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The BattleZone! Round 1 Match 15: Satele Shan vs. Count Dooku


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Dooku has created maneuvers that were 100% effective on Qui-Gon Jinn. One of the maneuvers he designed to counter Ataru was to sweep the leg, causing them to flip over his head, then impale them.


We've seen Satele dodge attacks in this manner before.

Impale them in mid air?


EDIT: The count applied this tactic against Obi-Wan Kenobi, who blocked Dooku's blows with Soresu, on board the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand during the Battle of Coruscant.


Satele certainly has an excellent defense.

Edited by Beniboybling
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EDIT: The count applied this tactic against Obi-Wan Kenobi, who blocked Dooku's blows with Soresu, on board the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand during the Battle of Coruscant.


Satele certainly has an excellent defense.


The fact is, she has dodged attacks in a similar manner. Should give Dooku ample opportunity to kill her then and there.

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The fact is, she has dodged attacks in a similar manner. Should give Dooku ample opportunity to kill her then and there.
Except Satele never left her body/back exposed to such an attack as this:


Dooku's Makashi would counter Ataru by launching a series of thrusts toward the enemy's legs to draw the opponent into a flipping overhead leap, so that Dooku could burn through the enemy's spine from kidneys to shoulder blades with his Makashi attack.


I expect in part because she wielded a double bladed lightsaber. Regardless she always jumps so that her lightsaber remains flat to her opponent, making her capable of blocking attacks in mid air.

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Except Satele never left her body/back exposed to such an attack as this:


Dooku's Makashi would counter Ataru by launching a series of thrusts toward the enemy's legs to draw the opponent into a flipping overhead leap, so that Dooku could burn through the enemy's spine from kidneys to shoulder blades with his Makashi attack.


I expect in part because she wielded a double bladed lightsaber. Regardless she always jumps so that her lightsaber remains flat to her opponent, making her capable of blocking attacks in mid air.


Alright, just watched the trailer and you're right about that.


Still, there are other ways to beat her in lightsaber combat.

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Remember that Dooku has used the Force in the middle of combat several times, whereas Satele has not (based on Return and Hope). So he has that going for him.


Incorrect. Hope, she used the force to crush the tree when locked in a Saber lock...


And she's not just in those :p

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Incorrect. Hope, she used the force to crush the tree when locked in a Saber lock...


And she's not just in those :p


Alright, yeah. I suppose.


Well then point me to some more examples. As I said, I haven't read much on Satele.


Edit: Also note the wording. I said Dooku has used it several times, whereas Satele has not. I did not say Satele never used Force powers. Just that she hasn't done so often, from what I know.

Edited by Aurbere
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Question are we going with the two opponents as they are? Because if so it should be taken into account that Satele said she did become weaker than what she was beforehand.


Um... No.


I'm not the warrior I once was, those days are behind me.... Does not mean I'm weaker.


Edit: Not exact quote, going to get it now...

Edited by Selenial
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Um... No.


I'm not the warrior I once was, those days are behind me.... Does not mean I'm weaker.


Edit: Not exact quote, going to get it now...


Could, she did also say that the HoT surpassed her IIRC. But then haven't played on my JK in so long, maybe forgetting, I can be forgetful.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Never trust the Wookiee ;)


But back to Tutaminis. I believe a similar feat was performed by someone named Halcyon.


It was also preformed by Corran Horn...... and many other of the Halcyon family of which the horns are apart of all of which had extreme difficulties with telekinesis and could only preform feats with it when they absorbed energy from some where else via tutaminis and the heat energy many of them absorbed to pull off some really awesome feats were far less then the amount Sateele would have done against the lightsaber.

Edited by tunewalker
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It was also preformed by Corran Horn...... and many other of the Halcyon family of which the horns are apart of all of which had extreme difficulties with telekinesis and could only preform feats with it when they absorbed energy from some where else via tutaminis and the heat energy many of them absorbed to pull off some really awesome feats were far less then the amount Sateele would have done against the lightsaber.
What like a blowtorch?


All I can find is a lava spring, explosions and a stun baton. All of which would have produced more energy that the lightsaber Satele absorbed. Noting of course that Satele doesn't actually need to absorb any energy to perform these feats and their was a considerable gap between Satele catching the lightsaber and attacking Malgus.


I'd assume by that point whatever meager energies she consumed had dissipated. Heck one would think that any energies she did consume were expended in the act of holding back Malgus' sheer strength.


EDIT: I also consider it a tenuous assumption that this was the writer's intention. One they never care to elaborate on.


EDIT: Though it should be noted, when Dooku disarms Satele and goes for a lunge she'll block it with her hands.

Edited by Beniboybling
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So no double-bladed Lightsaber? She uses a single green one in that book. That changes things, I could imagine.


We'll have her as she is physically, but keep the double-bladed lightsaber. Simply because the analysis focuses on her use of that weapon.

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What like a blowtorch?


All I can find is a lava spring, explosions and a stun baton. All of which would have produced more energy that the lightsaber Satele absorbed. Noting of course that Satele doesn't actually need to absorb any energy to perform these feats and their was a considerable gap between Satele catching the lightsaber and attacking Malgus.


I'd assume by that point whatever meager energies she consumed had dissipated. Heck one would think that any energies she did consume were expended in the act of holding back Malgus' sheer strength.


EDIT: I also consider it a tenuous assumption that this was the writer's intention. One they never care to elaborate on.


EDIT: Though it should be noted, when Dooku disarms Satele and goes for a lunge she'll block it with her hands.


You mean she can block it, just because she did so before doesn't mean she would be able to do every time and really that should seem like a rare instance in happening.

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