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[bug] Unecessary changes to flourish are preventing looping it +Flourish still borked


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Looping /flourish animation was really fun. Now it's no longer possible to use /flourish again without moving a character. It would also spam the chat with unnecessary trash emote announcement, like the class emotes. :[


Flourish is also still broken - weapons are not remaining sheathed but are returning into characters' hands (open palms, no battle stance) ignited.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Balmorra Bonus Series 2

Mission: The Neutralizer

After completing the required steps of shutting off the four generators, the final step of Sabotage the Neutralizer's mission item does not go active and cannot be clicked upon. Mission marker updates appropriately, but item remains inactive.

Multiple mission resets have no effect.

Mission was working previously, and was broken with the 2.4.1 update.

The Neutralizer is a series-critical mission, meaning the entire Bonus Series (this is one the two final missions) cannot be completed.

Edited by VanguardXL
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  • Dev Post
Two completely different threads were merged here, it seems.


Oh noes! This was total moderation failure on my part. Luckily, there are threads about both of these topics that I am posting in, so I'll close this one to allow for un-derped communication around both issues:



Clickable Mission Items


My apologies for the mistake. Thanks for keepin' me on my toes!

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