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Jedi Romance - Knight VS Consular (Mild Spoilers)


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So, after having seen all possible relationships that the Jedi Knight and the Jedi Consular can engage in, I find myself to be mildly confused.


As most know, the general rule for Jedi is to stay free of "attachments". I recall either of them even spoke of a "vow of non-attachment" they had to take. That of course doesn't hinder any player of these classes from falling in love, having sex with or marrying one of they crew members. What confuses me in this is the view the characters adopt when they do.


Class-specific spoilers ahead:



Male Knights who romance Kira seemingly brush off any trouble they could face for starting a relationship, even joking about it after having sex ("We'll find a way to live with the guilt, somehow" - JK). Kira however is at least concerned that Master Satele will eventually find out, because she is, as Kira puts it, not dumb. Considering the (true) rumors regarding Satele having a son herself, she at least hopes that she might be lenient when she finds out about them. They still keep it a secret, though. The Knight does make the point however that he's rather face down the whole Jedi Council than breaking up with Kira.


On the other hand, female Knights, if they don't go full-on sexual predator on Doc (which is pretty hilarious I have to say), express constant doubt about Doc's feelings and that they would face severe punishment if their relationship was exposed. This does even as far as telling him that, if she has to break her vow, it can't be for something casual, but has to mean something. I should also add that, aside from ONE flirt with Kira, the Doc romance is the only of the Jedi class romances that is constantly dark side. Kissing Doc, having sex with Doc, marrying Doc: All dark-sided choices. Not so with all other romances. I take it that one first flirt with Kira is dark side because the point at which it comes up is really, REALLY inappropriate.


The male Consular doesn't seem to very concerned with romancing his Padawan, Nadia (though I think this might actually be the most "dangerous" romance as far as the Jedi are concerned, since it's Master and student). Nadia even goes all out by the end of it and wants to show the whole Order how their relationship is strengthening them and that the Jedi Order shouldn't dismiss things that they have never experienced.


And then there's the female Consular, who can, when asked by Lieutenant Iresso of what consequences she would have to face if the Council found, outright tell him "If the Jedi is trustworthy and shows good judgement, the Council tends to be lenient." But it gets better: If she accepts his proposal, Iresso wants to hold a big wedding ceremony on TYTHON, in front of the entire Jedi Order (talk about having balls...). And then there's what's confusing me the most. In one of his love letters, he depicts how he was approached by a Jedi overseer who "questioned" him on his relationship to the Consular, and being the guy he is, Iresso answers truthfully and honestly. Thus far, there haven't been any consequences of this.



So in summary, I'm simply wondering why the status of Jedi players falling in love is depicted so differently. The basic idea that I'm getting from this is: A Jedi Master who is sitting ON THE COUNCIL and should function as a rolemodel for the entire Order can fall in love with whomever he likes, while the Order's greatest hero has to hide it in the face of being punished and/or being expelled from the Order.


I guess it could have something to do with both stories being written by different people (Hall Hood for the Knight and Joanna Berry for the Consular), but I can't shake the feeling that something here is just off. Any thoughts?

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I sort of see it like this...


Many Pope's were married and had children both before and after becoming Pope.


By the end of the story you are one of the Republic's greatest heroes.. the Jedi Order isn't going to publically swat you down and risk tainting all that you've done.

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So in summary, I'm simply wondering why the status of Jedi players falling in love is depicted so differently. The basic idea that I'm getting from this is: A Jedi Master who is sitting ON THE COUNCIL and should function as a rolemodel for the entire Order can fall in love with whomever he likes, while the Order's greatest hero has to hide it in the face of being punished and/or being expelled from the Order.


Well maybe because that one Jedi can only wave his/her lightsaber in fancy way, and the other has a giant army on his/her back :p You know we still need to win the war with the Empire. Once Emperor is out of the picture there is still Marr with his army.

