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Vrook Lamar Best West Coast RP-PvE Server


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For all avid role-players: So far it appears Vrook Lamar is attracting the strongest Role-Playing coalition of the two RP-PvE West Coast servers. Although largely arbitrary due to random assignments of guilds and player preferences, as of Wave 5 release Vrook Lamar is receiving the fewest complaints in regards to immaturity on global chat and, so far, has the greatest number of medium-large well-organized guilds. We'll see if it stays that way...
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I can back this as well.


Great, honorable guilds like Redeemed and Shadow Company (the original one) both with long histories and consistent quality and maturity as well as Vis Vires will be deploying on Vrook Lamar.


Seeing how Vrook is also NOT on the SWTOR-RP.com 'super-server' list, I see the chance for a more open community with an open mindset than what 'the majority' dictates.


I'm looking forward to start here :)

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I can also say Vrook Lamar seems like the best of the two option available. I've been playing since yesterday on both to determine which one I wanted to stick with and the 'Super-Server' people definitely made a bad call. Vrook Lamar is more mature with a lot of players already engaged in RP events.
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2 days into it and I still have no complaints about Vrook Lamar. The only chat I've seen in general is of the helpful variety, a good amount of RP going on around the Tython area while I was passing through leveling, and a much appreciated lack of WoW comparisons. So far this is starting to look like the best kept secret in SWTOR to me.
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There is no such thing as a "best" RP server, it will always depend on where your hat is. Because home is where your hat is, and if you do not have a hat... Well. Get one.:hope_05:


That said, I am certain Vrook Lamar will be an excellent RP server with a delightful community. :)

Edited by Sotof
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