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Are you waiting for something else to play?


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My wife and I are playing now because we much enjoy gaming together and neither of us has found any other mmo that does it for us. We love SW and there are a few things about swtor that we enjoy so swtor has had our subs. We both think that it is a deeply flawed and much broken game that will never get better, so something else or not we do not have much time left here.


We are both looking at TESO and hope that it ends up being a quality game that will capture us. Our hopes are not high but we will see. We still have a bitter taste left by the swtor hype and anticipation and what this game could have been and so have a hard time believing any gaming company or buying anything being said.


As an aside, we both feel that it will be a very very cold day in July before we buy another EA or BW title.

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Wildstar? Seriously?


I took one look at the character models and graphics and went Ugh. Awful.


Regardless of how good the game mechanics might be I could not stand looking at those awful character models.


You must hate DreamWorks and Pixar.




Is Tom Clancy dead? I suspected as much since his books came out far too frequently back-to-back when I still worked at a bookstore.

Edited by ImpactHound
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You must hate DreamWorks and Pixar.




Is Tom Clancy dead? I suspected as much since his books came out far too frequently back-to-back when I still worked at a bookstore.

Yeah he croaked a few days ago.


And these pll that gripe about wildstar gfx. Its better than wow and they dont seem to habe problems with it.


And for ppl waiting eso i hope im wrong but with all the hype i dont think it will live up to it. It looks like a pretty boring generic game except for a few places the lore will shine but a lot of ppl dont care about lore if the gameplay is yawnfest the lore wont hold ppl by itself especially once u habe run the single player game to death. Hope im wrong but he combat just looks too boring. Id rather advance and level my character instead of a weapon. Or at least have both systems


For the sixty plus hours of supposed gameplay the vast majority midt be sideqiest cause i beat it in a week. Id rather them have made the story loger instead of making it mostly fluff poitless sideqiests that while fleshing out the world reslly contributed nothig to the main story


Being a werewolf was worthless and vampire was a pain i jist wished the end result was worthy of the awesome quests. I made it to 80 and then just sold my game cus there wss no point in playing unless you like destroying towns for no reason. Morrowind still the best one imp

Edited by mmjarec
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