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Kaggath Tournament - Alliance of Worlds vs Krayt's Vision


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OK, my thoughts on the debate so far:


1. The Alliance and the KV are likely going to stalemate pretty quickly. The Alliance is going to inflitrate their worlds through Foerost and sabotage their supply routes while the KV are going to unleash the Krytos Virus. Both will have a considerable impact on their opponent infrastructure and keep them occupied. I feel in space nobody is getting a clear edge either, the KV can try the element of surprise but I think the Alliance will be ready. And Leia's battle meditation combined with the SpecForces capturing enemy ships will likely balance out the numbers difference.


2. Which leads me on to my second observation, turning points. On one hand we have the dangerous possibility of the Alliance infiltrating the Foerost shipyards and blowing them to kingdom come, and on the other hand we have the equally dangerous possibility of the Imp Commandos taking down some shield generators - both could turn the tide of the war quite dramatically - and I feel therefore these should be focused on as opposed to the above.


3. End game, either the Alliance are simply going to be overwhelmed or the KV are going to be pushed back to Byss. However the problem with the former is that taking down the shields isn't going to change the the outcome of the space battle, we can't just assume the KV can just clean up in this arena, they can't. If the KV just try to take the enemies planets and BDZ them they'll find themselves unstuck, they just don't have a big enough advantage. However the latter is also problematic, because even if the Alliance whittle down the enemies fleets the Byss Run will still be perilous and the KV can potentially just shut down the lane and strand the entire fleet.


So ultimately, new avenues need to be pursued. I think we should look at the plausibility and possible implications of the Foerost shipyards being destroyed, and ultimately vice versa. The KV do have an elite command unit as well. But I also think both the Alliance and the KV need a bigger trump card to push the war in their favour.


Most importantly the Alliance need to figure out a way to get to Krayt, with enough numbers to kill him, or lure him out.


EDIT: Also I think we can know start considering the outcomes of possible ground invasions. Because in the end the Imp Commandos probably won't succeed in taking down every shield generator. The Alliance will get wise.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Not what the Rules of Engagement says here....as I said though at minimum the Divisions were 8...minimum. Also it's 5 to 15 troops not 4, sorry. Where are you getting 200 and 40?





it falls into that category of average i mean if we were to try to calculate the average..... the average squad would be 10 people. Multiply that by 4 for a platoon you get 40 and by 5 again for a company we would get 200 for a company.



None of that matters because as Aurbere said earlier there was a total of 100k spec forces and if there were 10 divisions then 1 division would be 10k correct?

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when revealing them to the new republic he revealed them specifically to Leia, as far as i know.



Edit:"The topic quickly turned to what the New Republic actually wanted, and Organa Solo explained that they wished the Remnant to share its maps of secret Deep Core hyperspace routes. Pellaeon knew the Moff Council would not approve, and played the role of tough negotiator, requesting information in exchange. At some point, likely around the fall of Coruscant, information-sharing had broken down between the two parties. Organa Solo gladly turned over all the information the New Republic had discovered about the Yuuzhan Vong, including the recently-deciphered secret to Yuuzhan Vong communications. Now with something to show the Moffs, Pellaeon quickly agreed. He and the Solos chatted over dinner, and once it was done Organa Solo offered the Remnant an alliance. Pellaeon knew the Moffs would not approve, especially with the New Republic currently looking especially incompetent after the Coruscant debacle. Pellaeon looked for concessions, suggesting that giving the Remnant the rights to any unpopulated worlds it reconquered would push the Moffs onto their side. Organa Solo did not have the authority to agree to such an arrangement, but promised to make the offer to the New Republic. The Solos invited Pellaeon to dinner aboard the Falcon the next night, and there they exchanged information and toasted each other's government. Pellaeon sent the Falcon off with a new comm antenna, replacing one which had been damaged.[46]"

Interesting, its highly unlikely this will give them direct access to Byss. But it does mean they can access other planets such as Koros Major and ultimately reach the Byss Run itself.


Not sure why this wasn't brought up before...

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I don't, all it does his highlight how brilliant the Big Bang Theory is - cause I always find myself watching the last few minutes before it comes on.


And I never laugh. *serious expression*


How very dare you...


Ps: E4?

Edited by Selenial
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Ok for some additional attempts at trump cards. I give you the hapans With the hapans as far away as they are and with the transistor mists making it difficult to get into they are free to build and if my fleet gets pushed back I will have a place to bottle neck my enemies. Also with them building ships so far away from the action I can easily out produce my enemy and most certainly out last them Monetarily. In addition trained troops at Carida will allow me to bring reinforcements and if an Infiltrator gets close to one of the command staff of my enemy (say the Spec forces taking some of the ships has one get on board) the Hapan command gun could cause that commander to make an extremely big mistake at the wrong time.
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it falls into that category of average i mean if we were to try to calculate the average..... the average squad would be 10 people. Multiply that by 4 for a platoon you get 40 and by 5 again for a company we would get 200 for a company.



None of that matters because as Aurbere said earlier there was a total of 100k spec forces and if there were 10 divisions then 1 division would be 10k correct?


