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regular arena's


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Arena's should never allow 4 people on one side and 2 on another, its just stupid planning from bioware. put some checks in your system please, would rather hop around on fleet and waste my time doing that, then trying to fight an unwinnable battle.
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Arena's should never allow 4 people on one side and 2 on another, its just stupid planning from bioware. put some checks in your system please, would rather hop around on fleet and waste my time doing that, then trying to fight an unwinnable battle.


The only reason we got arenas in the 1st place was to divert our attention away from the fact that they MUST implement cross server PVP at some point. They have never worked out the kinks in PVP because there is no money to be made in PVP. It's a simple gear grind that takes no amount of dailies, or OPS to perform..therefore they could care less about the pvp community. Hell if they just fixed leap falling short i would be happy lol:p:D

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Matchmaking in arenas is a laughable at best. I think of all the arenas I have done so far there was only one time that the comps were actually matched well (tank, DPS, healer on both teams) and turned out to be a really fun game. Lately I've been seeing 2 tanks and dps vs tank,2 dps, and healer. granted, i don't run a lot of rated matches so if people who do want to confirm/deny that the matchmaking actually even tries to work and has a good degree of success?, because as matchmaking is right now, i get more excitement standing around on fleet looking for ops groups than fighting a fight that will last 10 seconds and no hope of a win
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Unranked arenas have no matchmaking at all, its just 4v4 of whoever was in line for a queue pop.


Ranked is supposed to have one but if not enough people are online to make it functional it just throws people together.


i'm in solo rated pretty much every night for hours (after I've completed the daily), and I've never experienced a match in which the team composition was not balanced according to role. there would be two sage healers masquerading as dps on the same team and marked as dps by the system, sometimes with a full healer or a tank and sometimes in a grp of 4 "dps," but the same role designations have always been mirrored on my team.


have you actually been in a solo rated that would place, for instance, 3 dps and 1 tank against 4 dps?


I know in 4v4 grp rated, there's no such comp matching and it throws together whomsoever's in the queue cuz the player pool is very shallow.

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