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Servers Available: Tomb of Freedon Nadd and The Red Eclipse


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I wish they made characters freely transferable between servers... stuff like this would be irrelevant and I could play where the people are and where I feel like playing, independent of geography or time.


What is this "free" thing you mention??

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What is this "free" thing you mention??


:D yeah... and I also want a rainbow crystal ... the Disco crystal that cycles through colors and plays "Agadoo" when you swing the lightsaber at stuff... But that's just the coffee in me talking...

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Server is up for Red Eclipse Logging in now


Edit... Seem like some roll back but my quest for TFB is completed. I spent 2 hours sorting guild bank and all the crap is in my bag lol. 2 hours wasted but meh I'm happy game is back up!

Edited by KiraraKat
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