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the jedi council does tend to turn a blind eye to a Jedi's relationships until/unless it becomes obvious something needs to be done. even the movies eistablish this, as if you read between the lines Obi-wan and presumably others knew about anakin and padme. (heck there's a scene in a novel where Obi-wan meets anakin outside of Padme's apartment and tells him "anakin even the younglings know where to find you at this hour"
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Well I think the Doc situation is considered Dark side just because of his torrid past, you would be entering a romantic relationship with a known womanizer and if Doc dumped the Female JK at the altar like he had done in the past with other women, the relationship would have simply been one of passion and not love. The female JK knows this is a major risk to their relationship, which is why willingly following a romance of passion is Dark Side. The other mentioned romances you find out that Kira, Grell, and the Luitennent are extremely loyal and devoted partners, and the romance is without a doubt true love.
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Yeah, considering the stance the Council and Jedi teaching take, I really think ALL romance options across the board for Knights and Consulars should have been worth DS points. I think it's silly, especially with Nadia, that there are no consequences whatsoever.


It really feels like any and all of the actual reactions to your actions in-game got taken out because people whined during beta and couldn't handle the thought of making choices with consequences. Kill a companion? Oh no, I didn't think they'd die! Get DS points for obvious DS actions? Oh no, I shouldn't be punished for my actions! Miss out on one title over another due to story reasons? I want everything, that's not fair!


The playerbase did a great job of taking the teeth out of a lot of story elements here. Funny thing is, I'd be willing to bet that 90% of those players aren't even around anymore, and those of us sticking around have a worse game for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I think the Doc situation is considered Dark side just because of his torrid past, you would be entering a romantic relationship with a known womanizer and if Doc dumped the Female JK at the altar like he had done in the past with other women, the relationship would have simply been one of passion and not love. The female JK knows this is a major risk to their relationship, which is why willingly following a romance of passion is Dark Side. The other mentioned romances you find out that Kira, Grell, and the Luitennent are extremely loyal and devoted partners, and the romance is without a doubt true love.


That pretty much summed up my thoughts perfectly. I haven't experienced them all directly but I don't mind spoilers, in fact I base part of my choices of what to play on them, watching youtube videos to see if the path is worth doing. I don't want to go through half the story to find out I hate the person I was about to "romance" only to want to delete and reroll (which is something I am reknowned for).



When watching the romances, although I know it doesn't capture the full story, Doc's seemed downright detestable. Why the JK would even want to be with the "scum of the earth" type that he reprsents himself to be. The whole twi'lek at the alter holocall was enough for me to know that this just ain't right.


I have to admit though, Nadia seems a bit far stretched for me. I think it might have been better with more time between the death of daddy and the man of her dreams, after all she appears to be a young girl, early 20's at best and you are her master who "consoles" her in her loss and falls in love... based on her comments in game fighting and crew skill quests, she just appears insecure, young, and seeking of your approval. It just feels like she sees you as a replacement for her dad and then you romance her... Something just seems off to me. She is the one I did the full story through as my Sage is the only 55 I have.




I just think they could have made more options for romance for the Jedi, having it be student master relationships that go too far is too limiting. I plan on running out some of the romances that seem okay to get a better impression of them but some (like Doc) just becomes obvious on why it is DS and having him be the only Romance/marriage one is just too much for my taste. More options in this game would be better.

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The Kira, Vette, Quinn, Kaliyo, and Mako stories are pretty well done. I've never been able to get past the grocery shopping mentality of the Consular story. Just bored me too much.


I'm in the same boat. I even think the Ashara romance is done well (opposites attract/Ashara as the naivete the Inquisitor lost by necessity long ago). I plan to use the double xp weekend to finally get through the Consular story.

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From what I've seen on the counselor and the knight the romance is very different.


With the counselor it takes a bit to get to the point of a romance with the trooper where with Doc is is almost like he wants to jump into bed immediately.


There is no progression of getting to know the person and that could be the problem and with Doc's past he has been known to jump into one bed to another at a whim. With Iresso it doesn't seem like that. He takes things a bit more slow, which could make a difference.

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