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Everything posted by ProfNekko

  1. Hey I was thinking about a cool feature that could be added to the game using legacy system. Legacy missions! Now this has probably been suggested before, but my idea is that if you get a character to max level and complete chapter 3 of their story, you can purchase a legacy perk that marks that character as the target for the Legacy mission. Only one character of each class in the legacy can unlock this perk, so choose wisely. Anyways what purchasing this perk does is unlocks two Legacy missions, one for Imperial, and one for Republic, and in these missions you get to play alongside your own character and their companions (excluding HK and Treek), or against them. For example, let's do the Jedi Knight and an example of their Legacy missions Republic side: Light in the dark Description: Your victories for the Republic are many and well known, but now another Republic hero calls for your aid. Jedi Master <Legacy Character Name> has been tasked by Grandmaster Satele Shan with raiding the Sith Acadamy on Korriban in order to save a Jedi bearing vital information, this mission is extremely dangerous, but with two of the Republic's greatest heroes on the task, victory should be possible, and this war will take a major swing in the Republic's favor. Imperial side: Extinguish them Description: This is a dark day for the Empire, whispers and rumors say that a Jedi snuck into Dromund Kaas and attacked the emperor himself during meditation, then escaped afterwords after proving unable to strike him down. to raise a hand against the emperor is the highest of crimes, and we have traced him/her to a Republic Warship in the outer rim, board the ship, find him/her, then cut them down and anyone who dares protect him/her. For the glory of the Empire! Anyways that's just an example of the mission in question, in the allies mission they would play as an NPC where they would aid you in completing the objective, while the enemies would be forced to fight their way though an area to get to their target and defeat them, and kill/spare/capture them however your Light Side/Dark Side fancies. The missions are non-cannon of course, but it would be fun to see just doing a mission alongside a character you created yourself.
  2. True, but the Emperor didn't need her anymore, he had you instead under his mind warping, at that point Kira was just a weak failure in his eyes and wanted her to be tortured and killed by the one she grew to admire most. In the Dark Temple the Emperor knew the JK was able to resist him utterly, so in that case he would be fine turning his/her allies against themselves.
  3. She can tune out his voice and influence, but I'm pretty sure being stuck right next to him would make his mind controlling power a little bit stronger then when he's using it on her from half a galaxy away
  4. Satele is not gonna be dying any time soon, since Tython is a very well defended planet and barring a full scale invasion breaking the line is not going to be easy. Attacking the senate will also be hard since the Republic won't be dumb enough to let their guard down for another sacking that's for sure. The Emperor only fell because he completely isolated himself from the rest of Kaas City and the Dark Council, and backdoors and stealth were used to sneak into his temple and end him. Jace Malcom also isn't going to die because he is raw ****** molded into human form that can curb stomp anyone fool enough to challenge him, he even gave Malgus a hard time. The way the storylines go, as the war progresses the Sith Empire becomes more unstable while the Republic becomes more stable. Constant backstabbings and power grabs are making the empire lose key figures left and right, while the Republic is purging multiple numbers of corruption, and replacing them with genuine altruists (say what you will about Saresh, but she does whatever it takes to protect the republic, she may be aggressive, but she gets the job done). And planets who's loyalties were in question have changed their tune and become stalwart defenders of the republic. Unless something happens to turn this war on its head, there will be a lot more sith deaths then republic
  5. Well I think the Doc situation is considered Dark side just because of his torrid past, you would be entering a romantic relationship with a known womanizer and if Doc dumped the Female JK at the altar like he had done in the past with other women, the relationship would have simply been one of passion and not love. The female JK knows this is a major risk to their relationship, which is why willingly following a romance of passion is Dark Side. The other mentioned romances you find out that Kira, Grell, and the Luitennent are extremely loyal and devoted partners, and the romance is without a doubt true love.
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