That is by GAR standards here not Rebel Alliance which had a different format and smaller numbers. One Division is only 1,800 X that by 10 you'd have 18,000....but then math isn't my strong suit I pretty much failed it yet I passed it anyway lol. So i'll lay down the specifics, so that those with better math skills can do it.


Division= 8 minimum, 10 max


Regiment= 3 to 6 companies, 4 normal


Companies= 5 platoons


Platoon= 5 squads


Squad= 5 to 15 troops


That is how the RoE book lays out out Rebel Specforce organization.

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Interesting, its highly unlikely this will give them direct access to Byss. But it does mean they can access other planets such as Koros Major and ultimately reach the Byss Run itself.


Not sure why this wasn't brought up before...


I thought I brought it up before? No wait. Yeah, I tried to post it, but then my internet went out. :o

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That is by GAR standards here not Rebel Alliance which had a different format and smaller numbers. One Division is only 1,800 X that by 10 you'd have 18,000....but then math isn't my strong suit I pretty much failed it yet I passed it anyway lol. So i'll lay down the specifics, so that those with better math skills can do it.


Division= 8 minimum, 10 max


Regiment= 3 to 6 companies, 4 normal


Companies= 5 platoons


Platoon= 5 squads


Squad= 5 to 15 troops


That is how the RoE book lays out out Rebel Specforce organization.


oh wow 5 squads well lets do the average again then a platoon would be 50 then..... a company 250..... 1000 normal for a reginment (3 being 750, 6 being 1500) and 8 minimum regiments makes 8k and the maximum (which i am propsing i get) is 10k.

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I thought I brought it up before? No wait. Yeah, I tried to post it, but then my internet went out. :o


I think we have all kind of tried to bring it up like i said i had to do some digging real quick.



That being said i am not seeing anything about the secret Lanes needing constant remapping so the "deep core" could be much more open to my troops then that and we may just find ourselves fighting on the secret lanes themselves.

Edited by tunewalker
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Well either way i need to think up some new scenario's though the scenario #1 at post #415 is still viable the numbers have to be adjusted and i argue that i would still be able to pull everything off as it describes there using less numbers to attack but likely with same overall effect. Less people infiltrating but same effect so on and so forth. reason being is because I was trying to give the 501st more credit then I overall think they deserve in this regard. They never fought a solo war against the rebels and the Battle of Hoth was just a company on both sides of that and the rebels at that time had no awnser to AT-AT's now they have...........









Other plans will need slight adjustment and probable more argueing on my part as such i need more time to compile them.

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Ugh. How I Met Your Mother is just as bad.


Jeez Sel, no taste. :p

BBT is funny, but not as good.

We get it, Sheldon has no social skills and can only ask his girlfriend to bed through dungeons and dragons, Howard lost his virginity to his cousin.... Yeh, we get it.



How I met your mother is Ok, rules of engagement ROCKS.

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Also beni we did figure out my ground numbers right.



36.8k standard troops


10k Special forces.



????? special Ops


we never said how many special ops I get 100.... 50..... I had 20,000-30,000 to start how many do I have now.

SpecForces and SpecOps are the same thing....
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SpecForces and SpecOps are the same thing....


no they are not..... they are 2 completely different divisions and operate differently.






"The Alliance Army's infantry was formed partly of the Alliance Special Forces, Sector Forces, and SpecOps divisions. "


"Special Operations and Special ForcesEdit

SpecOps Trooper

A SpecOps trooper

Though bearing similar names, Special Operations and Alliance Special Forces were two completely different groups. While Special Forces (SpecForce) were highly trained active military professionals, tasked with performing specific, carefully planned operations, Special Ops agents engaged in murky undercover missions and chaotic, unplanned operations with only minimal input from Alliance Command. Though SpecForce personnel recognized the need for SpecOps, and vice versa, rivalry between the two groups ran deep; SpecOps personnel viewed SpecForces as arrogant, uptight, and overtrained, and SpecForce personnel viewed SpecOps (or "spooks," as they liked to call them) as amateurs who relied on luck to carry the day.[4]

SpecForces sometimes used Mission Group personnel as "other specialists" such as transportation specs, pilots, communication experts, translators, medical technicians, supply specialists, and so on. Such personnel were often referred to as "recovering spooks" by the SpecForce units they were attached to.[1][4]


Conversely, sometimes Special Forces troops were assigned to Special Operations units; these individuals were referred to as "specters" by other SpecForce personnel.[4]


Special statusEdit

The SpecOps had special status within the Rebellion, which also meant that they had special privileges. For example, medical frigates would often reserve entire wards for SpecOps personnel. This was the case of the Mercy where ward 114 was reserved exclusively for Alliance SpecOp personnel and for mercenaries working as Rebel agents.[5]"



I can go futher but ultimately no they are different.

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OK, well these guys seems very rare and elite so lets go with 1,000.


thank you better then i hoped :D ok going to get me some Sandwhiches take a bit of a break and then try to come up with some additional scenarios to go along with the one on #415



Ok i caught you before the edit :p but i guess that means 500 lol.

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