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Yummy support thread


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Hello all!

So what has happened is that Yummy rerolled powertech, and now Gerikke and Roudy (the root of all evil) says that they won't use his PT. He spent 2 million credits on it and now he is as poor as a real life russian.


This thread is to raise awareness to poor russians as well as I am asking people to donate a little bit of credits to Yummy. Dig deep people! Yummy needs you!


Also I will post who has given what, and if you want to be annonymus it can be done as well. Our goal is 2 million.

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Just send a request to my crafting alt, Saciela, and I'll send mats worth of 150,000 credits


Only cash, what does this charity look like? A trade hub? Take those materials and convert them to cash, cold hard cash. Yummy needs twilek *****. They don't accept desh or sillica.

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Only cash, what does this charity look like? A trade hub? Take those materials and convert them to cash, cold hard cash. Yummy needs twilek *****. They don't accept desh or sillica.


But... but... I am not an auctioneer, dammit! I'm completely incompetent in that matter! :confused:

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We missed you, Basaz! :D



The forums were going a bit... stale, to be completely honest with ya. Chronoses left a loooong time ago, sadly, so we're counting on you, Basaz!




Also, when's your next book coming out? Loved the Yummy one :D

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Love you too Tannie! Who are you?

BTW Gerikke may write a book about "don't panic". Yummy and I need to read it.


Also I am glad to announce that NOBODY, not a single person has donated to Yummy. And now he has left the game. I hope you are all happy! :mad:

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"I am your Father" :csw_vader:


Lawl. :p I already said it! But let me explain, the second one on the other thread was Gerikke who said I should say that. But apparently my genious intellect had already come up with that and said it here. GEEEEEEERIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

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