nothing. What ever they did people would moan. That free biscuit is not my favorite type if biscuit, it's an outrage!!!


Scoundrels are not amazingly OP in PvE. Since mobs can't interrupt your casts, Sages can literally heal to full in PvE. Even on lowbies where i don't even have half my skill points, I can keep players topped off in FPs with Sage heals, with a very small loss in energy.

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